Is there a gold standard test that can be/is used to detect Capillary Leakage? I need a way to slow walk family members and medical professionals to the Bolus Theory. My theory is if they see leakage via a test that they know, they may listen to the rest of my "conspiracy theory."

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There's a variety of ways.

I am not an expert though I should investigate that more.

One way is "extravasation of erythrocytes", red blood cells accumulating in tissue.

In Nakahara et al they used Fluorodeoxyglucose (F-FDG).

Albumin accumulation is another way, which can be identified with Evans Blue dye.

Inflammation is often a sign of vascular leakage: leaky gut, neuropathies...

I hope this helps.

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Thank you! This definitely helps.

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I know you are not an anti vaxxer, but the more research I do the more and more I'm becoming one. The main problem I am having, if crazy fox ran up and bit me I would run straight to a rabies vaxx.

My question, if you could be so kind as to suggest a (honest) resource on the rabies vaxx.

Thx in advance

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Excellent challenge David. :-)

I don't disagree with you. I, too, have serious doubts about the overall vaccine messaging. I don't understand why the immune system would work for the flu and not for rabies. Rabies sounds like a boogeyman scary tactics...

If you do get bitten by a fox, the whole vaccine makes no sense because the antigen is already in you and will be detected by the immune system. Its incubation is supposedly longer, but its 11,932 nucleotides long suggest it should incubate just like SC2.

As with any virus, the dose size with which you are inoculated is the danger, and notably the risk of a bolus too.

If a fox is old or malnourished, the virus can presumably conquer it and make it aggressive. And no amount of immediate immunity would compensate for a large dose...

Here's what , theoretically, one would do in case bite to minimize harm:

- Place a tourniquet as fast as possible - if possible - to avoid further contamination.

- Clean the wounds with running water first as deep as possible to dilute the viral dose at the entry point to get as much as possible out.

- Thoroughly sterilize the wound with alcohol, iodine...to kill off as many bacteria and further virus. Possibly even expose the wound to ultraviolet light if you have.

The idea here is to lower the dose to a minimum.

The danger then becomes a bolus going down your vascular system.

- Getting a shot of rabies antidote (antibodies) would be a good idea to continue to lower the dose (this time inside the body).

- Get high-dose Vitamin C and D ideally to boost your immune system, possibly intravenously.

- Simulate fever with a warm bath or sauna; get body temperature to 39C, which will trigger T-cell production as well as kill virions

- I would also try Oxygen Therapy (HBOT preferably) to further stimulate T-cells, but also to replace damaged contaminated cells with regenerative stem cells in case the immune attack is very brutal.

Frankly speaking, I think this is another boogeyman from the medical world.

I am not saying it doesn't exist, I am saying the vaccine is likely completely useless, bc it wouldn't trigger permanent antibodies for a large dose inoculation (which is the danger), so it wouldn't avoid a bolus, at best it would speed up T-cell specialization and antibody maturation. Then the work is mostly fever and Tcells. The true danger IMHO is a bolus of virus - possible if the animal is truly sick, likely about to die - that can't be disseminated, that infects intensely a critical place (spinal cord, brain, heart) which later on gets destroyed by the immune system. A bolus hit area would be hit earlier/stringer for a vaccinated versus later..., not sure being vaccinated is very helpful, better a more progressive attack.

I hope this helps.

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Thank you.

I guess, as with all vaccines one must weigh risk/reward.

So I'm anti (some) vaccines but am 100% pro aspiration.

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Don't hesitate to read my book. It's available on Amazon. Best.

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Once again "aspiration" is no panacea. But is useful, very slow injection, or ideally no injection is best, until we change delivery protocols.

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Yes I agree.

It's ridiculous not to present the antibody in the same fashion as the virus.

So the rabies antibodies should probably be rubbed into the wound.

That's a crazy thought.

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No they inject it all around the wound as an antidote, I believe.

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Thanks for this..as soon as I watched one iv with you I knew straight away you had nailed it.

Your book is excellent..

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Thank you, Mike. Please, tell the world around you. Try to share the book around as much as possible if you can. The purpose of the book is to empower people to change the crazy course we have taken as a society. I need all of you backing me. It's an arduous battle that needs many more active advocates like you. The resistance is monstrous, and the urgency is clear.

I am happy you enjoyed the book wish I had more time to fine-tune it, but timing was of the essence. A friendly hug from Paris.

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I do tell people about your book and hypothesis..what annoyed me when I heard you explain it was..it was bleeding obvious to me AFTER you pointed it out.As soon as you explained it I went "Of course"....I know you don`t come from a medical background(but you really know the subject..!!) My question though is..how come no one from a medical background spotted it before you??...when I have since brought it up with nurses etc I have been told that "we dont do that any more as its old school"...wtf

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Aspiration isn't enough as the bodybuilders and steroid sstudies have demonstrated.

Why me? I don't know except I am very stubborn, and have always thought systemically. My expertise is complex problem-solving. Having worked in the latest and greatest immuno-oncology before Covid was also key.

Most doctors and biologists don't have the skillset for this. Most aren't scientists in the sense of applying rigorously and regularly the scientific method. Often, they execute scripts they've learned by heart.

Most biologists aren't good at math or physics, and many don't understand immunology or evolutionary principles. More importantly, they are too much into it, to even contemplate challenging everything they have been told.

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Ty. I wish I could get my family and friends to read this. But they do not want to hear things like this.

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Thank you. This is fascinating.

I'm forwarding your post to several people.

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Thanks for your kind comment and support. I need it to get the wofd out.

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Megalomanic Gates = 'Tub of lard' with a different way of reducing his Life Expectancy - he's probably a McDonald's Junkie? Mick.

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I remember a clip where he said he was eating his lab-grown meat. He said it took a while to get used to.

I would be surprised if he took the jab - my understanding is he never has his kids vaccinated growing up. He is aware what his vaccines are doing in Africa. Somewhere I have a 2006 paper that demonstrated the BMGF DTaP killed more children than it saved. I think the Tetanus jab that was given ONLY to girls in Kenya that caused fertility issues for them later, was theirs, too. Their polio one has been launching polio anew in Africa (my understanding is that is also that is also a function of recombination, reactivation etc. because by age 5, children there are immune to the polio causing strains of enterovirus. Once jabbed, when they encounter such a strain, it activates the killed virus in the shot, and the attenuated one in it then recombines. It results in a far more vicious disease.

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I seem to have also seen much of the evil experimentation that you refer to. It seems that BMGF & Gates might have found their 'willing participants' in deprived parts of the planet or in orphanages. Just emphasizes what animals the Elites can be. Mick.

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Most of the planet has already signed their own death warrant by accepting the deadly injections they call mRNA vaccines.

The few of us that decided to investigate the proposed 'experimental injections' before accepting the "Safe and EFFECTIVE" lies will be the next targets for the New World Order's Depopulation Plan.

This unabashed 'Premeditated Mass-murder' must be punished by terminating all involved. This inevitability applies to everyone that planned and participated in the world-wide Covid CULL and in the directly aligned deadly injections ('vaccines') which they 'sold' us as a 'VACCINE'.

We, the people who have the ability to think and consider, now distrust everything we are told by the establishment, politicians, the Press, the Medical profession, the self appointed NWO & our potential new controllers - the super-wealthy Elites.

Heads must roll (literally). Executions must take place for those heading these atrocities. People like Fauci, Schwab, Bourla, Gates, etc, need to be tried by THE PEOPLE - not the corrupted judiciary. Public Hangings must be re-introduced for all concerned.

LIABILITY must be re-introduced for all corrupt companies making (deadly) medicines and pretend depopulating injections they call 'VACCINES'.

Unjabbed Mick. I'll live longer without corrupt medical intervention.

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Thankfully, not everybody is going to die.

I am for justice within the framework of due diligence and the Law, but yes, indeed some folks have some criminal accountability and need to be prosecuted.

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Marc, don't be too sure that the megalomaniacs behind these deadly GoF disease modification aren't going to take one step too far and find they've opened pandora's box of untreatable mortal diseases. This is as possible as Biden 'accidentally' pressing the Red Button - if you see where i'm coming from? Unjabbed Mick - I'll live longer without evil medical intervention.

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I don't disagree with the Megalomaniacs... Just they are too stupid to execute a plan. Actually pretty sure BG took these vx and is sick bc of them. Havr you notices how he has aged in no time.

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sr ounds like another method to block or remove Trump is in the works..... remove Biden for mental incompetence.. then if Trump elected the propaganda media can make the case through gaslighting and pure lies, to remove Trump.... a tool in the process

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I don't do politics. But anything is possible... sadly

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Nice to see you back, Marc :)

I have a friend suffering from awful long Covid and she is going to start oxygen treatments based on my (your) recommendations. Hoping this helps accelerate her recovery.

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Keep me posted on the progress of your friend Elizabeth.

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Typically takes time bc the Stem cells roam the body and repair wherever there's need.

There's typically a huge need in the vascular system. So patience. The literature shows real results at 40 hours at 1.73 as stated in "The Needle's Secret"

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Editing note: when you say "entails," you mean "ensues."

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Thank you...

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If you want to prevent vascular leakage of ANY type, you need more collagen, which means you need mega Vitamin C, precursor to collagen. Collagen is the bodies glue which holds all vessels and organs together. Without enough Vitamin C you have SCURVY from which you bleed from your eyes and skin, and organs fail from that same leakage. This is not a mystery.

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Collagen isn't what is closing the capillary, it's endothelial cells.

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Endothelial cells only "prevent" leakage when they have the structural

support of collagen and connective tissue behind them.

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You are correct in the arteries and veins. But There is no elastin nor smooth muscle layer in the final capillaries, there's just one layer en endothelium that acts as the blood tissue barrier.

Moreover, the endothelium protects the smooth muscle whoch can erode or be attacked by the immune system whnd transfceted,, leaving place to an aneurysm. Without the smooth muscle layer, elastin barely supports the blood pressure.

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To anyone daring to look and observe with an open mind, one could see that Joe was going downhill 5-10 years ago or well before being ensconced in the Black House as chief executive of the world. Yet, congress and the people of this country turned a blind eye to the shenanigans of the last 41-44 months, including the 2020 election. Maybe Joe really did win but that doesn't mean he was fit to run the country back then.

Now suddenly there is shock and awe about the condition of this putz as if he just went into dementia overdrive at the flip of a switch. This sure has exposed the media for the lying leftist cretins they all can claim to be. But the real problem is government. You change change the batteries, but it still runs like a master slave driver and anti-human force it has become over the last 200 years.

If anything in life can be guaranteed it's that NO politician is ever going to save us from anything.

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I don't disagree. That's why I prefer science. More reliable when done right.

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My thought is that, even if perfectly and carefully administered, the jabs are meant to kill. It just happens faster when they also inject incorrectly.

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I don't think so.

All other vaccines have the same effects. Look at

BG, am pretty he's aged a lot bc he took the vx, they are not geniuses, far from it.

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thanks Marc, yes Bill does look ever sicker.....and I do see that all vaxxes is bad vaxxes...my life from childhood and health is viewed 180 degrees for me now, scoliosis, cancers in parents, dementia in parent, mononucleosis in highschool....(sibling). Or it's just Bill's evil finally leaking out.....best

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You don't understand. Joe is the Biden Family Business. They have nothing else. Even Jill's teaching job at a community college is due only to being married to Joe. The whole clan depends on this grift and they will hold onto it until the guy is actually dead.

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They should care for his health, hopefully...My article wasn't so much abt JB, but about Alzheimer's and helping people with it.

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Yes, I understand that and I support every effort you make to open people's eyes to these health catastrophes.

But it should be clear that the Bidens are interested only in money and power and the tender mercies for anyone are entirely absent from their temperaments.

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I am not a big fan of professional policians...

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Water and protein interactions are also underappreciated. https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/interview-with-timothy-winey

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