Marc, my husband suffered an unexplained upper extremity DVT in Sept of 2020. Hadn’t had any vaccinations for anything. Weird timing don’t you think?

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Thank you Marc. Really great article. I wrote to MHRA with Tess Lawrie back in mid 2021 requesting their withdrawal due to the high reported (suspected related) death rate/million doses and the adverse events that clearly meant that the injection had gone everywhere: cardiovascular (clots everywhere, sudden unexplained deaths, etc.), neurological, immunological effects were clear already. Early warnings also of miscarriages. Your Chart 2 is extremely helpful. I'm just reading this historical perspective and share in case you find anything useful in it. Published in 1920: the summary of 7 cardinal points and conclusion on pages 211-212 seems as apt today as it was then. Prof Homburg from Germany has shared on twitter a similar list recently. @SHomburg A new poster he says documents the tricks used in vaccine studies. https://x.com/SHomburg/status/1746218977020264454?s=20


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Thanks will look into it.

Appreciate your kind comment.

There's much much more: autism and the 40 bolus hypotheses, cancer and stem cell transfection, microperforation and the promise of oxygen therapy, the mathematics of thrombosis, the inevitability of inadvertent IV injection...

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I'll look forward to reading your work in these areas. Re. the inevitability of inadvertent IV injection, I expect this will only get worse with the NHS England's Vaccination Strategy published Dec 2023 https://www.england.nhs.uk/long-read/nhs-vaccination-strategy/ It includes of course Tony Blair's (Inst for Global Change) concept of having vaccines not just in childhood but throughout adulthood and having unregistered staff administer vaccines. Also they want not just GP practices and pharmacies as sites but also 'shopping centres, supermarkets and community centres' and 'offering multiple vaccinations for the whole family where appropriate, including covid and flu alongside, for example, opportunistic MMR and HPV catch up.' More inadvertent IV injection from non-nursing staff, more injections overall, and in sites where support for anaphylaxis won't be available. It reads like a manual to maximise harm.

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Utter lunacy. Blair belongs in jail. He is religious about vaccines, so Darwin will soon do his work.

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Understanding the science of the mRNA injections complications of course matters. However; anecdotal evidence of the complete failure, intended or not, in managing our recent COVID "pandemic" is overwhelming. Examples are: The ineffective PCR testing method producing false positive results. ~ Hospital treatment protocols that produced the maximum attainable Government bonused COVID diagnoses, Remdesivir use, respirator use and death ~ Nonsensical denial and demonization of safe and effective repurposed drugs ~ Refusal to acknowledge the infinitely superior protection of natural immunity ~ Changing of the definition of vaccine to provide the new mRNA gene therapy drugs with legal immunity ~ All in promotion of "vaccines" that neither stop contraction nor transmission ~ Not just promoting, but mandating citizens inject experimental toxins ~ Restricting freedoms and punishing citizens for not injecting experimental toxins ~ Prime specimens of human health dropping on fields and courts of play post injection ~ Post injection unprecedented presence, abundance and size of blood clotting observed by coroners and embalmers ~ Post injection rise in all cause death ~ Post injection SADS ~ Post injection compromised immune systems leading to increase in any and all disease known to mankind ~ The 100% Government Healthcare COVID management failure record. If there is one Government Healthcare COVID mandate, position, promotion, recommendation or directive that was beneficial to the public's health, I have not found it. There is more, but this is comments; not a book. Again I use the phrase "intended or not", these injections are the insidious and perfect depopulation bomb.

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I don't disagree. I have actually written about most of the topics you mentioned multiple times.

I think vaccine are an attack on our population, not necessarily depopulation, even though that would eventually come.

I call it the Bolus Armageddon. But it's not a grand evil master plan, it's a stupid plan of corruption, of "leaders" behaving like 5-year olds, thinking w/o the right education and trying to escape accountability at any cost to society.

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Marc, I’m sure this question may have been answered in the past but I just discovered your article. In simple terms, how do you explain adverse events happening 2+ years after initial shots? For example, I work in EMS and I’ve seen many strokes especially in the elderly. These usually occur within close proximity (1-4 months post booster) to their last shot. But how do we explain “healthy” individuals dropping dead from cardiac problems years out from their last shot? In your opinion, are individuals who took the vaccines now left to live out the rest of their lives with the possibility of sudden death or do you see a solution or tests to reveal if damage has been done to their bodies?

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Alzheimer's can take decades as long the immune system works, it'll clean the amyloids out... So it's multi-dimensional.

Some damage can be amplified by something else.

Cardiac scarring and myocarditis are said to be potentially lethal within 5 years...

For strokes, the accumulation of plaque on top of the huge endothelial damage done by vaccine makes sense.

In some case, likely bc the pressure is too big, or the coagulation factor insufficient, once the endothelial layer is destroyed by T-cells, the smooth muscle layers decays (possibly because of crystallisation), that leads to aneurysms and rupture.

So some symptoms and illnesses take time to unfold.

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I have been experiencing a dull/ burning sensation pain upper left chest. It started about 5 days after my second Pfizer vaccine (Sep 2021). Dr has been describing anti inflammatory- doesn’t work. She says is it my muscles/myalgia.

The pain is also at my back, same spot as the front - as if you can put a spear through it (the back pain was mildly there before the vaccine)

We did every heart test, long test, mammogram- everything is fine.

I have been sitting with this debilitating pain for a year and a half. It goes away with times for a few days, then flare up again. Can it be from the vaccine? What can it be? How to fix it?

Thanks, Melanie

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Hi Melanie,

I hope this finds you well.

You might want to try hyperbaric oxygen therapy. It stimulates stem cells. Several studies are showing good results with illnesses tied to endothelial leakage (ALS notably).

Several clinical trials have proved it safe at 1.5/1.75 atmospheres with series of one hour.

Depending on the extent, it might need more or less time. But in macular degeneration people were already seeing better after 4-6 sessions. Worth a try.

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Sorry to hear Melanie. And it definitely can be associated with the vaccine. I am not a doctor. So It's good that you saw a cardiologist, hopefully he also checked your coronaries the va cine harms the endothelium essentially) . I presume you got your lungs checked also.

It's possibly tied to endothelial permeability in a nerve in that area (hence the pain signal), a neuropathy. Fasting and limiting inflammatory food is a useful discipline if symptoms persist.

Normally the endothelium repairs.

You might want to take on a fasting discipline. Thr more you'll limit foreign contaminants the less inflammation.

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A comment spoke of the exosome of the synthetic spike being shed and then toxic as alot got shingles which means the chicken pox virus was reactivated sitting in your nerves dormant for a number of years. Even children unvaxxed got it. I'f you look up exosomes used in treatment therapy it can get bacteria and cause other toxic harms thus is these MRNA shedding these toxic exosomes of spike? Iis it causing hypertension and hurting those with co morbidity. I researched a little and that's what I came up with based on experiences in real time.

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My take is exosomes is BS. It's the most hazardous, resource intensive, bottle at sea type of biological mechanism. For me, exosomes are waste either thrown outside the cell or a remnant of apoptosis...

Exosome ressemble vaudoo science to me... A house of cards of conjectures.

Happy to be proved wrong,

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First of all thank you very much for your kind and effettive replay to my questions. Second I apologize for my late answer due some private circumstaimcies.

I Will pay full attention to your inputs completing my tour on your scripts and videos before coming back. In the mean time...

Would you plese let me understand whey localizarion of Spike protein would proof your theory of bolus ? I am not competent at all and I would really be able to understand.

Thank you.

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The cells that uptake the vaccine, express the spike and then are destroyed by immune cells should be disseminated throughout the body evenly. That's what the vascular system does best: evenly distribute.

The data from the bio-distribution in the mouse tells us if injected intramuscularly and infused progressively into the blood, at a minimum the hit cellsshould be separated by a feet in distance in the capillaries. Not dangerous. Won't stimulate coagulation, won't damage the endothelium.

This is not what we are seeing in autopsies. We are seeing destroyed patches of endothelium with immune cell infiltrations where spike was expressed.

Such concentration is a probabilistic impossibility (you have many more chance of winning the lottery than this occuring) with an infused vaccine delivery. Only a Bolus can deliver a large quantity of nanoparticles in the same location. It's physics. And the origin of the Bolus can only be via a seringue on which the injector has pushed rapidly on the plunger. For that to occur the needle needs to be partly or entirely inserted into a blood vessel. No alternative.

Circulating spike from cells that have been destroyed cannot deliver that simply bc the required dose and concentration cannot be matched in a single location synchronously.

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I've read tons of covid stuff over the last two years and I've heard aspiration mentioned countless times, but only in passing and as a general complaint of negligence. You're the first author to elaborate on its effects.

It makes sense. Which other big names are on board with Bolus Theory so far?

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Big names who buy into Bolus are: Nick Hudson, Bret Weinstein, Joe Rogan, John Campbell, Kevin McKernan, Pr. Norman Fenton, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. Harvey Hirsch ...

My discovery is also that Aspiration was never enough given that as much as 2% of shots go IV despite aspiration. Inadvertent IV has been happening for a hundred years or more, and harming people correspondingly even when testing with aspiration

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That's pretty cool, Marc. You're doing good work :-)

From Craig Pardekooper / Mike Yeadon's analysis of the VAERS data, I learned that

- there is a massive disparity between the harm caused by batches

- there is a clear stepwise increment that suggests a dosing experiment was undertaken

- the bad batches were distributed to a much wider geographical area than the good batches, indicating a deliberate cover up

Regarding spike protein toxicity, I've learned

- Acute covid causes many of the same effects as acute vaccine reactions

- Long covid is the same illness as vaccine injury, even in patients who were not vaccinated

At the moment, I feel that Bolus theory is valid, draws attention to a massive source of iatrogenic injury, and potentially explains a lot of vaccine adverse effects. However, given the above points, I feel bad batch theory and spike protein toxicity are still very much valid.

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Thanks for the kind comment, Leo.

Both batch theory and Lot Theory are falsified multiple times.

Go to my last article there's a summary table why the other theories don't fly and match any of the clinical signs of AEs.

The circulating spike breaks so many scientific laws it's not even possible to count them: the most fundamental of which is Antibody Theory: why would spike not bound to antibodies that are plentiful?

It also breaks T-cell Theory: Why would spike continue to be produced in large quantities if T-cells are primed? (They don't see Ogata et al).

Add to that the circulating spike would necessarily be systemic, ie well mixed in the blood stream as they all come different locations and different timing of release. How could they all end up on a dime-size area in the aorta of all places? proteins don't aggregate on the aorta...they do so in the tissue. etc... This breaks the Bolus law of pharmacokinetics.

I wrote a piece on that: https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/lifting-the-fog-over-decades-of-injuries

As to the lot theory, well if it's poison, then it has to be intracellular and carry an antigen that would be presented on the MHCs like the vaccine... Extracellular poison would not trigger T-cells and would harm at the place it's most concentrated, the injection point. There's no harm happening there. Why? because all the harm is T-cell mediated. So it would need to be inside the LNPs, not outside. And if it's inside the LNPs, well who cares? the LNPs are cytotoxic anyhow when they transfect.

Here's a summary table:


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Hi Marc,

If I understand correctly, your reply to batch theory is:

- You agree different batches have different levels of adverse effects and Craig Pardekooper's statistics are absolutely valid

- You believe that in the absence of accidental IV injection, all batches would be harmless

- You believe that while there are differences between batches, IV-induced Bolii (?) are required in all cases for adverse events to occur.

- Hence there's no point discussing the difference between batches when the really important thing is the difference between a clean IM injection and an IV or partial IV injection.

Is that all correct?

I'm still not clear how Bolus explains clinicians describing long covid and vaccine injury to be essentially the same. I understand there are also specific markers in acute covid (eg. thrombosis, autoimmune attack) that are also present in acute vaccine injury. It's hard to believe that it's pure coincidence that the airborne virus and the needle cause the same injuries. It seems there's a common factor here.

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Is the synthetic spike not producing the T cells or killer cells you get in natural infection ?

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It is producing T-cells, just on a small repertoire.

It's these T-cells taht stop the spike production.

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I am still confused on the matter, due to my poor knowledge.

Statistics say that there Is some percentage possibility of direct inoculaton in the bloodstream

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Thank you for your kind comment.

I am into this to help others, and specially the children since adults have gone mad. So I try as much as possible to reply, and I learn a lot by these exchanges.

Nothing to be confused about. You are correct. There's a probability (or a statistics) of injecting directly into the bloodstream. That probably varies with physiology (fat, muscle, genetics...), with the experience and seriousness of the injector, and with other contextual elements (availability of the right size of needles, time pressure...). My calculated estimate is around 1 every 20 goes partly or totally IV. That is enormous, if you take 3 shots you have a 14.3% chance of being harmed to a degree or another!

After that various scenarios are possible, but they end on the Adverse Effects we have witnessed these past 27 months.

Thank you for your kindness.

Happy Easter.

PS: Are you Italian?

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Thank you very much dr. Girardot for what you do for the umanity and for this further reply to me.

Yes I am a 71 years old Italian ( of course with some issues in my health for Age and habits) .

I was scared to see your last reply regarding calculations you have made.

I didn't want to be vaccinated,( I was instead having prevention with Iverm... + Vit. D + C +k2 +Mg + zinc and once a week One pillol of Hydrossychlorochine -most learned from FLCC ALLIANCE) and when my 40 year got COVID in middle March '21( the day he started with syntoms we were sitting at 90 degrees during our south Italy typical lunch time of more than One hour) I was negative to PCR in the following days but from Blood test emerged that I had Neutrophils over 30.000.

Few weeks later was confirmed LMC.

In respect of my reference doctor ,( not the official One but my Brother in law ) and to a friend of mine retired emato oncologist and my hospital incharged oncoematologist ( all telling me I was Crazy) I felt obliged to show to respect them and follow their indications and being vaccinated. The third vaccination I had to do to partecipate to the wedding of my son. I did It at the last minute and I have to pay 100 euro for not having done vaccination within the terms. I got COVID last year but with Just half day 37,5 temperature .

I would like to ask some more questions regarding my sister that Is sufferimg from long COVID.

But i Will subdcribe and than come back on my Maine preoccupato on my sister case.

Thank you very much Dr


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Dear Nicola,

I am not a Doctor. Call me Marc.

Just someone who has worked considerably, first to dispel the fear of friends, and then to avoid the vaccine disaster.

Seems I failed, but at least I have learnt a great deal.

My brother lives in Italy and is married to an Italian lady. Always felt close to Italy.

I am always surprised at anyone in oncology not understanding the importance of having the immune system in the best shape possible, and not diverting to anything else. specially for a vaccine that doesn't work. You should ask all your friends: what happens if an immune privileged stem cell gets hijacked by the vaccine? How could it not trigger cancer?

It takes a special kind of lady to think of her sister's long COVID more than her CML. Have a beautiful Easter.


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You deserve the highest respect not only for your findings as scientist, and the related divulgation, but because even ultra busy as surely you are, you answer to question of a common person like me.

Thank you from the deep of my hurt.

Good Easther.

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Thank you!!!!

I can imagine that in addition to an accidental intravascular (intravenous / intra-arterial) injection / administration, an (extremely rare!) partial or full NEURAL INJECTION can also accidentally occur?

That was my first impression after listening to what „Shaun Barcavage“ told Dr. Mobeen about his adverse experiences on November 6th 2021:


It is unfortunate that one cannot escape this possibility by aspiration.

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It's possible but that would remain local then. and damage the nerve locally.

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Sure, a nerve has a beginning and an end. But nerves are networked and their firing is transmitted. So a whole networked strand could be under constant fire, couldn't it?

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Yes, very possible.

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To attribute most of consequencies to this bolus theory would be necessary proof that adverse effects are stricty correlated to nanoparticles quantity and concentration and the Number of recipients for each type of COVID-19 vaccine. Are them?

On the basis of recipients Astrazemeca would have given 1000% more A/E than Pfizer and 25% .ore than Moderna.

Moderna would have given 800% more than Pfizer. Is that what the data tell?

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Your idea is on the right path, but your calculation is flawed, because the relevant concentration level is is at surface level and not in 3D.

For one AZ and Moderna have larger doses so the concentrations are closer: Moderna is 2.4x and AZ 3x more concentrated than Pfizer in 3D, but in 2D the difference is much closer: 1.9 for Moderna and 2.1 for astra Zeneca. And this is close to the difference in AEs.

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You defined close to actual reported data of AEs to those expected according to concentration.

Would you please be more clear with actual difference by numbers and percentages vs. expected to Better understanding?

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OK you had me go track the data:

Injections in the US (Feb23) in Mns

Moderna 251.252

Pfizer 434.755

In VAERS you have:

Hospitalized events in the US is similar:

30948 123.18 per mn dose

39094 89.92 per mn dose

1.37x factor

Death events in the US

6199 0.09 per mn dose

6770 0.04 per mn dose

2.35x factor

Average is around 1,9x factor, with greater mortality which is completely in line with what I am saying. Jenssen is much worse, but they've been thrown under the bus...

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You have defined the role of Spike irrelevant due its Bloodstream concentration.. Is It plausible that most of them are already fixed to the vessels Wall and subsequently not detectable and those detected are the consequence of the unknown durability of instructions to our body to produce the Spike protein ( either due Dna's integration possibility and this specifc mRNA differentiation.?

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The Biontek owners stated the vaccines never intended to stay in the arm but needed to go to the lymph nodes. They were doing a slide screen. Therefore it gets into the lymphatic system and travels to all organs and blood vessels can get micro blood clots waiting to destroy in whatever tine it happens. Many factors at play

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Respectfully. No I have observed tissue samples from autopsies where spike is identified. Check out the pictures when tainting is applied, it is absolutely not systemic. it is localised. And btw none of the symptoms are systemic. they are all localized.

We have on one side: a house of conjectures unfounded on any reality observed, and, on the other, we have observations (studies, autopsies...) with a clear proven mechanism of harm (concentrated immune attacks on the endothelium), underpinned by known Laws of Science (Bolus, transfection, Tcell attacks...). I found 12 falsifiable hypotheses that debunk circulating spike theory:


I would add that pharmacodynamics of proteins in the blood cannot be integrated instantly, the vascualr system doesn't work that way at any moment in time 99.5-99.9% of the proteins are not in content with blood vessel linings

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Is plausible that the most deadly and time related (within One week or so) are due to Bloodstream direct injection, while the vast majority in terms of death and serious damages Is due to the effects of the Spike protein itself.?

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There is no discernible spike protein past D9 of the first shot... This theory is not supported by facts, nor by Laws of Science.

How does systemic spike create a coin-size hole in the aorta after 4 months.

Spike is the antigen in the transfected cells, that largely sufficient for the damage we are observing.

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If exists relation of AEs aggravation for any further dose of vaccine.. how to conciliate with your theory?

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Thank you for your Kind replay.

For a true genuine need of understanding... ( I don't have any preparation or qualification apart a ridiculous 2 years as Medicine student).

Would you please let me understand

What concentration and not the Total quantity in the Blood stream matters in relation to so wild level of AEs entities and locations.?

Have you found same connection to concentration with other types of vaccines (due your skepticism on the preponderant role of Spike protein itself.).?

Thank you for your time.

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Could you clarify what you mean by 3D and 2D concentrations?

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Let's say you have a concentration of 1000 particles per mL(3D), the particle concentration at the surface of the cells (2D) which drives transfection level will be 100 per sq.cm.

Say the dose is diluted 9 timesin the bloodstream. The 2D concentration will only divide by 6.

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Shocking but obviously Known from.the onset

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Apparently they didn’t have enough conclusive evidence to recommend aspiration for Covid 19

It’s like the pandemic required expert evidence for the most commonsense measures.


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And aspiration doesn't even work entirely. And it's been known for some time.

Amazing it's like nobody cared!

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I am on vacation and will respond in detail later. In one sentence: i worked with hospice and chronic care patients. Many got sick or died after flu shots. 2 out of 3 of my adult kids were severely damaged by 1-2 vaccines. DPT and DtAP in late 80s early 90s. Brain damage and the other got severe RA. Ive been warning anyone who would listen since 88. My dad got injured by ohizer. My mom got injured my moderna. Second round last fall destroyed her heart requiring heart surgery. My injected psychotic only sibling kept it all from me. I wasnt able to talk or see mom last 2 years. She died without me knowing all this. My father kept it from me rather than stand up to my sisters evil psychosis. My daughter kept it all secret so she could still talk to my mom ( sister had POA since mom got dementia). Ill be saying shiva over my sister. Ill probably never deal with dad again. ( he was divorced from mom 48 years). And unless my daughter severs all toes with my sister ill probably never deal with her again which means i dont see my 7 year old grandson. Ive always bern the truth teller. Im an artist, hypnotherapist and got a philosophy degree for law school. Im so devestated ive had to try and practice ha apono ono and not delve into the darkness i could so easily fall into. God help us all

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Sending you a huge hug. We have fallen into collective madness.

Hope my work can be helpful somehow. You are the light, we are the light. We cant' switch it off. We need to bring it to the world.

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Thank you. Like you I have had many family and friends take the poison.

A self-interested question: if you are right, the unvaxxed cannot be injured or seriously injured through shedding, right? Thanks

Never mind, I just read your response to Scott S Manzel. Thanks

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Yes, the only way I believe vaccinated can hurt with shedding is when the vaccine kickstarts endocrine disorders (too much hormones is released) and that can shed and harm temporarily a person, notably via unprotected sex (see decidual casts).

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Is it increased blood flow that is causing healthy young athletes to die suddenly?

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More likely less fat, and higher vascularisation, so the needle goes deeper (bc less fat), and finds a larger vessel (bc of vascularisation)

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yes and also increased vascularity in athletes due to their highly conditioned bodies. This would make it much more likely for an intra-vascular event to occur.

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"But, but, but, the mRNA jabs are Safe and Effective [repeat until...you realize] that mRNA jabs are not safe or effective. Unless "effective" means ... No. Can't be. They would not hide that would they?

Evidence-based medicine with transparency was never their plan.

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Frankly, I wouldn't care so much if they were safe. But they aren't. Not only do they not work at all like the influenza vaccines, but they are very dangerous.

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Great post. Very interesting indeed and it seems so obvious now that I’ve read it. I had bad reactions to vaccines between the ages of 14 and 30. At 30 is when I realised it was the vaccines causing my problems in years I was vaccinated.

With me it was due to type 4 allergy to metals. Vaccines with mercury in them generally caused chronic fatigue type syndrome and those with aluminium caused me neurological injury which would start in the first 30 days after vaccination. It caused elevated emotions and I could hear old memories replaying in my head. It would affect my organisational skills and I’d have trouble with planning and processes. I’ve got quite good at picking out people who have had this type of vaccine injury too and have met drs and specialists who are also allergic to the aluminium in the flu vaccine. Yet in NZ the official line from the health authorities is that the aluminium in vaccines cannot cause any bad health issues. Even though it’s happening to drs and specialists. The health system have a hang up when it comes to the biological effects of metals. If you suggest it they will jump down your throat as though youve just run over their cat

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Thank you. Sorry to hear about your injuy. Please share the article widely.

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Mr Girardot if you could answer this I would be really grateful:if some damage might be due to a high concentration of some elements in the bloodstream, then hypothetically if one were to remoce some blood through a blood draw do you think that would lower the concentration? Does it work like that? Is there a slight chance of this working? Thanks

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Unfortunately not. The concentration I am talking about is within the first minute, possibly even less. once diluted into the blood the dilution is such that it becomes less dangerous.

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