What's Driving The Infertility Boom?
The Bolus Theory brings an enlightening perspective on infertility and potential avenues to treat much of it.
Having witnessed the birth of my four children, I can testify that seeing a newborn emerge from a mother’s womb is simply a magical moment, unforgettable.
My life philosophy is that we are on this planet to conceive, love, educate, and prepare our children for the world to the best of our abilities so they can thrive, do good, and continue to pass on the baton.
I know that sounds old school. I am old school.
Whatever the job, the education, or the bank account, one can always be proud of working to make a living, putting food on the table for one’s children, and giving them a chance in life. Whatever the job1, there’s tremendous pride and self-worth in working to feed one’s kids. A life worth living for. For that reason, more than being humbling, my current financial distress is very humiliating for a father like me to be struggling and failing... because I chose to prioritize pro bono work.
Many will agree raising kids is the most daunting of tasks and responsibilities. One fraught with failure, fear, and emotions. Not for the faint of heart. But there’s also so much satisfaction, wonder, and love back that no one should ever be involuntarily deprived of the possibility of the parenthood experience.
Sadly, today, 12.6% of the world’s population is infertile2. Nearly 1 in 4 couples struggles to conceive a baby. I was fortunate enough never to have issues with conception. Nothing to brag about; I'm just lucky. But I empathize wholeheartedly with couples going through or having gone through that ordeal.
The emotional hardship, the considerable financial stress, the common breakups, the painful medical journeys, and the frequent adverse effects, sometimes leading to cancer, add to the psychological torture of uncertainty and often fruitless outcomes.
In a modern world of improved hygiene and care and decreased undernutrition, it is surprising to see how common infertility has become. Infertility is unnatural. This is all the more surprising that our bodies have evolved to avoid poisoning and harm…
Contrary to what many think, our reproductive systems are difficult to access and harm as layers of shields, filters, and poison-evasion mechanisms protect them. From mucosa-based immune cells to a disseminative vascular architecture, from redundant ovaries and testes to barrier-protected eggs and sperm, from the filtration of the liver, the spleen, and the kidneys to the menstrual renewal, our reproductive systems are incredibly resilient and have succeeded the test of time. So, what’s going on?
Why, of any periods in the history of the world, would the population be so infertile? We have evolved and thrived with viruses and bacteria for millennia. Sexually transmitted diseases have always existed and aren’t more prevalent today than they were before. As the population urbanized, the sedentary life should have been less risky for our reproductive systems.
Come to think of it, few of the all-encompassing justifications, often tainted with morality, make any sense given how massive the phenomenon is:
Young women prioritizing waiting too long and prioritizing their carriers: Median menopause is around 50 years of age, so why would shifting the first child an average of 5 or even 10 years from 22 to 32 justify 10% of women becoming infertile? It makes no sense. It feels more to me like a way to shame women and have some form of grip and domination in an area, an incapacity to give birth, where women would inevitably feel fragile.
The supposed outcome of abortion: Imagine abortion would touch 17 women out of 1000 in the West, and that surgeons would be particularly bad and butchered 10% of these poor women; that’s 0.2% of women infertile, not 10%! The back-of-the-envelop estimate demonstrates that it cannot be a relevant factor. And it sure doesn’t explain for men…
The simultaneous growing obesity worldwide has been stated as a causal factor of infertility of both males and females. I want to point out that the vast majority of the people I know who have had infertility issues were not obese. One can be infertile without being obese. The causality is, therefore, weak and again tainted with an evil twist of moral superiority.
Moreover, we can observe in everyday life that many families are fertile despite obesity. In other words, the hypothesis isn’t reproducible systematically.
A recent study on male infertility falsifies the link3. Personally, the Bolus Theory framework explains perfectly why there could be a correlation (a higher odds ratio), but not causation, between obesity and infertility: people who have suffered from a vaccine-bolus have a higher probability of being obese and being infertile because the bolus went on to hit the reproductive system and the intestines at the same time. I coined that Bolus Collateral, and it’s evident in autism.
Poor nutrition is another convenient excuse, in my honest opinion. If severe undernutrition likely plays a role in (transient?) infertility, the logic of junk food being implicated in sterility makes no sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Our bodies have evolved to select, transform, and store what they need. Animals and humans have managed to survive and multiply on various diets, finding proteins, fat, and sugar in diverse ways.
Chemicals and pollution are also easy excuses for worldwide infertility. This is another fallacy because (1) most of the Western world lives in a less polluted environment than 50 years ago; (2) if these chemicals severely harmed our reproductive systems, they would also harm other organs like our brains and hearts. Indeed, people are dying of heart attacks and neurodegenerative diseases, but they aren’t finding toxic doses of chemicals in the tissue; (3) our reproductive systems are not only protected by the liver/spleen/kidneys, the architecture of the vascular system, and the constant buffering presence of natural antibodies, albumin and other materials that act as shields, but access to the eggs and sperm are highly protected by blood tissues barriers. Something else is harming our reproductive systems.
Herein, I contend IV injections, primarily via accidental IV injections of cytotoxic vaccines but also other products, are behind the vast majority of infertilities.
Why? A bolus is the only way to bypass the body’s protection and harm discretely our reproductive system (discrete means not body-wide, not every organ). A high dose of poison can harm the reproductive system, but it would necessarily harm also the lungs, the heart, the gallbladder… With infertility, we are talking about discrete harm. When bacteria become systemic and can’t be controlled by the immune system, sepsis occurs, that’s body-wide. When viruses, like SARS-COV-2, become systemic, cytokine storms are unleashed system-wide across the body, not a discrete hit. Selective harm can occur at the entry point of the poison or via a bolus. There is no alternative.
There are four ways a bolus can harm one’s reproductive system:
Necrosis via ischemia, blood clots deplete in oxygen and nutrients cells that die off. Here, the entire reproductive ecosystem is at risk: the reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, testis) and the organs and systems involved in enabling reproduction (endocrine glands, endothelium…). If you destroy enough of these reproduction-enabling cells, infertility will be guaranteed as one of the functions will be missing. For example, suppose a hormone such as the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) or the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is no longer produced because the Pituitary gland was hit and necrotized. In that case, ovulation or spermatogenesis will be impossible.
Permanent endothelium micro-perforation is another mechanism by which infertility can occur. Breaking down the protective or regulatory role of a blood-tissue barrier can cause infertility in a variety of ways:
permanent over-release of a hormone like testosterone or inhibin, which would permanently inhibit and switch off the pituitary gland; or over-release of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) can trigger Grave’s disease, and disrupt the menstrual cycle or spermatogenesis.
micro-perforating the blood follicle barrier of a woman, the blood-testis barrier, or the blood-epididymal barrier of a man makes them vulnerable to unwanted material interaction such as metabolic waste and possible degenerative diseases, but more immediately and indeed, makes them susceptible to attacks by the immune system. In the reproduction cycle, Telomerase is vital to ensure appropriate telomere length. However, I know from my experience in anti-cancer immunotherapy that the immune system commonly triggers T-cell attacks against cells presenting Telomerase peptides on its MHCs. Blood-reproductive barrier permeability would inevitably lead to hTERT-expressing granulosa cell damage in women’s follicles. In men; endothelial leakage would trigger “auto-immune” attacks on maturing sperm cells expressing signs of Telomerase4. Indeed, one study tends to confirm that and shows that sub-fertile sperm cells have dysfunctional telomerase function5.
This is very consistent with what was observed in Israel, with nearly 20% lower sperm motility count after 145 days!
Triggering cancer in the reproductive system by contaminating stem cells. I found 193 case reports of reproductive-system-related cancers in VAERS. Indeed, some reports (like the one below) show clear signs of a bolus: thrombosis, vascular issues, Guillain-Barré (necrosis), and testicular cancer.
Whether the cancer is located in the uterus, the fallopian tubes, or the ovaries, in women, or the testis for men, there can be no doubt that the illness itself or the treatment are bound to increase infertility in the population. But the true underlying cause is what caused cancer, what contaminated the hidden-away stem cell(s) and triggered the nefarious process.and, finally, genetic disorders: when a high replication stem cell gets transfected by a vaccine or some other contaminant. The chromosomes are accessible and vulnerable at each division. If foreign material, like spike proteins, can bind or damage the chromatids (duplicate separating chromosomes), indispensable genes for spermatogenesis can be damaged. Explaining not only part of the infertility boom but possibly also some genetic disorders in the next generation.
Many post-COVID-vaccination signs and observations support the hypothesis and the logic that accidental IV of vaccines is a significant factor of infertility, if not the most important one:
One sperm study in Israel6 showed transient low count and low motility.
The autopsies undertaken by Pr. Burkhardt showed T-cell and spike infiltration in the testis with disappearing sperm.
VAERS reports that show a few germ cell cancers, several ovarian or testis necroses, a total of 409 cases of cancers and neoplasms related to the reproductive system likely under-reported by a factor of 100 or more as doctors are convinced cancers are unrelated to vaccines.
There has been general decrease in births across the globe since the start of the vaccination campaign.

I remember Dr Roger Hodkinson, in early 2021, furiously telling everybody that the vaccines would render the population in age of procreating sterile and that the vaccination campaign needed to be stopped. Roger had an incredible foresight. He and I have never stopped fighting against
At the time, I hadn’t done the analysis above and didn’t understand the mechanisms of harm. Still, I backed Roger simply because I understood from the epidemiological data something was wrong. Neither Roger nor I had grasped that this had been going on for a long time and likely explains why so many couples worldwide struggle to conceive. An unfair fate.
Understanding how things occur is fundamental to stopping them from happening and finding potential cures. I will come back with a rationale for cures, but for those of you who have been following OT (oxygen therapy), either hyperbaric (>1 atmosphere) or normobaric (1 atmosphere), offers opportunities for curing infertility, certainly for micro-perforation-related harm, cancer-related harm and to some extent, necrosis-related harm, and the data is there to prove it (when done sufficiently long! typically 40 sessions)
I don’t know if knowing what happened is helpful to couples who have been having trouble conceiving; hopefully, this analysis can relieve any guilt some might have that they did something wrong. They did nothing wrong except trust the medical establishment. There’s hope for many.
I hope you have found this article insightful and helpful. It is likely the first unified theory around infertility consistent with observed clinical signs, precise logical mechanisms of harm, and possible treatments. Many other causes can explain infertility, but given how many vaccinations occur each year throughout the planet, this has got to be one of the biggest, if not the biggest.
Feel free to support my work via PayPal by becoming a Founding Member, or by contacting me directly (a simple reply to this mail). Most of you know that 9,000+ hours of pro-bono work have put me and my family in financial distress, and I am seriously struggling. In advance, thank you very much.
Marc Girardot
as long as it’s ethical.
I think your proposed mechanism is plausible and may well be a strong contributor to current rates of infertility. The data from the last few years would seem to support that. Now to think of more ways to test your hypothesis! Is there a way to compare infertility in countries that heavily vaccinate versus countries that don't? Also you could look at infertility as a function of time since the US started adding large numbers of vaccines for children after 1986 - you could maybe see if there is a correlation in the US in communities that heavily vaccinate compared to those that don't (like the Amish) if the numbers are large enough for statistical analysis. One thing to note is that adult immigrants to the US are forced to take vaccinations before they get green cards even if they have had the diseases they are supposed to be for so may have previously only had a few.
Also, have you also considered how our light environment may have affected our health as living inside under an unnatural spectrum of fake light may also have a strong effect that we don't always realize. Our bodies use light and dark as a signal for the release of hormones and other bodily functions - we have opsins in our skin and eyes to detect light of various frequencies that vary throughout the day and year with the sun's angle of incidence at our specific geographic location. Also non-native emfs do affect us (see the ntp study) and have been gradually increasing in our environment over the past 100+ years.
Such a conundrum with some truly beneficial medications developed in the pharmaceutical industry, while the majority of the major pharmaceutical companies are repeat convicted felons. The industry complexity is beyond layperson understanding, so most of us are left with medical professional recommendations. Pharma clearly is not trust worthy. The "system" of medical education is rife with pharma brainwashing and propagandizing curriculum, rendering many M.D.s unwitting drug selling tools. Worse is the medical cabal, partnering with medical insurance providers, so the unwitting M.D. is rewarded for prescribing patented medications and penalized for not prescribing. Unless one deep dives into a considered medication, it is a crap shoot. I trust my mechanic to fix my vehicle. I no longer rely exclusively on medical professional advice for my health.