One my earliest childhood memories from the early 60s, retained due to the deep trauma endured, is getting vaccinated in a Dr's office. I remember my mom (a nurse) and the Dr chuckling as I fled and hid under a desk in vain. At least the dentist back then attempted to hide the hidious freezing needle before poking in my mouth.

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We lived in Bali for 7 years... we had two Bali dogs... once our gardener brought a pile of coconuts into the entrance of our house.... the two dogs approached the pile and began barking like mad... but they did not get too close...

There was a snake in the coconuts... the dogs knew not to attack it... not sure how they knew... because they had never been bitten... but they knew...

The snake slithered off into the jungle

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Most people have this perception of life in pre-industrial Europe as a bucolic existence. We assume there was plenty of high quality, organically grown food available.

In Europe's preindustrial and overwhelmingly agricultural society, people did not in general live long lives. While there were exceptions, by our standards, life expectancy was appallingly low for most and almost inconceivable to a modern audience living in an advanced industrial society where longevity is constantly being revised upwards. Europe's impoverished past came to an end in the nineteenth century with the advent of the agricultural and industrial revolutions. But before then, a great deal of suffering had taken place as Europe, as a whole, was plagued by a very high rate of infant mortality that significantly reduced, statistically, overall life expectancy. Clearly many of the sad deaths from the European past were tied to poor nutrition and the apparent lack of key vitamins, substances that modern researchers would consider as absolutely critical for proper cell development and amino-acid synthesis. In fact, it could probably be argued that Europe's preindustrial era was beset by a constant avitaminosis of some kind or another.

I lived in rural Indonesia for 7 years where feral street dogs proliferate. Nobody feeds them so they are constantly battling with each other for food scraps from the garbage. These dogs are on the verge of starvation and desperate for food.

We had a goat and one day we had tethered him to a tree; a pack of street dogs came into our property and before I could scare them off they had torn him up so badly that we had to put the goat down.

It goes without saying that the street dogs do not receive veterinary care should they be injured or sicken. I never saw it happen, but I suspect the pack turns on weak members, killing and eating them. It truly is a dog eat dog, survival of the fittest world.

More https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-as-malnourished-diseased-riddled

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Thank you for your insightful post! I am ordering your book, and since I haven't read it yet, I'm not sure if you do a deep dive into the world of needlephobia, but as one of an estimated 20%+ of people with a lifelong struggle with it, it is worth more nuanced exploration.

(If you don't want to read my long comment, I hope you will at least visit this resource, that I discuss below. It's very on topic with your "primal fear" notion. I have no connection with the author, but his site has been helpful on this subject for the past 26 years: https://www.futurescience.com/needles/

Needlephobia can be broken down into different categories, and in many cases it is NOT like a classic phobia--of the kind that can be improved with traditional psychological interventions (like systematic desensitization). In fact, such interventions can worsen the issue and reinforce avoidance of all medical treatment. Doctors do not understand this, and most psychologists don't either. They group needle avoidance in with other learned fears, and often ridicule or shame people--especially adults--who struggle with it.

We all have some fears. I have a fear of spiders, and will violently recoil from them, but I can manage it and I've been able to reduce the fear through exposure exercises and breathing, etc. Many are phobic about snakes, rodents, germs, public speaking--all sorts of things. I'm not, but I understand why many are. I don't like adrenaline stuff, but I have gone out of my way to proactively conquer my fears in life--roller coasters, bungee and cliff jumping, river rafting, rock climbing, snake handling, taking over the controls of a plane, performing open mic comedy--I have not shied away from many things that initially petrified me and I don't want to indulge my weaknesses, including any iota of cowardice.

The experience of at least one form of serious needlephobia is different. Its reactivity seems to run much deeper in the wiring. Some of us who suffer it get severe vasovagal reflex (highly instinctual and evolutionary, as your article suggests) and can become violent and/or pass out when being confronted with the prospect of injection. It feels overpowering--like I'm not myself, I turn into a version of the flailing drowning person who pushes the lifeguard under. There are likely millions like this, but the true numbers are hard to count, because we largely avoid medical appointments. It's a real battle for me every time I overcome it enough temporarily to do some sort of health thing, and it never seems to get easier.

Even when I know a needle procedure is NOT an injection of a, shall we say, well-intended but also potentially iatrogenic substance (the V word), the instinctual phobic reaction continues to persist. In my case, this is after I've spent many years getting a couple degrees in psychology, doing extensive reading on the relevant research, trying various counseling modes--depth work, cognitive approaches, hypnotherapy--all sorts of things to conquer the pattern.

Despite my efforts, I unintentionally punched a nurse once while flailing in severe fight or flight mode during a blood test (I was anemic at the time and needing to track iron levels), and I have severe reactions of syncope--to the point of losing consciousness nearly every time I've had to do any needle procedure. It's quite terrifying. And mortifying. Also, exasperating, as I'm highly curious to know my own health data, but if it takes a blood draw, no matter how much I want the info, it's more than a 90% chance that I will procrastinate the procedure--months, years, perhaps indefinitely. Anything to avoid the deep trigger. This is not good.

As mentioned before, there are different types of needlephobia: Some people have more pain sensitivity (there are interesting related studies about recessive types--redheads, for instance). Some develop post-traumatic aversion from highly negative needle experiences that create conditioned needlephobia (the "a dog bit my in childhood, so now I fear dogs" type). Some develop needle aversion due to vaccine injuries, and these may become selectively fearful of injections, but may be less so of venipuncture itself, and may remain calm enough to tolerate blood draws for health testing. All of these types potentially respond more effectively to traditional phobia treatments.

But the severe vasovagal reflex type a large number like myself experience seems to be innate and recalcitrant versus logic, treatment, and voluntary will. In my case, it was there from the very start, based on parental reports--and I even got myself out of some inoculations as a very young child through sheer obstreperousness--luckily my mother was sympathetic and wary about injections and it was also just before the powers-that-be significantly ramped up the childhood V-schedule. Sadly, I think her own needlephobia led her to an early death, since she eschewed medical interventions for decades and died too young of what might have been treatable. I'm trying not to let that happen to me, but it would help if more people understood the true nature of this issue.

I have to add a very valuable link to a page maintained for over two decades by Jerry Emanuelson that is a brilliant one-stop-shop--the best site on the internet since 1997 for understanding Needlephobia. Jerry outlines the issues so well and it is well worth reading for ALL, especially doctors. I've never met him, never spoken with him, but I really want his page, which has helped me and so many other people over the past 26 years, to get some recognition and stay afloat. It can help people develop understanding and compassion--or at very least potentially downplay the patronizing ridicule needlephobes so often experience when interacting with ignorant medical personnel.

One last thing that Jerry understands that immediately disqualifies all other subsequent sites on this topic is that the phobia is severe enough that even posting pictures of needles on a site related to needlephobia can trigger the phobic response. So when needlephobic people seek information about their issue, they are bombarded with stock images of needles and doctors injecting people and it requires careful hand blocking of the screen when scrolling not to get lightheaded when reading. There are no pictures on Jerry's site, so you can read without that queasy reaction. I used to have a really hard time with this. If systematic desensitization worked at all on needlephobia, then the media of the past four years have been forcing all needlephobes into relentless therapy sessions. You couldn't look anywhere without seeing needles, and hearing about them nonstop. It has been a nightmare. If you suffer ophidiophobia, it is like billions of snakes took over the world and were in every house, every shop, everywhere you went, slithering around and you had to just deal with it and avoid them, and people were trying to force you to bring one home with you, then get another one, and another one and another one, and some people were getting sick and dying from the snakes, but you weren't allowed to say so...the single-serpent rod of Asclepius indeed...(some people fear the snake, I fear the stick part...) that then darkly evolved to the staff of Caduceus (becau$e it'$ really about $omething other than health, right?)--more snakes.

I don't comment much, so just in case it is a violation of some unknown-to-me tenet of Substack etiquette to add comments with word counts that rival the original post, I should stop here, but I think this is vital information, and it may already be covered in your book (I'd be very happy if Jerry is acknowledged), and I think it fleshes out the main thrust of your post in a very helpful way.

Thank you again for your work on the vaccine topic, and I apologize if this is too tangential.

Please see this excellent resource: https://www.futurescience.com/needles/

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Thanks for this thorough comment. My book doesn't address needleophobia.

It addresses bolus theory, which explains vaccine harm or any harm due to injections.

I also address wqys to cure vaccine injuries and most modern-dzy illnesses.

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I appreciate that and look forward to reading it. My comment is more inspired by this Dec. 6 post about the primal fear of needles having evolutionary advantage. That idea connects to a whole rabbit hole regarding people who have what seems to be a very primal fear of needles that is categorically distinguishable from other phobias. I suppose that might be of interest to people who are inspired by this idea in your post. Knowing about this at-least-partially-hidden community of highly avoidant needlephobes who will risk serious illness to avoid medical procedures might be useful knowledge to anyone who is developing non-needle delivery mechanisms for medicines. Thank you again for your work. I hope the investment of your time and labor these past few years finally pays off for you and your family. I think what you have done is remarkable and highly deserving.

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Thank you for your kind comment. My "investment" was never meant to "pay off" for me or my family, but for society. But I must say the sacrifice is sometimes overwhelming, I have imposed an enormous burden on my family. I am on the brink of collapse mentally and financially, and it seems society overall doesn't care. So I won't be able to sustain this much longer, in part because I will be homeless, having not paid my rent 3 months now...

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A word of advice... nothing anyone does as an individual or as part of a group will change the trajectory we are on.

The highest powers in the world have made a decision - and when they make a decision there is no overturning it.

Anyone who actually effectively threatened any decision they have made - would be eliminated. The full might of the DOD is backing up this decision.

I would abandon this and plug back in so you can support your family for the little remaining time we have left before the final outcome is foisted upon the world.

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The recent story of the man in europe who got 217 covid vaccines was a great example of how vaccines are treated differently from everything else. Can you imagine that happening with any other medical intervention? If that man went into all those doctors offices and said 'ow my back hurts ',do you think he would have walked out with 217 bottles of opiates? If you want a vaccine, however, that can only be good.

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I am pretty sure that story of 217 shots is a lie.

A way to show the vaccine are safe.

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You would be correct.

I recall reading this https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/unbelievably-selfish-man-takes-10-covid-vaccine-shots-in-single-day/news-story/f2a4553dc41c9efe7949418dfe43deda

And I asked a Vaxxer - when you get your shot do they ID you? He said they ask for photo ID then they check your status in the ministry of health computer...

It is not possible to get multiple shots in one day.

These planted stories that never name who got the shots or where... made light of the shots... if someone got 10 and is fine... then one is a nothing burger

The Ministry of Truth psychologists are very clever.

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At the end of the Mr DNA resides inside every human... His prime directive is to ensure we remain alive so that he can continue to remain immortal by way of our fornicating and breeding.

He is a rather simple fella... as long as the vessel has enough food and water.. and shelter... and access to Tinder... he lies dormant... like a fat pig being fed slops....

But when he senses danger... or he is denied food... his antennae go up ... anything that is a threat to his mission to breed causes his fangs to unsheathe.

Deep inside his primordial brain instinctually he knows that anything that pierces the skin can evade his immune system... and kill the vessel... kill the vessel kill him. He does not like that... therefore he sends messages to the host (the child) to flee this danger.... the child cannot flee cuz they will pin him down if he struggles...

If the child survives a few of these episodes... Mr DNA gets fooled... he believes the injections are not a threat... therefore he doesn't kick up a fuss and he gets suckered by the Safe and Effective narrative.

Mr DNA can also be fooled... and placated... by the use of a condom... in his simple mind just blasting off means he has completed his mission.

He ain't no rocket scientist

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It is so strange to think that the bodies like FDA and CDC, that are supposed to be watching over pharma and food suppliers, need auditors to ensure that THEY are doing what they are intended to do.

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Checks and balances are needed. Humans cannot be trusted, not because they are fundamentally bad, but because their organizations are fundamentally flawed by ego, hubris, miscommunication, personal psychologies, etc...

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Now pHARMA knows this and is making vaccines to eat instead.

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Also, what kind of laptop are you looking for? Lots of holiday deals on DELL’s right now.

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Am a Mac guy. Not a friend of Bill's...I wasted enough Sundays trying to fix his bad tech. ;-)

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Ponzi scheme. Brilliant.

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Injections are reminiscent of the fangs of snakes. And you know how much the cabal is in favor of snakes (because they are snakes themselves)

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I don't know about the cabal, but snakes are a symbol of evil and at the heart of humanity's fear for a reason.

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It is just plain wrong to pierce the skin. The skin is our own sovereign membrane. Piercing someone else's skin should be taken very, very seriously but it isn't. Want to know why? Because we live in a principle-less culture.

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I don't and can't disagree with you Denise.

Thankfully, there are still a few principled men and women. 🙏

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Yes indeed, and it's that few that are "holding up the fort", that are the barrier to the lunatics getting their way entirely. We need to lay down a new society for those of us who are peaceful and love life so that we have somewhere to live in this insane hierarchical, linear-viewing culture.

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Thank you for making this more public. Particularly post "pandemic", I have pondered this injection rejection instinct and made the decision that my "gut" was right. Our ancestors had no access to injections and yet here we all are. It is a sad reality to see inordinate accumulations of wealth like Rockefeller and Gates gravitate to healthcare to make more. More so to acknowledge treating chronic illness is very profitable while cures are not. Perhaps a deep dive into a healthcare system that financially rewards illness and ignores health.

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I agree healthcare needs. To be aligned with sociery's. Health not society's diseases.

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I'll buy into that theory. As a youngster, I was poked numerous times because of an ear infection and an infected chicken pox pustule. I remember a syringe with some green stuff in it...scary.

I don't think in the 1950's I received many vaccinations. By the time I was 18 or so, my fear of needles was real. Since then, I have managed to avoid vaccinations like the plague. I might have had one in the last 50 plus years and a few tetanus shots. Nothing in the last 30 years.

Now, you can forget it. I don't think about getting any vaccinations or mRNA poisons. Why would I? I am rarely sick and in fairly good health in my mid 70's.

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The best thing about the Covid vaccines is that lots of people have been maimed and killed. A big think you to all the MORONS who did as they were told...

Before this happened... I did not know a single person who experienced any issues with any vaccine... and I was not anti vaccine.

But the Covid toxin forced me to dig deep ... and indeed I am now aware that there are plenty of injuries...including a wide range of diseases including autism...that are caused by vaccines.

I am now also aware that vaccines at best provide short lived protection against diseases that I have almost zero risk of contracting to begin with.

So now I will never in a million years take another one... I've dodged the bullets!

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Except, they are hiding mRNA in our foods now.

When asked if the government would mark packages as “vaccinated meat,” Dr. Malone said this, “I wouldn’t count on it. In fact, I bet – no.”


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To my knowledge, acupuncture doesn't inject any poison...and is skin-deep.

Not exactly comparable to snake venom injected with 1 inch fangs.

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I think your argument (about dangerous sharp parts on other animals leading to caution/fear in humans of sharp things) makes intuitive sense. However, injections with needles are just a recent addition to humans' intentional skin puncturing practices. These practices include tattooing, scarification, cuts/punctures (even with porcupine quills!) to administer herbal medicines, venesection (bloodletting), circumcision, surgery, self-flagellation, and body/ear/nose/etc. piercing, among others. Across cultures and through time, people have found ways to overcome their fears. Many of these practices involve risk of transmitting bloodborne pathogens, but some also seem to have health benefits, in certain cirumstances.

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Preach, brother!

ANY movement, government department, organization, or institution needs transparency and accountability with consequences or it will become at best sclerotic, and at worst a metastasizing tumor on society, smothering all life, love and joy.

The medical industry is the worst of the worst because it exerts power over body and soul and finances……I think the institutionalization of the virtue of Christian charity laid the foundation for the killing machine we have today….we have become customers (and product) of the medical service industry……in which they “serve” us and experiment on us, and suck the marrow out of our bones till we are worthless, always ”for our own good”.

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