Many people I talked to claimed no vaccine injuries but the more we talked, the more they recognized and revealed. One, on her fifth shot, said she was not 'injured' but was sick for five days. I pointed out that I had COVID and was only sick for three days....

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Why are you saying, “ Accidental Bolus”... people giving injections were often instructed to not aspirate, by pulling back on the plunger, to make certain the needle was not in a blood vessel, as nursing 101 teaches. Second of all, why was it so easy for the public to go to the local grocery store to get the jab? Who was giving the jab, and what was the education of those giving the jab?

Why were people unable to go to their PCP to get the jab?

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Thanks for you comment Deborah.

I am saying accidental at the medical procedure level, in other words, the nurses are not doing it on purpose.

Aspiration helps, but marginally.

Injecting slowly can be helpful.

But "Tren cough" with bodybuilders shows that neither are 100% effective, even together.

Delivery needs to be reinvented altogether.

Now, I agree with you 150% that taking untrained injectors was stupid and a recipe for disaster. Putting "vaccine hesitancy" before patient safety is careless and criminal...bureaucratic BS.

What is truly criminal is not to have stopped it all mid-January 2021 and then double/triple/quadruple downed and add the kids. Whoever did that should meet a judge, a fair jury, and God.

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I am vaccine injured. 2021 was a terrifying nightmare. I am left with loss of vision, foggy vision and loud tinnitus. My next hearing test will be in two weeks. Never in my life over a two year period of time have I known 9 people with a cancer diagnosis. 5 are now dead. Guys on my brother’s hockey team are just beginning to wonder what’s going on as things are happening to men in the league. At least they’re asking. I no longer listen to the government or doctors or government scientists who are funded by or know nothing, but instead listen to the independent scientists who have confirmed Dr. Phillip Buckhaults discovery of contaminated DNA plasmid in the mRNA vials. He made a very informative presentation to the senators in the South Carolina senate hearing. This contaminated plasmid is encapsulated within the lipid nano particles which went into our cells. He’s very worried about this and has applied for an IRB in order to start testing people’s stem cells. I fear the FDA will reject his application for obvious reasons. I follow Dr. Jessica Rose, Kevin McKernan, Dr. David Speicher, Dr. Byram Bridle and others who have gone through the proper channels to alert at a cost to their reputations and careers.

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Dear Vivien,

I am sorry to hear that.

Have you read my Xmas article?

You will get a better understanding of what happened to you.

HBOT or NBOT should be avenues to consider with your doctors to fix what you are suffering from. HBOT has proven effective against tinnitus (read: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for the Treatment of Acute Cochlear Disorders and Tinnitus" by Kerstin Lamm). I am sure NBOT also though it is slower.

Jessica, Kevin and Byram are good friends, we've interacted regularly these past 3 years. I am the only non-biologist, but I am the only one trained in root-cause analysis. And if I agree with what Kevin has discovered, I believe it's mostly immaterial versus the number of cancers, and other illnesses, which don't need DNA to trigger cancer since other vaccines also trigger cancers.

If you are interested in a new cancer theory, read my piece on cancer and stem cell contamination.

Feel free to share widely. I need as much support as i can, 4 years of pro-bono takes its toll, and it's time the theory takes off. as it's extremely robust, and I won't be able to continue very long.

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Thanks for sharing. I feel the same way, waiting for someone to ask me my thoughts on a lengthy illness or unexpected death.

Maybe the brainwashing was so complete with safe and effective that it actually is still working.

I believe it is a matter of time when the avalanche of doubt happens.

We just have to be patient. Thank you for being a source for people who seek the truth.

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People are still scheduling more "boosters"? No wonder the evil behing this genocide consider the population useless eaters. I don't blame them!

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Yes - sorry - it dawned on me later. Maybe that shows how much I DO need it!

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I made my husband quit his job due to the mRNA injection mandates. We sold our home and bought some land. We are homesteading, learning the old ways of food and medicine. No synthetic, natural all the way. We are healthy and thriving, as is my ten year old grandson, who thanks to my daughter heeding my advice, did not get injected. My friend circle feels as I do, so no injections or injuries.

The rest of my family, except my nephew, took the shots, here is what happened to them:

My brother suffers from debilitating fatigue and depression now, he also gained a lot of weight and his face is puffy, healthy 50 year old before the shots, he took three.

My sister in law now suffers from rapid joint deterioration, has had a knee replacement-will need both hips replaced within the next few years-and was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer two months ago. She's also gained a lot of weight and looks puffy. She was a healthy 49 year old before the shots, she took three.

Their daughter has gained a significant amount of weight since she took her first shot. She is now suffering from depression and severe anxiety. Healthy at 21, no longer after three shots.

My nephew, 29, took no injections and is healthy and thriving.

My father also took three injections. After his "booster" the ill effects progressed rapidly. He developed POTS, severe lethargy, muscle weakness, diabetes, hot flashes, restless legs at night, brain fog, dizzy spells, bouts of constipation and more. He went from a healthy 75 year old man, to a sickly ghost of who he was. I have finally talked him into a round of ivermectin, to clear out parasites that most likely took up residence when his body switched to a glycolitic state. I have him on a living food diet, nothing synthetic or ultra processed. Raw honey, fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and botanicals, fresh and fermented dairy, meats, vegetables, fruits, etc. I recommended oxygen therapy, as well, but he will not do that. My mother died of lung cancer, not related to the shots, and she was on oxygen therapy and this is too hard for him to face. I will keep trying.

He also got off all petro-chemical pharmaceutical medications, thank goodness. He is also seeing a functional medicine doctor now, so she is supplementing his diet with nutrients that are hard for him to absorb due to age. He is on the road to recovery, feeling healthier and optimistic instead of sick and suicidal, finally. It took a year to convince him to stop going the allopathic route and try something different. He now says he will never go to a "regular doctor" again.

My daughter took two injections and now has chronic upper respiratory infections, she gets sick about every three months. She knows it was the injection, she said she had to take it to keep her job. She's a single mother and felt she had no choice. She paid for it with her health, at 29. It saddens me so.

My brother, his wife and their daughter are all on at least five pharmaceuticals each. They are slowly deteriorating before my eyes and do not heed my advice on health. They believe the authorities and think I don't know what I am speaking on because I do not have a medical degree. They still trust the system as they slowly become more and more ill, on a path towards death from which they will not veer.

As sad as I am for my family, they did this to themselves. They placed their trust in charlatans and allowed themselves to be injected with unknown substances with unknown effects. You must always do your own research. Caveat Emptor is not just a phrase from the past, it is a warning. I heeded that warning, they did not and now they pay for it. We are all responsible for our own actions.

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Thanks for this. It's crazy the damage done.

I tried to warn everybody as early as Jan 2021, but nobody heeded the advice...

For your dad, Oxygen therapy isn't as intense as when you have lung cancer; an hour or 2 a day for a few months should do the trick, with brief breaks.

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You are welcome. Thank you for the advice, I've explained that to him. I'm gonna keep nudging.

I saw a similar scenario play out during the AIDS crisis in the eighties. They killed many people with the AZT protocol, just as they did this time with vents and Remdesivir. Just as the Nazi's did to the infirm, elderly and infants who were ill. We are truly in a time of great danger from the medical community. This has happened before, as well. The men who blistered, leeched and let blood all killed many because they did not understand how the human body works. Our hubris is always our downfall.

The upside is many are turning away from allopathic medicine and back towards more natural ways of healing and living. And we are understanding, scientifically, WHY the old ways were better for the human. We evolved along with the old ways, of course they work better. Why is a vaginal birth and nursing better for the baby? Because the baby gets colonized with bifidobacteria as it passes through the vaginal canal, and it gets the mother's antibodies from every organism she's ever encountered, she gives the baby broad protection from anything that may harm that baby for the first six months of life. Goat's milk is the only other known milk to help colonize bifidobacteria in a human. And what did our ancestors do? They gave birth vaginally, nursed their child or had a wet nurse or fed the baby goat's milk. They knew from observation and tradition what science has finally discovered. But, really we discovered nothing, we only found lost knowledge in a new way. We like to think of ourselves as advanced, but we're not any more advanced than any humans that lived before us. We just have shinier toys.

I'm calling this time The Age of Rediscovery. I think it has a nice ring to it.

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I'm not seeing many injuries or deaths related to the vaccine. I say this as someone who wholeheartedly believes that these are dangerous and causing injuries and death in general. It's just that in my professional network (composed largely of people in their 20s to 40s) I am not seeing a lot of people drop out of employment for any reason. I'm sure that many are suffering from side effects of some sort, but this is a relatively 'progressive' field and hence they are probably reticent to speak of such things for fear of reprisal.

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I am keeping a tally - one degree of separation from me, at most. So far 28 deaths, 51 injuries...I have a recently made a friend who was perfectly healthy then suddenly had her gall bladder removed in 2021 and is now being treated for blood cancer. She says the nurse can't easily get the canula into her veins for the infusion, and I think we know what that implies...another friend's partner got cancer and galloping dementia almost simultaneously; she died late 2022.

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Wow. That's a lot.

Sorry to hear. 🙏

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I have not inquired about anyone's reaction to the vaccines, but one lady I go dancing with volunteered that she had severe headaches and heart pain for a month, starting almost immediately after her second shot. She has no doubt it was a reaction to the vax. Thankfully those symptoms have receded, but those are serious assaults on the body.

Another friend had bouts of arrythmia after her shots. She did not directly relate them to the vax, and I didn't want to suggest it. I just asked her please not to get any more shots, and she agreed.

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Did you say "accidental"?? Wth.......

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I have written many articles, including one recent where I explain almost everyone gets a small IV bc any ruptured vessels close enough will get part of the dose

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So you do not believe this is a genocide? Depopulation bioweapon? It destroys the Immune System by overwriting the original program. That is intentional, not "accidental".

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What is intentional is not stopping this and double/triple/quadruple downing and going after the kids. That's where the crime is. That's already enough to have them all court-marshalled. I agree those who let that happen and pushed it despite the evidence are monsters.

But they aren't great nor smart planners. They aren't intelligent. Don't grant them that. I calculated the doses and compared them with venom. And they are well dosed (Moderna is a little high). Just like a bee sting if you get hit in vein you die or get harmed,in the tissue you live just fine bc your body can deal with it.

You dont need intelligence to be evil. They are evil idiots.

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I think we are going to agree to disagree. This was planned out decades ago. Yes, it is true, to be evil is downright stupid.

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I don't disagree there's not a Machiavellian plan.

Just the vaccine have been harming forever, and if they wanted to depopulate the planet, no reason to focus on where people don't have babies anymore...

But, hey, I have been wrong before...and I am not well versed in evilry.

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J'adore la France, mais j'ai peur pour l'Europe.

J'ai peur pour tout l'ouest, en fait.

Bon courage, mon ami.

J'espere que je n'ai pas trop oublié de mes etudes en français...

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Pas mal ;-)

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Here's something else to chew on. Many of us in the vax injured community have come to the believe that the vax injured and those with Long Covid have a similar illness, because of the similarities of symptoms. For Patterson, the similarities led him to blame the spike. Even Akiko Iwasaki speaks of the similarities. And her research team (despite the many similarities) think they can distinguish between the two groups. Marc, I know you don't think Long Covid exists, and maybe you're right. But as the notion that there's a similar trigger between Covid and the vaccine injury takes hold, your theory will seem too far out, despite whether it's true or not. I'll keep sharing your work with those I'm connected with in the community. There needs to be more discussion about it.

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Long COVID is camouflaged vaccine harm.

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…and not a continual production of spike proteins due to transcripted cells or permanently altered genome which resulting overloads the immune system capability to detox???

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Unvaxxed, untested, no meds, then 60 yo and healthy. Spring 2021, i woke up one morning with a blue "saddle imprint" on my thighs. Hard to breathe, no energy, had to pause half way a 12 step stairway. No fever, no cough, no runny nose. Cramps in calves, headaches which was unusual for me. This lasted for 3-4 days, then slowly got less severe. I'll spare you the details, but the next 1.5 year i experienced oddly regular waves with many other symptoms from the C19-book. I never visited a doctor, self-cured with naturals, which did help but not solve. I THOUGHT i had long Covid after an infection. Then my veterinarian (the only doctor i trust and who, like you, doesn't believe in long Covid) suggested the cause could have been shedding, bc it suddenly started during the first roll out. I couldn't believe it, it sounded way too far out. During the next 3 months i got convinced by twice noticing new weird symptoms a day after close contact with newly jabbed. I finally tried fasting and that worked well. It took me over 2.5 years to be able to walk normally again.

Long story short: i personally think "long Covid" can also be camouflaged shedding...

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Oh, you know when you had Covid. You get a good fever.

I believe you.

But I believe it's a different shedding. I did a survey 2 years ago of unvaccinated who were having issues...notably decidual casts.

neither the vaccine particles nor the spike proteins are in sufficient quantity to be up-taken, even via intercourse, and have an impact.

However, if you look at my mindmap of the various effects, you'll see there's micro-perforation. And here, hormonal doses liberated by endocrine glands are enough that kids have had heart attacks.

There are 3 ways where you can get high doses of shed hormones:

- sexual intercourse via semen notably,

- prolonged shared contact touching (massage...) or possibly breathing the same air in a small space;

- being in the same room with many people with the same problem, each shedding a high dose.

Can also be something else altogether.

Happy you are feeling better.

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I was able to convince a sibling to look at the VAERS and Yellow Card data early on in 2021 before they were scheduled to get one. One of their kids is very good at mathematics and parsed the data and they were able to see the disaster unfolding. I think that convinced them all, though I think their spouse wasn't planning on getting one. My other sib took the J&J because my 90+ year old mother was persuasive and they were helping them out but they admitted to some heart issues after but are fine now. My mother and sib were finally persuaded to stop taking boosters as we talked about the issues a lot during our weekly calls. My kids were minors at the time so we were able to prevent them from getting them, though they were promoted heavily by the schools in our area (they got money for doing so). One went to college during this time and was able to get a personal belief exemption which has worked well. Both kids were ostracized by their friends (though I think it was the parents mostly) because of our choice. It was sad to watch and I felt bad for them as they were excluded from things by families/school at a critical time for their social development. They were also doing school from home for almost 1.5 years which was terrible both socially and academically. We tried to support them as best we could. We wrote to the school board as they were trying to mandate the jabs at one point. Luckily that failed.

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I think the ontological shock is too much for those who can't accept the shots caused their injuries and deaths to family and friends. The idea that the nice people on the idiot box, or the nice people at the dr's office, or the nice people in the newspaper/magazine article, would knowingly lie about the injections, for money, is just too much for them to deal with intellectually.

What can we, those not injected, do? Not much, except to keep speaking the truth to all and praying for those poor injected souls to ease their pain. It will get worse before it gets better.

Danny Huckabee

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