Feb 5, 2023Liked by Marc Girardot

As a former nurse, I was taught to always aspirate first to check for blood backflash in giving shots. They were also training non-medical personnel to give these jabs. I know because my daughter’s friend was trained and she was only working as a pharmacy assistant, no medical training what-so-ever! Makes me wonder what kind of information she gave to get the informed consent. I bet it wasn’t much!!

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Hi, wonder if anybody paid attention to this autopsy finding in Germany.

Of note, it has been recently reported that intravenous injection of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is able to induce an acute (epi-) myocarditis in a preclinical model [28]. Interestingly, we recorded inflammatory foci predominantly in the right heart, which may suggest a gradual blood-stream derived dilution effect and based on this finding it is at least tempting to speculate that inadvertent intravascular vaccine injection may be contributive

Data from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00392-022-02129-5

Rgds JR

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You wilm find this article illuminating.


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You have been and are 100% right Marc.. and this paper NAILS it. NAILS it dead on. Published today, Jan. 4 The signal is 100% unambiguous. Those with myocarditis had free floating, full spike protein in their blood. Those vax'ed but without myocarditis had NONE.



Extensive antibody profiling and T-cell responses in the individuals who developed postvaccine myocarditis were essentially indistinguishable from those of vaccinated control subjects, despite a modest increase in cytokine production. A notable finding was that markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein (33.9±22.4 pg/mL), unbound by antibodies, were detected in the plasma of individuals with postvaccine myocarditis, whereas no free spike was detected in asymptomatic vaccinated control subjects (unpaired t test; P<0.0001).

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Byram Bridle used FOIA to get the Pfizer Japanese study that showed the distribution of mRNA particles throughout the body (in mice). This was exceptional to the assumption that the product would stay at the injection site in the muscle.

Don't *all* vaccines seep into the bloodstream ? (Sometimes in a bolus - thank you!)

With the normal flow of blood through capillaries proximal to every cell, wouldn't a (correct) intramuscular injection *always* seep into the bloodstream, albeit perhaps "slowly" - such as minutes ?

It seems like everyone is discussing this binary of intra-vascular or intra-muscular but is the reality that those are the two ends of a spectrum of dosage vs. time ? (highly skewed to intra-muscular we hope)

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So what is the mRna shot doing to us? Never mind the method of how it was given.

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Mark, I just heard you first time on the recent Kirsch "debate" with student Karan and new to your blog. Thank you for your bringing the face of reality to that event. Question: as a doctor, is there enough hard data and anecdotal evidence that we can confidently say that the entire cov-vxx agenda is an intentional weapon of depopulation? (As opposed to a sloppy mistake being covered up in order to save face and to further the medical-industrial-complex).

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Marc Girardot

I just saw this report about a New York high school teacher who was arrested for injecting a teen with a COVID-19 vaccine without his parents’ consent and got away with only having to do community service. The teacher did it in her own home!

I immediately thought of the risk of inadvertent intravascular injections. I bet the prosecution didn't think (or want) to argue that. I can image a civil suit in which your work is very helpful.


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The intro implies that, if a single injection has a 5% chance of harm, then the total probability of harm after five injections is 25%. But this is flawed probability. After all, twenty injections clearly cannot mean a 100% chance of harm. Someone with better math than mine will need to provide the correct calculation.

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022

My daughter almost certainly received her injection into her vascular system. She had more bleeding than I have seen on any injection or blood draw; coming home with a blood soaked cotton ball and then experiencing subsequent bruising of a large area on her upper arm. Within the next couple of weeks her FitBit notified her several times of elevated heart rate, some of which she sensed and was aware of having. She went to an urgent care center that sent her on to the ER. The ER docs did not find anything signigicant but recommended that she follow up with a cardiologist if she had ongoing issues. She has not done that nor has she had subsequent notifications of any abnormal heart rate.

I pray that this was a short term effect for her. She only received the one J&J shot and has not boosted. There also seems to be a lack of discussion over the long term effects if any of the DNA based shots versus the mRNA,

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Marc Girardot

So these risks of intravenous injections are not just limited to the covid vaccines, but to all injections/vaccines?

Are there any vaccines you can take? Where the rewards outweigh the risks? 😳

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Marc Girardot

Bien dit, Monsieur! Well said, Marc.

I wish I could get my friends and family to turn off the TV and read what you and others are working so hard to get out there.

I now inhabit a strange realm where I try to be ready to let go of loved ones who have by default opted to be experimented upon rather than to rely on their mucosal immunity and T-cells to perform a function they've been refining for hundreds of millions of years.

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Marc, it may interest you to take a look at the one and only clinical trial in the US for a SARS-CoV vaccine back in 2004. This study was funded and conducted by NIAID.


Seems like they were scared to use needles:

"Each DNA vaccination will be 1 mL of vaccine administered intramuscularly (in deltoid muscle) using the Biojector 2000 Needle-Free Injection Management System."

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Marc Girardot

I saw an urgent care doctor who said to me: "Don't get the vaccine. I'm trying to get the word out, and it makes me sick that they're pushing it on kids." I almost want to cry when I think of that.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Marc Girardot

The day is coming when insurance CEOs listen to their actuaries, realize the vaccinated are in a higher financial risk category, and raise their premiums.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Marc Girardot


think you will find this article most relevant to your theory..

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