What Does Human Fallibility And Corruptibility Mean For Vaccine Policies?
Compulsory vaccination should be made UNCONSTITUTIONAL and criminalized.
One of my dearest friends died of a Glioblastoma a few months before the whole COVID crisis started.
This friend was quite an impressive and amazing character, a repeat successful entrepreneur, quarter-back size with a wicked sense of humor, incredibly open-minded, a German citizen of the world, a “touche-à-tout” as we say in France. He’d meet an entrepreneur working on his/her venture capital pitch in a Starbuck’s Cafe on Sand Hill Road1, jump on board, and - in no time - become a recognized worldwide expert in a novel DNA sequencing technology using cellphone technology. All self-taught. He’d go on to present to panels composed of several Nobel awardees in Cambridge (UK), and finish by selling the company to Roche, all in less than 5 years.
It had to be early 2017. A Wednesday night. I was sitting in a Tel Aviv restaurant having diner with Israeli colleagues, struggling to raise money on my moonshot auto project, when the phone rang. I had been trying to get a hold of Stefan for several days. His tone was somber. Between the music, the loud conversations and the noise of cutlery, I had trouble hearing what he was telling me. The news hit me. Returning from a ski trip, he’d fallen off his training bike Sunday night, collapsed unconscious and was rapidly taken to Stanford University Hospital. A brain scan had shown he had a brain tumor that would have to be resected in a few days. The prognostic was dark, most likely a Glioblastoma, the worse form of brain cancers.
I remember flying back home to Geneva in shock. The next day, I put on halt my start-up. Not the best idea for a struggling entrepreneur, but I had my priorities in order. Thinking he could wake up from the resection speechless, blind or in a coma. I wanted his wife to have a blueprint, something useful, just in case. I know it sounds presumptuous and silly. From scratch, I worked hard two full weeks devising what could be, or should be, a Glioblastoma fighting strategy based on what data I could collect and a framework I imagined. I remember my 9-months old daughter, tinkering with the printer, wondering what her dada was relentlessly doing night and day at his desk. I needed something to send to Stefan and his wife. Here is what I ended sending . (A lot of it is still relevant, but a lot is probably obsolete and can be improved upon. Will rework that in the weeks to come.)
He came out of resection in relative good shape. We even got to ski together in the French Alps the following Xmas. Stefan went on to fight one of boldest and most innovative fights against cancer ever. May be someone will write his story one day. Wish I had known what I know now… This was my first deep dive into cancer.
Why am I talking about my friend Stefan?
Simply because he was an extreme libertarian. Following what can only be qualified as extreme bureaucratic bullying by German Tax Authorities, he had developed a vision whereby government needed to be stripped to a bare minimum. Four years after his death, I more and more believe he was probably right. Even though he was a firm believer in vaccines, I am pretty sure he would have been appalled at the COVID ambient authoritarianism, the WHO centralization coup and the horrific series of mandates imposed on the world these past 4 years. He was all for entrepreneurship and freedom. Evidently, entrepreneurs would do everything better than bureaucrats. I think he had in mind SMEs, small and medium businesses, not necessarily big corporates which are as bureaucratic and ineffective as any governmental or supranational organization in my honest opinion.
At the time, my position was to say that all human organizations are dysfunctional. As a consultant, I had seen mostly dysfunctional companies, rarely did a company remain at its optimal very long. Success attracts B-player off for a free ride. Politics kick in very quickly. Politicians sideline straight-shooters. Hard effective choices are traded for stupid consensus policies. Let the free fall commence… Nothing new here.
Private or public, doesn’t change a thing. Humans are fallible; men are corruptible, emotionally, intellectually, financially and morally. To a certain extent, that’s what makes us human.
And as Phil Zimbardo demonstrated in the “Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil”, it doesn’t take long for evil to take over. How long was it for the Stanford prison experiment to go sideways? … Less than 24 hours!
Imagine how long organizations and institutions like the World Health Organization, the NIH, the FDA, the European Commission … have gone unaudited and unquestioned … Decades without ever having to be accountable for their mistakes.
When there’s no check or responsibility, there’s necessarily a dangerous feeling of superiority, of confidence and of righteousness.
Most likely anyone fallen into these institutional traps, me included, would end up acting dysfunctionally while being convinced of doing good. That’s an even more dangerous scenario because people who commit crimes intently have limits, they fear getting caught, but anyone who believes he/she is righteous, somehow morally superior and doing good, will never stop.
Fallability is a given. Unavoidable. Corruption can be fought. But fundamentally, these tenets of human nature make it necessary that decision making and control never to be over-centralized, else the abyss is near. Indeed, a dysfunctional hyper-potent centralize system is self-feeding and can only be stopped by its own chaotic and harmful demise. That’s why distributed systems are always more resilient, adaptive and harmonious. If one policy or one choice fails, other choices, other decisions and other references are here to benchmark, to innovate and to progress, and no generalized collapse occurs. Comparisons are made. Fingers are pointed. Success is rewarded. Failure is learnt from.
Look at what happened when the W.H.O. decided that the COVID recommended protocol would be to deprive patients of treatment (antibiotics, anticoagulants), to ban anti-inflammatories, to forbid autopsies and to mechanically ventilate any COVID patient. Whatever the rationale behind, corrupt or not, well-thought or not, the idea of putting all one’s eggs into one basket was horrendous and extremely lethal. Remember SARS-Cov-2 was in Europe as early as September 2019, no one died until the protocol was enforced mid-March 2020.
Instead of leaving doctors and scientists locally try things out and adapt, like Professor Raoult in Marseille with HCQ and Azithromycin or other teams with Ivermectin… find the best solution, and then share it openly. The world generalized and publicized unfounded dangerous guidelines that were implemented by almost all Public Health authorities: lockdowns, masks, school closures, vaccines… All untested bureaucratic policies, founded on zero science, developed away from patients and the realities of the field, scaled to billions of people. What could go wrong? … Everything.
Standardization in healthcare can indeed be effective in certain circumstances, but one needs to be 150% certain you‘ve got the best policy, and that can only be decided by people on the field with clear accountability. Generalization in health is a very bad idea, because context varies too much for a centralize decision to ever be applicable. When I was at Cisco, we had global processes that were backed by global internet tools, variability in context existed, but nowhere near healthcare. The tools were chosen and improved by distributed teams that together would decide what was best for their customers and for business. Every time politics started taking over that collaborative process, a commercial disaster would occur rapidly.
The idea of collaborating and communicating in matters of health is evidently useful. Confronting ideas and experiences is key. Sharing the results of autopsies also. Exchanging strategies that work and don’t work. But there is a huge difference between exchanging best practices, sharing observations and everybody deciding independently based on their local context and constraints, versus imposing top-down policies thought out by consultants and pseudo-experts in a vacuum, away from any reality, in luxurious hotels in the Swiss Alps!
There’s a real perversion of the governance when field collaboration and freedom of decision is replaced with top-down bureaucratic thinking and authoritarianism.
No one is infallible. Evidently Bill Gates with his obsession of global pandemics and his dominance over the W.H.O. his bares a huge responsibility over the disaster of the past four years. Unfortunately, fallibility doesn’t go down with the size of one’s bank account, contrary to what too many believe…
Personally, I have no interest in reviewing in details the dysfunction of the W.H.O., the N.I.H. or the F.D.A… or Gates’s personal delusions. It doesn’t require long to spot these organizations are dysfunctional beyond repair. The Daily Telegraph2 recently testified they were bullied by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for raising the alarm of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Given these agencies seem to have been abiding by the same Playbook, there’s no reason to believe other agencies throughout the globe - the very ones in charge of our safety - haven’t been misbehaving in exactly the same way, hiding the truth and triple downing on what is bound to become the biggest medical disaster in history.
Their cultures are evidently flawed and corrupt by decades of group-think, unaccountability and by multiple conflicts of interest (rotating doors, etc..;). And their track-records - which is visible to anyone really open to investigating - are absolutely abysmal. COVID-19 was the epitome of mismanagement from A to Z: Imagine imposing mechanical ventilation systematically to everyone as a general rule, or forcing onto everyone a drugthat has be proven to kill 50+% in a Phase 1 trial against Ebola, Remdesivir…
Recently, Europe dumped 4 billion euros’ worth of expired vaccines. How is the Commission being made accountable for that waste. Are unelected bureaucrats, Ursula von der Leyen and Thierry Breton going to pay back this waste? How are they going to be sanction for all their mismanagements. May be their castles should be seized?
Evidently, some folks have crossed the line in all these organizations, they are fully aware they have failed, and have become serious criminals when they started hiding their gross inexcusable mistakes and double/triple downed on these vaccines on the entire population. We know they know because they lied under oath repeatedly to cover their crimes: Michelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci are two of the best examples, or they hid they communication like Ursula von der Leyen…
Look at what VAERS showed as early as January 15, 2021: 171 deaths in the US alone! How could anyone in their right mind not only continue injecting the vaccines, but double and triple down and generalize it to our kids?
My purpose today is neither to audit nor to judge these organizations or these so-called bureaucratic “leaders”. I have known for a very very long time that human organizations are essentially dysfunctional in nature. That’s the reason government and corporate organizations need to be surveilled tightly and that true accountability needs to be enforced, with distributed checks and balances.
My purpose here is to put in perspective vaccine schedules and mandates with systematic unavoidable human fallability.
If organizations are dysfunctional and corruptible, vaccine schedules or mandates are evidently a clear “no go” for our children.
Why? Simply because, at a minimum, intellectual or emotional corruption are unavoidable. In other words, those deciding that vaccines should be compulsory are most likely, not only doing it for the wrong reasons but are also possibly hiding - consciously or subconsciously - that the vaccines are unsafe as they have been for decades now.
Personal choice is the only way, if we want society to remain civil. No school, no university, no employer, no government nor any institution should have the right to demand any injection of any sort, simply because, by nature, they can never be trusted, especially if they aren’t accountable on the own dime, or on their own freedom or life. Never.
One is free to do, or not, one’s own due diligence, and decide to get, or not, themselves and their kids injected.
Take responsibility and ownership of their own future. But forcing a product that no one can absolutely guarantee to be safe, and for which the go-to-market criteria is often biased and corrupt, means at a minimum that it cannot ethically be forced on anyone. Mandates contradict the social contract. Actually, forced vaccination are a violation of the Nuremberg code, no matter what. I am sure we will get to that sooner or later.
As such compulsory vaccine schedules and mandates should be made UNCONSTITUTIONAL and criminalized.
I would add that any lobbying to bypass such law - or have it be revoked - should also be criminalized, because men fallability is here to stay. This is the first time I fall into the political spectrum category of articles, but this delusion of “righteousness” has put our society on the brink of the abyss, and has caused the death of hundreds of millions these past decades and the suffering of billions throughout the world. It is time to stop this lunacy, or at least let the most diligent and sane off the hook.
Freedom is the way forward.
Infantilizing adults in all areas needs to stop. Free speech is a precondition to empowerment, as such free speech infringement such as what we have witnessed in the US and in the EU these past 4 years should also be criminalized, as there can be no free informed consent without full freedom of speech.
So-called subject matters experts have shown to be repeatedly wrong. No one has ever all the right answers, and as such no one can impose anything on anybody despite the narrative of many, especially with zero accountability.
I vote for making any vaccine mandate of any sort, including vaccine schedule, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and anyone pushing differently should be ready to be made accountable not only on all his/her assets, but also on his/her freedom.
Killing or maiming our kids and our loved-ones cannot remain a risk-free money-making business.
I have nothing against a globalized world as long as individuals are free to choose, and collaboration, decentralization and local empowerment are the rule, and centralization and authoritarianism are outlawed.
Best from Snowy Paris.
In memory of my friend Stefan…
Silicon Valley’s Venture Capital road
I had previously stated The Guardian, it was The Daily Telegraph as per the snapshot. Thanks Pan for highlighting my mistake. :-)
“No school, no university, no employer, no government nor any institution should have the right to demand any injection...esp if they aren’t accountable on their own dime or their own freedom or life.” 💯🎯
Looking back on all of the madness of the past almost 4 years now, it seems SO INSANE; how & why did SO many at every lever of society go along? The plaintiff lawyers should have been coming out of the woodwork to make your very argument. Why weren’t they? Because the plaintiff bar is as corrupt as any other left loon entity.
Everyone should have a friend like you.
Aside from the anguish of course, this was a wonderful post.
Greetings back at ya from snowy northerly US climes.