If My First-Degree Separation Network Is Severely Harmed, So Is the Rest Of The World
Tracking the health of friends, relatives, colleagues & their families systematically has surfaced new illnesses...
This is a personal “sanitized” account of the people I know, family and friends, who - I believe - have been harmed by accidental IV injections of COVID vaccines. I must say I stopped asking because you find as soon as you scratch. Except for the Amish community, that’s likely the same for everybody worldwide. I let you decide whether that is anecdotal, selection bias, or if you believe so much harm can happen with just two degrees of separation.
For Christmas this year, my older sister, my younger brother, and I met with our families at my mom’s house in Normandie. My sister had brought a classic Christmas dinner: her delicious homemade foie gras, a tasty stuffed capon, chestnut purée, and boudin blanc, all accompanied by exquisite red wines. Living in France has its benefits…No, having a wonderful sister has its advantages. She’s a very hard-working, generous sweetheart. I'm still angry she’s vaccine-injured!
Christmas dinner in my family is always very touchy; sometimes, it ends up in monumental fights, and sometimes in joyful and enjoyable nights… After decades of experience, with the backdrop of COVID and my powerful position and engagement, I wasn’t sure how things would end this year.
I was seated beside my Italian sister-in-law, who was lovely, trying to fit in this bizarre ambiance where French, English, Russian, and Italian were spoken indiscriminately on the same table. It was the first time I could present my condolences in real life. My sister-in-law had lost her father a year before.
I recall he was a retired chief anesthesiologist in Italy who was in good shape. Evidently, given the synchronicity of his early demise with the COVID vaccination schedule, the sensitive topic of vaccine harm rapidly emerged. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings; Christmas Eve is not a time for sadness, though the spirit and memories of our departed always linger around. To my surprise, she had drawn her conclusion and started telling me of other vaccinated friends in their early forties injured by the shots. She, the daughter of a recognized doctor, was convinced the COVID vaccine kick-started her father’s cancer.
In Early August 2022, her dad had done some bloodwork a week before vaccination. The results were pristine. No problem. A few days after the vaccination, he started feeling strange and sick. He went back for tests, and they found a brain tumor. He passed away just two months after the shot.
A turbo-cancer in my own family!
My good friend, Stefan, whom I mentioned in a recent article, survived nearly three years. Detractors will come barking at me, saying that’s not evidence. And they might be correct, and indeed, glioblastoma can go quickly, but two months, even by glioblastoma standards, that’s extremely quick to depart.
For those who haven’t yet read my two articles on cancer. The mechanism of harm is clear to me: One or several high-ranking stem cells in the brain were likely contaminated by the vaccine and triggered a cascade of tumor cells. It’s likely an evasion-by-replication to dilute the poisonous dose but, in the process, creates cell production over-capacity…too many cooks in the kitchen.
But today, I wanted to highlight the physical reality and materiality of the pain inflicted upon our loved ones. No, vaccine harm is not rare. This is very close to home and for all of us.,
I counted at least 26 friends with 32 conditions directly bolus-related harmed in my direct network:
7 people I knew personally died, 2 of whom were below 55 years old (which is consistent with a 3/4 ratio by the 65+;
5 cancers, among which 2 were fatal;
at least 16 of my direct contacts were hospitalized;
4 had diagnosed cardiac issues: 1 myocarditis, 1 blood clot, and 1 calcified valve…;
thrombosis hit many: 4 strokes, 1 fatal deep-vein thrombosis;
3 endometriosis;
2 lungs partially necrosed;
2 aneurysms with 1 fatal arterial rupture
2 friends seem to have been harmed 3 times, or at least have had 3 distinct conditions, separated in time.
Are we supposed to stand still and stay quiet in front of this disaster?
Given the death/injured ratio, which is likely 1%, possibly more than four to five hundred friends were harmed, to a degree or another, and are missing from this list…and I may be unaware of the deaths of people I haven’t heard from in a while.
Recently, I was surprised not to have heard from a former colleague in San Francisco in some time, and I reached out to another friend who confirmed the sad news he had died from colon cancer last year. I knew of his cancer; he had said as much on Facebook…
While my sister-in-law opened her eyes and realized the synchronicity with vaccination, to this day, most still believe it was bad luck and have gone on with their lives, oblivious, trusting, and in pain. I wonder what triggers the realization.
I would love to hear from you in the comments section about why people don’t realize the vaccine is behind their illness and, more importantly, what can be done to open their eyes.
Have you been following the health of your friends, or do you prefer not to know?
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I was vaccine injured myself. Exactly 8 hours after I received the vaccine, my pulse went from a normal 70ish to over 125 bpm. I had a fever of over 103.5 farenheit. I had a horrific headache and ached all over. I chose, probably not smartly, to go to bed. In the morning, I felt much better. I live in a small town of 3200 people and I have since met 2 others who had the same reaction. When I tell doctors about my reaction, 100% of them have told me to NEVER have another Covid vaccine and to thoroughly research ANY future vaccines. I am grateful I did not have further damage.
The covid-fear-and-vax campaign. World-changing in scope and severity.
Yet so many remain oblivious to what has been perpetrated against us. Nothing will be "the same". Our world is convulsing, and it will not and cannot recover.
The campaign we're enduring is cryptically described in the 6th chapter of the Apocalypse as the First Horseman. Please, consider my argument.
His mount is white, the color of the medical establishment--any ad using a doctor to hawk a new pharmaceutical will present him in a white coat. It is their uniform.
He has a bow. The Greek word is transliterated "toxon" and is where we get "toxic/toxin" due to the common practice of poisoning the tips of arrows in John's day. The mechanism of the poisoned arrow is really the same as that of a toxic injection, and it was the closest thing in John's world to the jab that has killed and injured so very many.
He is given a crown. The Greek word is "stephanos", and it's a laurel wreath crown such as was awarded to athletic champions and, more to the point, conquering generals. The Latin translation of "stephanos" is "corona". You get the idea.
Finally, he "goes forth conquering and to conquer," which points to the military aspect of this campaign. It's known that the viruses were manipulated in labs connected with both American and Chinese militaries. And there are many such labs around the world, still. This is a military campaign with military-grade psyops (which explains the inability of so many to see the truth).
If you find this analysis compelling, know that the other three Horsemen of the Apocalypse are equally in evidence and identifiable and active as you read this.
We are in that time, but, just as with the phenomenon of people being blind to the blatant reality of widespread vax injuries and death, few recognize the signs of the times, though they are starkly evident. It's curious and frustrating.
Best wishes.
What a dreadful time.
"And the earth will reveal her bloodshed And will no longer cover her slain," (Isaiah 26:21b).