“Could that Primal Fear of Needles be a Self-Preservation Instinct?”
Those who didn't fear nature's poisonous needles seem to have been pruned from the evolutionary tree...Maybe there's a good lesson to learn.
Here is the beginning of my book, “The Needle’s Secret: Unravelling the Mystery of Vaccine Harm, and the Bolus Theory Revolution”:
"Maybe there’s a good reason why children are afraid of shots…
You probably don’t remember when your parents brought you to the family doctor for your first vaccine shot. Do you recall seeing that deep-rooted fear in the eyes of a child? Every child's first encounter with a needle is a moment filled with a primal fear that echoes to the very core of our beings. This raw fear contrasts sharply with adult obliviousness, where such anxieties are dismissed, forgotten, or sometimes ridiculed. Yet, there's something deeply unsettling about this act we've come to accept as uneventful: the blind insertion of a cold needle of metal into our flesh, delivering an unknown substance deep into our bodies, ignorant of where it is delivered, what it’s going to trigger, and how the body will react. Could that primal fear be a self-preservation instinct? Do we recklessly suppress a survival instinct?
“The Needle’s Secret” will demonstrate we have been collectively overtrusting in a medical establishment that has been negligent. Anyone with pharmaceutical industry experience understands vaccination is a serious medical procedure. Nothing trivial. Those with car industry experience, like me, know quality needs to be impeccable when processes are repeated millions of times. A medical intervention must be flawless when performed more than thirteen billion times. Facts show vaccination procedures were never flawless, far from it…
“Could that primal fear be a self-preservation instinct?”
For some time, I have been tinkering with trying to understand…
Why do we have this deep fear of needles?
Why is this reflex so prevalent? Why are we so scared of ‘“animals-with-needles”, venomous animals like snake, wasps...? How did this instinctive fear emerge? And more importantly, what does it tell us from an evolutionary point of you?
Nature invented fangs (snakes..), stingers (bees, wasps, rays…), and spines (rockfish, urchins, porcupines…) hundreds of millions of years ago. Nature also invented poison injections as a way to harm, to rapidly immobilize a prey, or to defend oneself against a predator… To my knowledge, none are directed at therapeutic usage.
Now, project yourself a few hundred millions of years to today. We know that the mechanism of action of the vaccines is toxic. It is cytotoxic; it is low-dose poison. But it might well be worse than a toxin because each nanoparticle has the power to kill - by proxy to the immune system- one cell. Vaccines are de facto more dangerous because vaccine particles - at least the transfecting kind (the ones that enter cells and mimic viruses) - keep their lethal singularity, whereas toxins will dilute, be mitigated by albumin, and finally neutralized if the dose isn’t overwhelming (think of the relative innocuousness of an everyday bee sting).
Collectively, how did we ever end up trusting vaccine shots despite this most profound fear?
No one in their right mind would consider stepping on a sea urchin or a rockfish. How can parents be convinced to take such a violent step that violates every self-preservation instinct in our bodies? How can some parents proactively ask for more given our instinct tell us not to?
Doctors and the medical establishment have simply overwhelmed our primal fear with an even greater fear, a narrated fear, boogeyman stories. Collectively, we have been brainwashed by histories of the Great Black Plague, the Spanish Flu, Ebola outbreaks in Africa. Unreal Hollywood movies have been cultivating this fear for decades. Bill Gates has been the most recent grand priest of this cult that spends considerable energy terrorizing the world with made-up stories or exaggerated anecdotes. The scaremongering stories are systematically taken out of context, with a twisted narrative intended to instill fear, as if natural immunity did not exist and we were left defenseless.
The medical community has used and still uses shaming and groupthink to create a vicious dynamic whereby a combination of shaming “bad mothers not trusting doctors” and virtue-signaling with compliance tools like vaccine passports. Ego and sense-of-belonging to the community, combined with fear, have been instrumentalized to blur and erase the natural feeling, the common sense self-preservation instincts of fear in front of a needle filled with a product doctors actually have zero knowledge about.
As the West migrated to the cities this past century, one generation at a time lost ground with reality and nature, layer after layer. Common sense based on stories and experience of the past has been erased to be replaced by delusions based on scaremongering tales of diseases that are closer to science fiction than any reality. Young mothers today are terrified that their babies could be unvaccinated, and want to be considered “good mothers” at all costs, but when their child becomes sick, society acts like vampires on the poor families that are …
One wonders how Humanity survived millennia without modern-day vaccines (Sarcasm)…
Here’s a brief evolutionary perspective I want to share. If we are left today with an instinct that a needle is dangerous, where are those who were more casual about sharp spikes and stingers? Have they disappeared? It sure looks that way, and that’s because, in nature, if you are careless with venomous snakes, fish, or insects, you end up sick and dead.
Evolution tells us needles containing poison should be a last resort.
Maybe numbing a wound before an operation is worth taking that risk.
Maybe an epinephrine shot is worth the risk when someone has a cardiac arrest.
Maybe injecting a therapeutic vaccine to boost stem cells to attack a tumor is a risk worth taking.
But risking sudden death or even a significant illness to avoid the possibility of a virus infection we have evolved to deal with when we are healthy and well-fed is ludicrous from a rational standpoint. Evidently, doctors have misused the authority they have over their patients to corrupt a medical equation that makes zero sense.
I won’t mention that vaccines often don’t even work…
The prophylactic benefit of vaccines is less and less obvious to me. Not Safe. Mostly not effective. For Disappeared Illnesses
Does that make me an antivax? Well, yes, I am an anti-vaxxer if vaccine schedules mean harming our children systematically for rare or dubious illnesses. There’s absolutely no reason for the harm inflicted on our children and our population. Most illnesses had disappeared prior to the generalization of vaccines. Prophylaxy makes sense if the illness is real and our immune system is defenseless, and if the vaccine is extra safe, and effective else the benefits equation ends up reversed, and we inflict more harm on our population… for no benefits. This is the situation we are in today.
Many vaccines seem to only be justified by adverse reactions to existing vaccines, In other words…
Vaccines seem to be a Ponzi scheme of sorts whereby the more you vaccinate, the more you harm. The more you harm, the more you have justifications for new vaccines…Today, the Vaccine Ponzi scheme has reached its limit.
That’s the quasi-religious delusion we live in… Vaccines are wrongfully given God-like status by many, and that explains the cult and the authoritarianism attached to what, after all, is only a prophylactic medical intervention.
I am not an anti-vaxxer if the technology is appropriately directed and effective; even better if it’s not prophylactic but therapeutic; at least the trade-off is about something tangible, not some made-up lie.
What kind of society terrorizes its children to make money? Where have all the societal protections and governance gone? Why have we let the medical profession unsupervised for such a long time? The medical and pharmaceutical worlds need to be monitored, controlled, and checked by society. Thye can’t be self-monitored, or peer-monitored. This is nothing personal against doctors, no human organization can ever be trusted unsupervised. Group and organization dynamics fail constantly.
Humans are fallible individually, but the network effect of that fallibility in organizations is a recipe for disaster. Any organization left unaudited, uncontrolled, and unaccountable will be perverted and corrupted.
When openly and publicly, rotating doors are accepted between supervisory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry they are supposed to monitor, when no accountability ever materializes in the form of lawsuits and jail time, of board member judicial responsibility, or the firing of leaders, one can be confident corruption - intellectual, financial or/and ethical - is taking place and is diverting the organization from its true goal for good.
We have seen many of these organizations left loose - WHO, the FDA, the NIH, the CDC - go rogue against the people they are supposed to protect. This has to stop else the rule of Law will be endangered.
New leadership at FDA, NIH … won’t be enough. However good and ethical the new leaders. These organizations need to be checked and controlled from the outside by neutral independent parties. Individuals need to be made accountable. Governance needs to be changed so that rogue teams, cultures or decisions are identified quickly and punished by a neutral and independent body, whose role it is to represent the interest of the people. Congress can’t be asked to play that supervisory role. Dedicated bodies need to be created or repurposed, corruption needs to be rapidly eradicated. Auditing bodies should have full visibility and access to these organizations so as to keep them from becoming the monsters they have become.
A new culture of ethics and accountability needs to arise driven not only by new leaders and new policies, but also by a new governance that keep doctors and the pharmaceutical world in check.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Thank you for your continued support. Feel free to reach out and tell me what you’d like me to write about.
My next article will be on two studies that have replicated the Bolus Theory successfully, one with IV injection triggering endothelial damage (Part 1), another transfecting stem cells and demonstrating integration into the nucleus (Part 2).
Nearly five years of pro bono work… I need a new computer as I have been using my sister’s old computer for nearly a year, and haven’t paid my landlord in 3 months…so any generous contribution is welcome.
Feel free to support my work and my family either by subscribing to a paid-membership, by making a small contribution on PayPal (marc.girardot@icloud.com), by buying “The Needle’s Secret” on Amazon or talking about the Bolus Theory in your community, or by intriducing me to Podcasters or possible sponsors.
Thank you for your trust. Love to all.
One my earliest childhood memories from the early 60s, retained due to the deep trauma endured, is getting vaccinated in a Dr's office. I remember my mom (a nurse) and the Dr chuckling as I fled and hid under a desk in vain. At least the dentist back then attempted to hide the hidious freezing needle before poking in my mouth.
I'll buy into that theory. As a youngster, I was poked numerous times because of an ear infection and an infected chicken pox pustule. I remember a syringe with some green stuff in it...scary.
I don't think in the 1950's I received many vaccinations. By the time I was 18 or so, my fear of needles was real. Since then, I have managed to avoid vaccinations like the plague. I might have had one in the last 50 plus years and a few tetanus shots. Nothing in the last 30 years.
Now, you can forget it. I don't think about getting any vaccinations or mRNA poisons. Why would I? I am rarely sick and in fairly good health in my mid 70's.