10 years on the floor as a nurse giving daily injections, I never hit a blood vessel

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I see you have followed Dr. John Campbell's videos, ignore that part of my comment to your other post.

Can you add the likelihood of reaching a deep vein easier if using a relatively longer needle to your modelling. Sort of like comparing a lean teenage boy to a slightly overweight adult with the same length needle.

Suppose the same needles are used by many vaccinators for all their subjects, what if they reached the vein in the boys more often and because they rarely aspirate they would never know.

A second thought is that body builders and by proxy all athletes have more muscle tissue that needs more blood and might have more veins, what if the chance of a sports person getting IV instead of IM is higher than regular people.

Obviously does not account for actors and doctors getting injured but might add to your model.

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All good comments.

I do with the data I can find.

I think the probability should be roughly the same, the dose might change (he'ce severity) , ie you hit big vein more often with body builders.

I also think that might be compensated by poor injections that end up subcutaneous where many big vessels are found. I was 2 pictures of the Germany minister of health injecting and his angle was scary each time...

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5% of batches delivered in turns i.e. about 1.25% of total batches delivered, where the cause of most of the harm - possibly had the most amount of Graphene Oxide/Hydroxide - so! as much as I appreciate your view in this article, it is one part of a whole picture, albeit an important part, having seen some of your other articles - I know you know what I mean.

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I have been asking this around but have not seen it addressed by Malone, McCullogh or Kirsch... IS THE BLOOD SUPPLY SAFE IF YOU ARE COMPLETELY UNJABBED?

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Here in South Africa the blood bank will allow people to donate within 24 hours!

Safe safe safe.

Total madness.

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Pretty much the only thing Jehova's Witnesses were spot on through all these years: avoid getting foreign blood.

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I am sorry. I don't understand your question. Is it safe for an unvaccinated to have blood that could contain spike?

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Yes this is a huge question that seems to be avoided and swept under the carpet. I would imagine Red Cross's insurers would be asking this question. Even if they have some form of legislated indemnity this would be negated by a fraud, i.e. RC telling people everything is OK when they know it is not. And if they don't know it is not then how incompetent is that?

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My understanding is that they forbid giving blood for a few months.

So normally it should be safe.

Some instances have shown spike many months after, but that would be likely minimum as likely released from some kind of storage in fat.

I am more concerned about obscene levels of antibodies one could have. I presume those are filtered out of the plasma. Not sure.

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Yes, basically. The mainstream medical press seems to be going out of their way to emphasize how safe it is. But read carefully and it seems they are really only answering 2 questions: 1) can you get Covid from transfused blood (not the question) and 2) does transfused blood have some type of "control" technology (not the question). Here is a typical non-answer:

Red Cross officials said they’ve had to reassure clients that a covid vaccine, which is injected into muscle or the layer of skin below, doesn’t circulate in the blood.

But apparently the mRna *can* be injected into the blood stream.

So it seems like a reasonable question. It is clearly NOT reasonable to believe the lockstep mainstream media and WebMds.


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The whole Fauci/Walensky death caused by car accident was ridiculous. Several questions should have immediately been asked:

"Dr. Foolci, how many of the deaths in VAERS are actually car deaths as you claim? If you don't know, then clearly none of them may actually be a car death. And why don't you know how many have been caused by cars?

And it clearly is also in the realm of possibility that the vaccine caused muscle spasms, or heart attacks, or....that led to car accidents causing death, correct?"

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Exactly, people are dying on the field playing football, why wouldn't they die driving in their car?

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Interesting idea and very feasible with all the amateur volunteers injecting. Also mass production of the vaccines must have caused a drop in the standard compared to in trials.

Also, titration, especially in elderly and vulnerable would have been the sensible route to take.


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I went on to this website can any Doctors or nurses anyone answer and explain how many covid shots are in a batch? I just had a client her grandson checked out the website it said 20 died from the batch number. I am not understanding about the batch. Please explain?


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Good question without a definitive answer that I have seen. The website you mention has a tab for lot/batch size - ranges from approx. 35,000 -290,000 for Pfizer. I assume this means doses but there are 6 doses/vial. Pfizer ships 195 vials per package. I don't see data for other manufactures on the site. Remember the numbers reported are from VAERS which is estimated to be a fairly small number of overall injuries. Some say you have to multiple by up to 40x.

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Thank you for your help makes sense as to the batches. Although the madness needs to stop though with the injections. God bless.

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It is possible that some batches have better quality and thus would be more dangerous... The less LNPs are filled with mRNA the better.

But that wouldn't explain for young men.

I believe lots numbers are tied to periods, and periods are tied to age groups, and certain âge groups are more sensitive to the vaccines.

May be a combination of age-sensitivity and quality?

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We'd all so expect batches to be linked to injection site and even individuals administering the vaccine. This fits well with your theory.

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Astonishing. Thank you for the contribution. Do you have this post translated in spanish?

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Me encantaria.

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The muscles are full of blood vessels, it’s inevitable that at least some of the LNPs will make it into the bloodstream.

They should have gone with an oral or nasal vaccine. Maybe using an adenovirus vector but not the LNP with pseudourylated RNA because that likely erases immunity to the coded antigen (at least it does in a mouse model of MS)

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What is the MOST effective way to get people to wake up to this disaster!?

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Not sure. Seed the inconsistency of their foundation. They can't be forced. They need to awake on their own. Sports fan should wonder why 3 tennis players have chest pain and need to exit the Australian Open, soccer fan should wonder how is it that these healthy players suddenly are having attacks? The narrative is utterly inconsistent, it will flounder, the question is will democracy still be alive by then?

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If I ask someone this:

"Let me inject you with an experimental fluid, of which you have no knowledge and the details of which are classified, and futhermore if said injection hurts you in any way I'm not liable for any damages"

I think they'd answer no. At least, I hope they would.

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I believe an improper injection technique is only responsible for a very minor number of adverse events. But it is suspicious that the injection technique was changed without proper study and it's certainly true that an IV injection causes all of the same adverse events (emboli, thrombosis, bleeding, myocarditis, etc. . .) in animal studies.

I appreciate your article and you bring up some excellent points. Below is something that I've been working on to reach a better understanding of the pharmacokinetic profile of these vaccine deaths that fits the 48 hour window post-vaccination seen in the majority of VAERS reports.

"Based on the kinetic profile of reported deaths after injection and results from the Brigham Woman’s/Harvard Study (17), and other resources posted below I have made the following assumptions. The depth of the injection determines the biodistribution of the carrier with deeper intra-muscular (IM) injections more likely to have a systemic distribution and more rapid expression. Superficial IM injections will produce more localized expression of the spike protein, a longer delay until spike is expressed and a longer duration of expression (19). It is the deeper injections with early, systemic expression of spike that would best fit the AE observations (20-29). We do not know if it’s the free spike or the spike produced on endothelial membranes and exosomes that is more dangerous. . ."

1. Ogata AF, Cheng C-A, Desjardins M, Senussi Y, Sherman AC, Powell M, Novack L, Von S, Li X, Baden LR et al. . 2021. Circulating Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients. Clinical Infectious Diseases:ciab465.

2. Bansal S, Perincheri S, Fleming T, Poulson C, Tiffany B, Bremner RM, Mohanakumar T. 2021. Cutting Edge: Circulating Exosomes with COVID Spike Protein Are Induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer–BioNTech) Vaccination prior to Development of Antibodies: A Novel Mechanism for Immune Activation by mRNA Vaccines. The Journal of Immunology:ji2100637.

3. Pardi N, Tuyishime S, Muramatsu H, Kariko K, Mui BL, Tam YK, Madden TD, Hope MJ, Weissman D. 2015. Expression kinetics of nucleoside-modified mRNA delivered in lipid nanoparticles to mice by various routes. Journal of controlled release: official journal of the Controlled Release Society 217:345-351.

4. Palmer M & Bhakdi S. 2021. Long-term persistence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: evidence and implications. https://doctors4covidethics.org/long-term-persistence-of-the-sars-cov-2-spike-protein-evidence-and-implications-2/.

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We know from the Norway vs Denmark study that Norway has 2,4x the number of myocarditis that Denmark has. It is reasonable to think that some.degree of influence between Norway and Denmark occurs,.which would mean accidental injection plays an important role.

I believe the numbers are very important anyone looking at Covid deaths in 2021 should realise these Gompez curves can't be epidemic related, and are likely vaccine related.

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Marc, do you know if they aspirate in Sweden? Might help interpret some of the all-cause mortality stats there, as less confounded by "lockdown-related deaths" than most other countries, and the fact that Sweden doesn't have all-cause death spikes at the same time as the jab rollouts (unlike many other countries)

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Not sure but they sure had a strange "spike" in "Covid deaths" in January that seemed significant enough.

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Is there any danger that the spike protein could be transmitted via blood products, such as in a transfusion?

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Of course, there's a danger in the immediate period after the vaccination. Healthy patients shouldn't carry the spike long. So there's a good probability that spikes are minimum, because I think you need to wait. i presume it would also be diluted.

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Thanks! Going in for surgery soon, and just wondering (I don't expect to need blood)...

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It is an interesting hypothesis and should definitely be investigated. However, it does not seem to explain why there were adverse reactions to specific vaccine lot numbers?

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It's possible the lots are correlated with specific times and ages (which are more sensitive to AEs...

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Now I understand your Stance about the concern about the lots... you mean maybe differents lots are destined to different age-groups, correct? (About that what you say about the timing, I still don't get it... what do you mean by times/timing here?

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Simply that authorities have prioritized the elderly who are more fragile, and thus die more...

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Excellent piece Marc. One little thing to note and edit. Fauci is the head of NAID, a part of NIH. He’s not head of the CDC - that’s currently his evil twin sister from another mother Rochelle Wollensky.

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NIAID actually

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Thank you for the correction.

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