The Mithridates Conundrum
Poison comes from dose. Most vaccines are cytotoxic but well-dosed. If poisonous, the dose dynamics are necessarily broken...
For three years, friends and foes, genuine skeptics or biased detractors, have challenged the Bolus Theory without any argument other than “It can’t be the only explanation!”.
Most scientists and doctors paid lip service to the Bolus Theory’s seriousness to immediately sideline it without evidence of its marginality. This has been the best way to ignore the Bolus Theory for three years and to continue harming people, notably children, who are getting their vaccine schedule.
Everybody is focused on “a bigger fish to fry,” a fantasy hypothesis that allows some to contribute more to scaremongering or unsubstantiated science fiction. For those who can still have an honest perspective on all this, it's time to acknowledge the scientific reality that poison is a combination of toxicity and dose.
I have repeatedly demonstrated that most vaccines are (cyto)TOXIC. So, there’s no need to find any other mechanism of harm. Vaccines can indeed be harmful, but they are dosed so as not to harm. Therefore, only a change in the dose dynamics can drive harm.
Without a sufficient dose, there can be no vaccine harm…
Mithridates VI of Pontus (135-63 BC), known historically for his remarkable resistance to poisons, famously inoculated himself against potential assassination attempts through controlled exposure to various toxins. This ancient ruler took minute amounts of poisons, a method which has since been dubbed "Mithridatism."
Among the poisons he used were arsenic and a complex mixture known as Mithridatium, which was said to contain up to 65 different ingredients, including snake venom and opium. His systematic approach to building immunity illustrates an early understanding of dose-response in toxicology, an important principle in modern science. This highlights that controlled doses of certain substances can be innocuous and beneficial, notably for some drugs.
For millennia, we have known that the body can deal with the worst poisons as long as the ingested dose is small. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that vaccines, while often innocuous, can also pose a potential danger if the dose dynamic undergoes a radical change. But, how can one change dose dynamics when the dose is standardized?
Vaccines are generally innocuous and do not harm specific people despite their cytotoxicity. And people from all walks of life are harmed by vaccines: young and old, male and female, black and white, sick and healthy, sporty and sedentary, celebrities and commoners, rich and poor…
So, what is going on? How can the exact same dose extracted from the same vial be innocuous for you one minute and harm your partner the next minute?…
The Concept of Harm: Scale, Sensitivity & Repairability
Before solving the Mithridates Conundrum, let’s return to what illness-inducing harm is. In my opinion, vaccine “harm” is driven by:
the scale of the damage it causes: whether it is a cancerous tumor, an aortic dissection, or even leaky capillaries, scale inevitably correlates with the severity of the illness. A small dose of disseminated poison doesn’t harm because the local ecosystem can deal with its local impact.
the sensitivity of the hit area: whether it is the heart, the brain, a tiny puncture in an artery, or a small clot in the brain, the sensitivity of the damaged area dictates varying degrees of severity. Harming organs that can regenerate in a non-life-threatening way will cause a transient illness (Shingles).
the repairability of the damage: whether it is thanks to God, Nature, and/or evolution, our bodies have immense healing or correction capacity, but not everything is repairable or correctable in time or at all. For example, we know the body can’t repair on its own a cut artery, or reboot a stopped heart. To a large degree, repairability is tied to the scale of the damage, as we have never evolved for massive damage to our bodies. Our repair capacity has limitations. For example, degenerative diseases are typically deleterious processes that overwhelm the body’s capacity to correct or compensate for the deleterious effect.
The dose-response concept of toxicology simply states that harm cannot occur without the toxic product being present in large enough quantities to cause harm in a noticeable way (scale) or in an unrepairable fashion (scale/repairability). We know from the billions of vaccinated who are still healthy that the vaccine is innocuous in the general case.
How does one get poisoned with an innocuous dose? I call this phenomenon “the Mithridates Conundrum”.
A vaccine dose can only be harmful if it causes damage at scale. Given its small dosage, the only way for harm to happen is if the dose isn’t “ingested” and “disseminated” normally, and the small dose is applied in a concentrated fashion to a smaller area than the entire body.
The Magnifying-Glass Analogy:
Let me try an analogy. How can a 5-minute exposure to the sun be harmful to your skin? Normally, it can’t. The dose is too small. If you stay 2 hours in the summer sun, you can get sunburnt, but a 5-minute exposure is supposedly innocuous.
Let’s imagine a different way to deliver the same dose of sunlight. Bring in a magnifying glass. It will concentrate the sun's rays 5,000x on a area of the skin that will be burned very quickly.
In other words, the dose dynamics can be modified by concentrating a small dose onto a smaller body area (lens concentration). This is the only way I can imagine to solve the Mithridates Conundrum, and that can explain why some are harmed by vaccines, and some aren’t:
Change the delivery so that a concentrated dose of vaccine particles is delivered in a concentrated fashion to a specific area.
Doctors know full well how to deliver drugs in a concentrated fashion and bypass the disseminative nature of the vascular system…it’s called a “BOLUS” delivery, and it can only be done with a direct intravascular injection.
I know some detractors will tell me that we cannot assess the dose of spike proteins produced by the body, so the Mithridates Conundrum doesn’t apply to circulating spike While that is true in part, we know antibodies are produced in large quantities after injections 1 and 2 at least. We know that: (1) natural antibodies play a mitigating role12, (2) specific antibodies bind and are in very large quantities34, and (3) are effective at neutralizing56. In other words, the immune system can be trusted to build immunity against the spike just like it worked for Mithridates to counter the most severe poisons.
As long as doctors, biologists, or even everyday citizens continue to ignore “the Mithridates Conundrum”, the world will continue to regularly poison its citizens, its pets, and its livestock with vaccines. Marginalizing the Bolus Theory and slowing down the truth from emerging contributes to more people being harmed.
As I articulate in “The Needle’s Secret: Unraveling the Mystery of Vaccine Harm and the Bolus Theory Revolution” (Available on Amazon) - “, I agree that vaccines can harm the body in multiple ways (12 distinct mechanisms of harm), but there’s one single root cause.
The fundamental question is how the Mithridates Conundrum can be broken or how an innocuous dose of vaccine can become poisonous. The only answer—once and for all—is a direct intravascular injection. Continuing to deny that reality will only contribute to maiming more kids. So don’t hesitate to spread the word. Remember 155,000 people are maimed every day…
Thank you for taking the time to read me. I hope you enjoyed this article.
If you haven’t had the opportunity yet to read “The Needle’s Secret” (an impressive piece of scholarship” according to Dr John Campbell), I hope you will do so soon and become an active advocate of the Bolus Theory.
Feel free to support my family and work by becoming a paid subscriber or a founding member, if you can.
To be honest, I'm not sure how long I can continue this fight. Four and a half years is a very long pro bono…
Love. Marc
Here is what they say about “The Needle’s Secret”:
Dr. John Campbell:
" Marc has put together a coherent explanation of vaccine harms caused by bolus injections. This is an impressive body of work¨.
"His book is quite an impressive piece of scholarship;"
Dr. Clare Craig:
" Marc is making a really important contribution to the understanding of vaccine injury. His book is excellent."
Neil Oliver:
"Just read The Needle’s Secret. Outstanding... Read it in three hours!
Couldn’t put it down...”
”It’s a harrowing read, but it simply makes sense and fits the missing pieces of the jigsaw...”
”Your hypothesis is compelling. Most interesting is your extrapolation about cancer … auto immune … ASD … neurological conditions."
Available on Amazon.
“SARS-CoV-2 natural antibody response persists up to 12 months in a nationwide study from the Faroe Islands” by Petersen et al. - Reference
“Large-Scale Study of Antibody Titer Decay following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 Infection” by Israel et al - Reference
“Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in 45,965 adults from the general population of the United Kingdom” by Wei et al - Reference
Here's an idea: next time we're offered vaccinations at the doctor's office, we should agree "only on the condition that it be administered as a bolus into a vein (i.e. injected directly into a vein with a quick push)". Of course the doctor or nurse should refuse and probably say that that's not an allowable way to give an injection. But the research in Marc's book shows that at least 5% of "intramuscular injections" can be shown to be direct IV injections (the other 95% go IV to varying degrees)!!!! How many health care workers would understand the paradox in this situation and how many have too much cognitive dissonance to see their mistake????
I applaud you sir. The elegant Bolus Theory pretty well explains EVERYTHING. It explains why not every kid turns autistic from vaccines, and it explains why some covid jabees had horrendous issues while others did better. Of course, we also know that some batches of the covid witches brew were significantly more dangerous, but if you only inject into muscle, the body has infinitely more defenses against it. Same goes for the dangerous doses of aluminum in "normal" vaccines. Process IM, much of it can be eliminated. IV, you get the whole magilla.