Here's an idea: next time we're offered vaccinations at the doctor's office, we should agree "only on the condition that it be administered as a bolus into a vein (i.e. injected directly into a vein with a quick push)". Of course the doctor or nurse should refuse and probably say that that's not an allowable way to give an injection. But the research in Marc's book shows that at least 5% of "intramuscular injections" can be shown to be direct IV injections (the other 95% go IV to varying degrees)!!!! How many health care workers would understand the paradox in this situation and how many have too much cognitive dissonance to see their mistake????

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Hi Tina,

I wouldn't risk that. They might gladly do it...

I have realized that 100% of the shots send part of the dose in IV.

Roughly 5% are harmful, either because the bolus is so big and causes tremendous damage or because it goes to a sensitive place.

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Of course if any of them agreed to do it, we should run away and never come back!!! I was assuming that licensed healthcare professionals would understand the physiological difference in those different injection protocols, but sadly, I agree that it's too big a risk to assume that the medical "experts" at this point truly understand the difference between intramuscular and intravenous.

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I applaud you sir. The elegant Bolus Theory pretty well explains EVERYTHING. It explains why not every kid turns autistic from vaccines, and it explains why some covid jabees had horrendous issues while others did better. Of course, we also know that some batches of the covid witches brew were significantly more dangerous, but if you only inject into muscle, the body has infinitely more defenses against it. Same goes for the dangerous doses of aluminum in "normal" vaccines. Process IM, much of it can be eliminated. IV, you get the whole magilla.

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Thank you for your trust.

I hope you'll enjoy the book, which goes into much more detail about it all.

For me, the "Lot Theory" is falsified and is essentially an illusion caused by the age prioritization of the lots. The older, the more sensitive to serious adverse reactions and deaths. So the lots that were prioritized to elderly naturally have more SAEs and deaths.

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Even an IM injection, as Marc states in the comments, will have some degree of IV seepage due to the pressure differential. So, there is no such thing as an "IM-only" injection.

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'No such thing as an "IM-only" injection.' Well said!

Knowing this, WHO in their right mind would risk harming their baby? Not one, but over fifty injections. The odds are terrifying. The lack of investigation by medical and pharmaceutical industries as well as the level of stonewalling, is quite frankly, unfathomable and disturbing.

Excellent read Marc. Great to have you back on Substack. Anyone who reads your book will know exponentially more than they imagined. It really is a book to educate and arm the people. Finally bought "The Needle's Secret" for every family member. They now have an excellent resource, ready to find answers for their own health and ready to challenge the next work place & or or medical madness.

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Jul 28Liked by Marc Girardot

The creation of antibodies alone has never been adequate evidence regarding the efficacy of vaccines.

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Of course not.

Neither do systemic T cells.

Only IgAs and Resident memory T cells in the mucosa could have.

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The vaccines have other problems as well. They have only a fraction of the natural antigen, hence the immune system produces antibodies only to that fraction (epitope) and when exposed to the natural pathogen mounts a partial attack, attacks the vaccine epitopes and tolerates the rest of the epitopes. The route of exposure to vaccine antigens is through disrupted skin, while to natural pathogens is through air, gut, skin, hence no immune response is built in the airways and gut, only in the blood.

The vaccine adjuvant Aluminum hydroxide skews the response toward Th2 mediated, allergic type. The vaccination is done early in life, repeatedly, hence this allergic predisposition continues through life and causes chronic conditions.

In the case of covid vaccines, after repeated injectio they cause tolerance.

Vaccines are like venom: antigen delivered through puncture of the skin, hence they can cause systemic reactions even without being directly injected into the blood.

Your idea is very nice though and I will ask the nurse to aspirate before vaccinating, if there will ever be the case.

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Thanks for your comment.

(1) Aspiration isn't enough. 100% of the doses go IV to some degree without being inserted inside a blood vessel by sheer pressure differential.

(2) I want to reiterate my stance: vaccines, in my view, are largely unneeded and ineffective. I've detailed this in my book, where I argue that they operate like a Ponzi Scheme: the more they cause harm, the more they justify further vaccination to address the adverse events caused by previous vaccines but labeled as diseases.

(3) Tolerance is a fallacy, respectfully. The IgG4s come in after jab3 because antibodies were produced at jab2, but very few spike proteins were produced because T cells destroyed transfected cells early. So there was no need for Abs, and so IgG4 came. This isn't tolerance.

(4) Venom doesn't cause systemic shock when infused into the body at small doses.

Same with vaccines.

See my article: https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/how-do-post-vaccination-circulating?utm_source=publication-search

(5) Allergies, it's quite evident that the immune system is associative, and so people can become allergic because of vaccines. they can also become intolerant because of leaky endothelium (asthma, celiac...)

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"Venom doesn't cause systemic shock when infused into the body at small doses." Looking at venoms like the poison arrow frog venom, or man-made toxins like ricin, very small doses of both poisons cause death without going directly into the vascular system. There are some poisons so toxic that even small doses will cause systemic shock.

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I can be wrong, but to my knowledge, Ig4 antibodies are produced at the end of an immune reaction that starts with Ig1 and bring tolerance. Ig1 is produced when the antigens are injected into the blood like IV drugs (or the vaccine). But frequent exposure is needed to create that tolerance, so 4 jabs only may be few. The issue with the allergic skewing of immunity is that it is for life when the vaccines are given in infancy. I think that vaccines may even be increasing the rate of transgender females, see the reasoning here: https://psikolog1.substack.com/p/how-allergies-and-vaccines-may-be

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Look at Ogata et al. (May 21),it shows hardly any spike protein is produced post inject #2 (T cells doing their job) . So it's absolutely unnecessary to produce antibodies, could even be dangerous, so IgG4s post jab 3.

No one talks about it bc that would kill vaccines. Is simply means T cells are the key not antibodies.

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Hi Marc. Still love your theory and I do share it with those I know. Question for you. Many vaccine injured have been diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (or think this is part of the picture for them). Have you given any thought to how the Bolus Theory relates to this? John Campbell had on a MCAS specialist talking about this disorder. I watched another interview with her, and she spoke about the many vaccine injured suffering with this:


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Mast cells are intimately tied to smooth muscle cells which are at risk when the endotheium is damage. This should not be a surprise Jean-Pierre given how the endothelium is damaged...

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Well thought-out and well-articulated summary of the Bolus Theory. Why not add the concept of the probabilities of creating a bolus effect while injecting in a muscle to complete the story in one short essay.

It looks like some of the readers still don't understand that if no cell damage occurs from these and many other vaccines, no immunity is rendered. So, the analogy of "poison" in the context of dosage is essential for the vaccines to function as intended. It is the occasional unintended creation of a Bulos, a high concentration of the poison, that leads to permanent harm!

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You are reading my mind, Farhad.

100% of shots go IV...after that it's the severity of where it goes (that's an exposure % based on the size of the sensitive area), how close the ruptured vessel is (for the size of the length of the bolus) and how big the vessel is for the size of the bolus...

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Jul 26Liked by Marc Girardot

Marc, a story: three weeks ago my husband and I were invited to lunch at the home of a couple from the church we've attended for a year and a half. The husband half of the couple is a vaccine researcher/developer that works at the same university as my husband. He is mainly funded by the CDC, and proved himself very outspoken about vaccines, how they never do harm, how many fellow parishioners outed themselves as crazy antivaxxers during covid, etc. He then told us about a doctor at church who claimed that two of his patients had died directly after getting the shot, and this man then called that doctor a liar, since no vaccine has ever killed anyone, etc. I thought "oh dear, I'm going to have to say something" but I knew I couldn't possibly challenge him directly in his area of expertise since I've got none myself. So I said "what if they really did die, and it was because of a bad injection technique? If the pay load went directly and fast into the blood stream then it's possible a bolus went straight to their heart, for example, and the doctor is in fact telling the truth!" He looked at me a little differently then, paused several beats, and then declared it impossible and we moved on to safer topics. I tried.

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Impossible...the poor fellow didn't listen to his Physics teacher in 4rth grade...

Denial is immense...and it is dictated by ego and triggers the worst evil sadly.

Happy you had at least some bullets to fight...am sure you've cracked his defense...it's going to haunt him at night🤯

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Denial seems to be a new religion.

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The real results of the jab likely are a generation away, when we find that the kids who were jabbed, and the kids of the the pregnant and soon-to-be pregnant moms who were jabbed “suddenly” are found to be infertile. If there’s another logical reason to keep classified the test results of pharmacies (other than litigation), I can’t think of what that might be…

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Read my book. You will understand. Yes there is a risk of infertility, yes there is a risk of genetic disorders. Yes, there is a risk of cancer. I explained it all in detail.

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Wouldn’t one expect, if you are correct, that, let’s call them “bolus-induced injuries,” would be correlated to body mass, which would alter the ability of the body to absorb and deal with the toxin? Even if the injury is only to the immediate injection area, there will be more or less vasculature, muscle, subcutaneous fat, etc., depending on the mass (and BMI?) of the injectee, no?

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Yes, and no.

the bigger the mass, the more buffer.

Women who have a larger reproductive organ, are less at risk of harm than men, but more at risk of infertility.

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I get that harm can come from concentrated dose of poison (concentrated in both volume and time) but what about low levels of toxin (adjuvants such as aluminium) in many standard vaccines that accumulate. These are never cleared and accumulate over the years. It may be a minor adjustment to your bolus theory, but can it be dismissed as trivial? All I’m saying is there are multiple pathways to harm; the bolus theory of poisoning due to rate of dose may be the biggy, but for an accumulation of a toxin that is never cleared and does damage over time eg altzeimers, it occurs apart from the bolus theory harm. PS love your work

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Aluminum is not a toxin. It's an element which is quite present in our environment.

Aluminum doesn't accumulate. Amyloids might accumulate in the brain bu only when anti-amyloid antibodies are starting to lack (old age).

The body has albumin and many other buffering and neutralizing strategies to eliminate them.

Toxins are dealt with antibodies.

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Are you suggesting that Drive Chris Exley’s entire lifetime of work on aluminium toxicity is wrong Marc? Aluminium rarely occurs unbound in nature because it’s so reactive and as far as I understand, aluminium salts have no known biological function. Mankind’s industrialisation of aluminium has released it in large quantities into our environment from multiple sources, one of which is by injection from aluminium adjuvants in vaccines that are injected into babies and children.


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Hi Marc,

‘I am not suggesting. I am proving’... That’s a bold statement! 🙂 Have you raised this with Dr Exley?

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that damage to the BBB and immune senescence are the issue in alzheimers,.... What about autism and the increased levels of aluminium Dr Exley found in brain tissue? Also, children don’t have immune senescence, so what is the mechanism of harm there?


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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Author

Hi Emma,

I am not suggesting. I am proving.

(1) Neurodegenerative diseases are always preceded by a leak in the BBB.

It's the leak that lets in Aluminum, nothing else.

(2) Alzheimer patients, unlike healthy patients, all lack anti-amyloid antibodies.

It is the combination of both, the leak (caused by T cell attacks induced by a bolus of vaccine) and immune senescence (hence the lack of Anti-amyloid Abs) that triggers neurodegenerative disease.

Aluminum is present in nature in many forms. The idea that it would cross the BBB easily is false. It can cross when the BBB is broken down. But, the body has multiple ways to neutralize it notably with albumin.

If one calculates the relative concentration of albumin versus an infused dose of Aluminum at injection (ie pre-dilution) each molecule of Aluminum is surrounded by 3,500 molecules of Albumin, and that's not even counting Ferritin and Transferrin...By the time the vaccine reaches the brain, the dilution is likely 0,5mL in 120mL of a heart chamber. So 240x, or a ratio of Albumin/Aluminum of 840,000. How would any Aluminum not get mitigated by Albumin, and neutralized?

The harm is done via a bolus.

100% of the IM injections go IV some (see Buergin et al./Nakahara et al. ), after that it's a Russian Roulette. Only the bolus followed by concentrated Tcell attacks can destroy the endothelial cells in the brain capillaries. Aluminum can't do that. If it did everybody would be sick.

We can deal with low dose poison, see above....

Hope all is well on your end.



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I disagree. While aluminum can be found in foods or water, it is never ordinarily taken into the body via needles, naturally. Then it becomes a toxin with the body unable to deal with it as it would through ingestion. I believe that the amyloid plaques are actually a repair mechanism, like cholesterol in arteries.

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Amyloids happen every day. They are misfolded proteins, and the body deals with those every day. I addressed that precisely in this article: https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/will-ignoring-capillary-leakage-lead

Nothing is ordinarily taken by needles, but Aluminum is the abundant metal in the Earth's crust, it is very natural that we would have ways to mitigate its presence in our bodies.

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"poorly biodegradable aluminum-coated particles injected into muscle are promptly phagocytosed in muscle and the draining lymph nodes, and can disseminate within phagocytic cells throughout the body and slowly accumulate in brain": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4318414/

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Phagocytes are meant to process out, nor accumulate. This simplified view of the body is a fallacy. We are a dynamic system. Accumulations of foreign material qre processed by a healthy immune. It's because the immune system ages that accumulation occur.

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Or due to individual susceptibility. It is frequent that the opposite is achieved of what is intended.

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You might be interested in checking out the work of the scientist Christopher Exley and his book "Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom -- Discussions with Mr. Aluminum". He has demonstrated that autopsies of the brains of children with autism symptoms have a very high content of aluminum.

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I know of Chris Exley's work. Unfortunately, I have falsified his work.

The leak in the BBB precedes all degenerative diseases. Aluminum isn't the problem. A leaky BBB is, see my article s on vaccine induced BBB leakage.

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What the heck is it, a health food? Do you want aluminum in your body for any reason?

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The purpose of this article is for people to understand what is truly toxic.

Everybody is avoiding the elephant in the room to focus on irrelevant details.


Aluminum isn't cytotoxic. It requires an enormous dosage to be toxic. It's amazing how much people have been tricked into thinking vaccines carry no risk, and it's the adjuvants that can be harmful. That's a fallacy.

The elephant in the room is vaccines direct the immune system to kill the cells they penetrate. Aluminum doesn't do that...it gets mostly neutralized by albumin and triggers an immune reaction that stays outside cells. BTW there's no aluminum in COVID vaccines, only protein vaccines require aluminum.

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No, but our bodies can deal with low doses, just like it can deal with mercury.

Studies have showed how much mercury healthy Portuguese kids pee out over decades...

Once again, the vaccine particles trigger a reaction which is lethal to cells. Aluminum cannot be as toxic as the vaccine per se.

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And in some cases, the lethal cell reaction is impossible for the body to contain, and in other cases, the lethal cell reaction is easy for the body to contain, based on the dose/location? What about the health of the body, or the body's allergic reaction to that particular toxin -- do those play a part, or is it only the dose/location?

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I would imagine that vaxxine QC plays a role here. Seems like some COVID vaxxine lots caused significantly more harm than others. Given how big Pharma lied about the effectiveness and harms caused by it, why would I believe they got the dosages correct?

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Add a less toxic poison to a highly toxic poison, would make the poison less dangerous. That would not change the Mithirdate Conundrum, you don't have enough to harm

Do you understand how poisonous the vaccine particles are?

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Very much so. I have a family member who was vaxxine injured.

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Most vaccines are poisons because they trigger a T cell attack on transfected cells. That makes them more toxic than most toxins which lose their toxicity as they disseminate and dilute.

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Hello Marc;

While the adage that “dosage makes the poison” was once vaunted knowledge, like everything else a beautiful “fact” now renders that knowledge into ignorance.

Any current thinking of toxicology must not only consider dosage, but now as you’ve proven “scale” too. I’d add that “dosage timing of exposure during development” is equally as important.

Dosages of mg/kg scaled from an adult to an infant are not linear. An embryo or infant is not a fully developed organism, whereas the adult is (well physically perhaps). Therefore, “timing of exposure during development” is also crucial to determine toxicity.

The Bolus Theory has added complexity to comprehending previously held simplistic teachings. Therefore, any medical education now requires a paradigm shift from it’s centuries held concepts of what injection and toxicity are.

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Hi peter,

Thanks for your comment.

I have had this comment already.

Yes, a child gets relatively more, but the poisonous aspect probably kicks in with 4-5 orders of magnitude more. So a child that is say 20 times smaller than an adult doesn't gets a 2 orders of magnitude bigger shot. Don't think that would be enough.

In any case that's not what we are seeing. This is not limited to children.

In the case of the IV shots it's 300,000x more concentrated, 5 to 6 orders of magnitude higher.

Timing indeed can play a role in the severity as some areas are not developed.

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I have bought, but not yet read your book but it’s top of the stack….

Being a manual worker, (élagueur) I have no scientific background but….

Besides the damage caused by the delivery method, wouldn’t it be the case that each body has a unique profile (genetic,health) which, combined with the condition of the body at the moment it receives these injections, combined with possible variations in product “quality control” (sterility, contamination), are going to come together to determine outcome? It seems as though even with food or supplements or medicines that are not injected, people have vastly different based on their unique genetic and overall health profile at the moment that their body receives whatever substance it is. Obviously, injecting even small regulated doses of toxins directly into the bloodstream can have nothing but the catastrophic affects we are seeing today.

Thanks so much for bringing this topic to the table and I look forward to reading your book within the next month.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Author

Thank you for your trust. The book is very readable.

You are correct that the context might worsen things. For example, if the elderly have more difficulty managing the shock, or if you're already damaged, another IV shot will make it much worse for some. But generally speaking, the main root cause is the IV injection. If you don't have that, you don't have harm.

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Immune system response cannot be ascertained uniformly between individuals. What might be a small dose for many can be a large dose for few who’s immune system is compromised. Similarly, cellular uptake can very widely and isn’t calculable where spike proteins are produced at varying rates. No doubt the Bolus dynamics are a prominent factor in every injection, but formulating a standard delivery for masses or even individuals doesn’t seem possible, much less practical.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Author

Respectfully, I disagree Tom.

(1) If you were right, you'd have a profile in the victims. There isn't one. It's not specifically the kids, or the healthy, or the sick.

(2) For doses to become toxic, you need several orders of magnitude differences typically 3 or 4. Here the difference is at least 300,000x. You don't get those differences between human beings, you get 1 order of magnitude differences often much less. That's not enough.

(3) As to the immune system, it's the tricked immune system that is causing the harm...seems to me it's doing the same harm in the elderly and the young, in the sick and the fit, in the black and white, etc...

(4) formulating a small dose for everybody is possible evidently. Actually, they could lower the current dose a 1,000x if they delivered it in the dermis where dendritic cells are more present.

Again, poison is dose-related.

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There is another component that no one even wants to talk about…

Precipitins…. Most vaccines are one shot wonders.. you take one once a year… and that is enough to make someone produce antibodies.. but if you inject another in a shorter time frame .. you then produce antigens… and then if you boost again and again.. your body switches into IGG4 which is a signal to ‘stand down’ the immune system.

Problem with antibodies and antigens floating around together.. is they bind at the double branches to form long chains of proteins… these can interfere with micro circulation with disastrous consequences… can you not see why some people are getting reactions?

Thus explains why it’s a bad idea to force anyone who caught Covid before a vaccine.. they already have the primer and made antibodies.. along come the injection and boom.. they make antigens.. which make precipitins… clots and cerebral or cardiac complications often follow… not through ticins but through conjoining strands of proteins.

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IgG4 is perfectly natural. Simply because spike proteins are hardly produced after jab2 because resident T cells destroy contaminated cells very, very quickly, and therefore, antibodies need to be down-regulated.

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It has various normal functions in the body, but in IgG4-related disease, causes long term inflammation..immune cells that produce IgG4, along with other related cells, accumulate abnormally in certain organs and damage them. The affected organs can enlarge and may eventually fill with scar tissue (fibrosis) and the damage can be permanent.

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Are you saying this is proof these vaccines are working?.. it seems some people have long term issues clearing these spikes…repeatedly jabbing seems to turn off what they wanted to turn on.. my thinking leans towards an exhausted immune system.. they have limited depleted reserves often in people with comorbidities …

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The vaccines are not working because they aren't providing a mucosal preemptive immunity. But yes, they trigger a T-cell immune reaction against cells contaminated by the vaccine.

And Ogata has shown that hardly any spike is produced post-jab 2.

Those with supposedly LT circulating spike (traces of spike in lymph nodes is perfectly normal is not circulating spike) remain to be documented in a research paper. It is a possibility via stem cell contamination, but there is zero evidence that this is causing harm. What is causing harm are concentrated (in foci) Tcell attacks. And that's the result of a bolus;

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"Without a sufficient dose, there can be no vaccine harm…"

This seems to be a defence of the ever-increasing vaccination and revaccination schedule...against diseases which were never a serious threat to most people.

The 'Covid' debacle is now bringing this into high relief.

The ongoing protection for the Church of Vaccination is a threat to the mass populations of babies, children and adults who continue to be exploited by lucrative vaccine products.

There must be an urgent investigation into international vaccination schedules, including the vast array of conflicts of interest.

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I am not defending anything.

I am stating facts.

Understanding how and why kids are harmed is paramount because we can stop this tomorrow. Send my book to public health authorities challenging them with their flawed injection technique.

However ,they inject in IM part of the dose goes IV (against protocol) and harms.

We stop that from happening we save the lives of millions.

I agree with you that vaccines are likely a fraud and are often not justified.

But that battle will be long, resource-intensive and risky.

Changing the injection technique is simple and can reach enormous benefits very quickly.

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Marc you say “I agree with you that vaccines are likely a fraud and are often not justified.”


Procrastination must stop.

This scandal is out of control, action must be taken now.

We must challenge the burgeoning vaccination and revaccination schedule, demand accountability now.

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Hello Elizabeth,

My book "The Needle's Secret" is the investigation.

No need to go any further: Harm by systematic IV injection is not limited to children, but indeed the children who have been submitted to an atrociously wide number of shots are the principal victims.

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Marc you say "Vaccines are generally innocuous and do not harm specific people despite their cytotoxicity."

After 16 years of researching this topic myself, I'm questioning all the vaccine products, the entire idea of vaccination.

Mass populations of people are being subjected to these medical interventions, after being told a tissue of lies about the risk of disease, which I suggest in most cases is self-limiting.

For example, 'Covid', a name given to a collection of common respiratory symptoms which are not a serious threat to most people.

So many other vaccine products are open to question - HPV, pneumococcal, meningococcal, chickenpox, etc.

Vaguely saying "Vaccines are generally innocuous..." is not getting to the point.

The question is, are vaccines needed at all? What are these interventions actually doing, they are of highly questionable value.

These are questions that have been suppressed for years.

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You need to read my book. You clearly haven't read it.

I am not saying vaccines can't be dangerous.

I am saying that the harm comes from the injection technique.

That's why all vaccines are dangerous.

The only thing they share is the injection technique and the immune reaction.

Not acknowledging that vaccines when they are well injected are innocuous is wrong. Billions of people can testify to that. That's why the

That's why no progress is made, because the root cause keeps being hidden.

The vaccines per se if well injected are innocuous in those doses.

but the problem is they can never be fully innocuous because an IV injection always occurs...

If you want to stop the kids from being harmed tomorrow, write letters to PH authorities challenging them on their delivery technique which is off-protocol 100% of the time! That should stop harm immediately.

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Marc you say “Not acknowledging that vaccines when they are well injected are innocuous is wrong.”

How can you say “vaccines when they are well injected are innocuous”?!

You can’t possibly know that.

The vaccination and revaccination schedule has blown out enormously in recent years, we have no idea of the long-term cumulative effects of the increasing vaccine load.

In so-called developed countries children are subject to regular flu vaccination, and now even Covid injections, on top of all the other vaccine products, including aluminium-adjuvanted vaccines which have increased dramatically in recent years.

This is the real emergency in the world, the onslaught of needles and vaccines, and the stealing of personal autonomy and bodily integrity.

I lay much of the blame at the feet of the medical ‘profession’, which has collaborated with the gross exploitation of the world’s people with these highly questionable medical interventions.

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Respectfully, either one does science, or one does voodoo magic.

I have worked over 10,000 hours on this and analyzed all the details.

I can prove everything I say.

(1) many people have had vaccines and are fine ie they have no D-dimers or traces of harm post-vaccine. They are factually fine. Stating otherwise is non-scientific. Just so you understand the dose of Pfizer is 1/5 of the dose of bee sting. In general, bee stings are innocuous (beyond the immediate pain and inflammation and when it doesn't go IV!).

(2) If the vaccine particles are progressively trickled into the bloodstream, the concentrations will be extremely low (they are calculable), and the body will disseminate the poison like it disseminates everything else. I have outlined 7 cardio-vascular mechanisms of harm that are impossible without a bolus.

For example, hitting simultaneously 750 times a 1 sq.mm. area of the endothelium to create a clot or an aneurysm is probabilistically impossible without a Bolus!

The 5 genetic mechanisms of harm (High/low grade cancer, genetic disorders) I have outlined are theoretically possible without a bolus, but the probabilities are extremely low. Why? because we have evolved against that.

I don't disagree with you that there are way too many vaccines, and that they are essentially unjustified. And I have many elements of proof for that too.

But here my purpose is to highlight what is causing harm, and how easy it would be to stop it. FYI, it's not limited to vaccines BTW.

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Marc you say “I don't disagree with you that there are way too many vaccines, and that they are essentially unjustified.”

This is the fundamental issue Marc, this is what must be addressed.

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