You're most welcome. I will ask Marc to send you my email, feel free to connect and suggest any ideas. Happy to assist. I sent Doc M an email as my way of contacting him bc I can't comment, also to reinforce your fabulous comments. I was thrilled to see your post bc it was exactly what I was going to ask him re an interview with Marc. Your detailed comments were great. I have a few theories as to why most are ignoring, some of which you alluded to. There are a few others potentially interested so hopefully with the book it gets moving. I've left multiple comments and sent many, many emails .... A few have indicated follow up, many have not responded but it will be interesting to see how they come out of the woodwork. Marc just needs enough attention that they can't ignore it and the readers want to know what other writers and scientists think. Ideally he picks up some people outside the MFM. I suspect his theory will be hard to find holes in, unlike the unlucky individuals who have holes in their endothelium..... I'm thoroughly grateful for his work. Unbekoming did a small interview which was very positive. I find my friends and family (almost everyone is vacxed) have responded well to the Bolus Theory. No one seems to be getting boosters.... And I see the idea of moving away from needles to patches and sprays is creeping in behind the scenes. I think they all know. Exposure definitely the key. Thanks for replying.

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I had heard a rumor... Before my second (last) jab, I asked the nurse whether the CDC had indeed recommended "dispensing with aspiration". She replied quite affirmatively that it "was NOT necessary", and it would slow down the line in the parking lot. Since there was no hurry, I suggested that we could "just do it for old-times sake." She seemed offended, and I couldn't really tell whether she actually did.

THE HABIT IS GONE. You will be getting a bolus of "whatever" with EVERY IM injection.

Many cases of tinnitus got it within 15 seconds. "Bolus disinformation??"

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Not sure aspiration was ever fully effective but probably to some extent.

This is happening and it's happening quite often sadly.

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I'm just getting around to looking at your diagram. I put it aside when I first read your article because I wanted to figure out what the diagram said. Now that I look at it, I must admit I don't know what it says. It has none of the standard diagram structures I understand. It doesn't seem to be a flow chart. It doesn't seem to be a class diagram. It doesn't seem to be a state diagram. It doesn't seem to be an activity diagram. So, please help me. What does a box mean? What does an arrow mean? What does a box at the back end of the arrow mean? What does a box at the tip of the arrow mean? What does the color of an arrow mean? What does the labeling across the middle of an arrow mean? Is time somehow involved? Are there inputs and outputs implied? Is there meaning to the way the boxes are lined up horizontally? If you are following a standard diagram method, is there documentation on this method? Thank you.

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Apologies if it's not clear...

Basically, the top is a process map: you inject in IV, you push on the plunger fast, you create a bolus, bolus creates concentrated transfection, T-cells attack transfected cell, and create damage.

After that you have different scenarios based on activation of the LNPs and where the bolus hits and how dispersed it is.

The first column on the left are the activation scenarios based on whether the injection if in a vein or an artery.

The second column is "Bolus Dynamics" scenarios that go with the activation scenarios.

The third column is a "Wound Topology" scenarios that correspond to the Bolus dynamics scenarios.

The fourth column is the "Ethiology" scenario column, with a certain wound topology goes a type of pathology.

The fifth column is the detailed pathologies for each type of pathology.

Injection scenario->Bolus scenario->wound topology scenario -> Aetiology scenario -> Detailed pathology scenario

Hope this helps.

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Thank you for responding. I know it is difficult to take the time. The way you describe it, you have just a list of scenarios under a heading for what I understand from your answer are classes of scenarios. That doesn't explain the arrows. What does the back end of the arrow mean and what does the point of the arrow mean. What does the label in the arrow mean? Is the arrow reflecting a cause and effect sequence? Even then, what does the label mean? I am from the AI programming world, and I am somewhat handicapped by standards used in engineering and programming for diagramming.

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The arrow is the blood flow downstream... the further down, the further disseminated, the different the type of accident.

I'll see if i can make it clearer.

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A helpful reference would be https://www.omg.org/spec/UML/2.5.1/PDF. This is used in AI as the standard for representing facts and knowledge. There is software that, if used, will take any of the kinds of diagrams and automagically create code. There are two diagram types that might fit what you are trying to communicate. (Your explanation seems to be that the arrows represent time. Your use of the word "type" might be represented by a state in a state diagram or an action in a sequence diagram.) The two types of diagrams are the state diagram and the sequence diagram. Do a search in the pdf I've linked to for "handbook descriptions." Go to youtube for visual tutorials.

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Thanks for your kind support. will try and take a look in the coming days.

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Bonjour Marc, I dropped you an email via covidmythbuster at substack. Hopefully it reaches you.

Excellent work again with this article, and best wishes for the book. JD

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Hi J Dixon,

I wanted to say how great it was to see your comments on Doc Malik's latest post. Unfortunately, I'm not a subscriber. Marc's work is incredible, important, refreshing and fascinating. I truly hope the momentum builds and hopefully his book can be published soon.

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Thanks TW I totally agree, and the good news is that I have had a nibble from Doc M, so hopefully he’s brave enough to have a proper chat with Marc - it’s a complete mystery why Marc gets so little traction with the main medical freedom community, when the underlying mechanism he proposes is undeniably happening. It’s even published in rodents multiple times now. Anyway hopefully Doc M is up for it. The more exposure Marc’s ideas get the better imho.

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I didn't get your message, but I did notice your generosity. Thank you.

I sent you my personal email. If you want to engage differently. Again thank you.

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Excellent, thank you.

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Thank you Fabian for taking the time to read me.

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I am close to Kevin.. We interact regularly. This can play a role but not in the AEs described above. Possibly for generic disorders.

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Marc can you post your “Buy me a kofi” link please?

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I think you can do that here Elizabeth. Thank you.


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I just donated. May I suggest you include this link in the bottom of your articles? I hope people will help fund your efforts.

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Thank you so much

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It’s difficult to both accuse the medical elites of being intelligent and NOT accuse them of causing immense and irreversible harm to humanity. Either they’re a buncha morons (not yet, DEI only now is enabling idiots into the profession), or the harm is intentional. There’s no third option.

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Collectively we humans are very dysfunctional....

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Good to see your bolus theory gaining the traction it deserves.

If I may, I would like to suggest you pay attention to some of Prof Angus Dalgeish work. The reason I mention this is because, when listening to his interview with Doc Ahmad Malik, he mentioned "charge" in relation to the spike protein itself. As you most likely know, the lipid nanoparticle itself is positively charged, the produced spike, negatively charged. This may have an additional effect one where the particles end up.

Also, the vasodilation and leakage of plasma associated with inflammation might explain why (in my experience of people who have secondary spike protein associated injuries from the circulating SP) the mid term syndromes occur.

The perfect murder weapon that targets people's weaknesses. Pure evil.

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It's quite entertaining, people are more afraid of an invisible charge particle than they are of a physical machinery being highjacked and start producing thousands of proteins... And veibg dedteoyed by the immune system.

Imagine if our bodies would react so negatively to charged particles...this is riduculous, respectfully, our cells manage electrons every single second.

Every transfected cell will be destroyed, do this Charge narrative is irrelevant.

Even when cells are immune priviledged and won't be destroyed, I find this difficult to consider versus the materiity of the intracellular damage of the vaccine.

My 2 cents. Respectfully.

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Sorry, I'm not really understanding your response. I'm not claiming that the charge makes the particles any more damaging, though the negative charge of the spike vs the positive charge of the ACE receptor is a factor in the bonding process. If I recall correctly, the charge of the LNP is what helps it cross the blood brain barrier - remember they tried to sell mRNA tech as a cancer treatment for brain cancers a decade ago. Anyway, this might be a red herring.

Perhaps I should have separated my comments, my main point was about inflammation and its contribution to a concentration of transfected cells in already compromised tissue.

Do you have any thoughts on this?

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OK. I think their idea it crosses the BBB is bollocks. There's no proof it does that. Thankfully it doesn't.However it tells the immune system to poke holes in it for sure. But the data we are seeing is more damage to the endothelium and the corresponding micro-thrombotic events than anything else.

The inflammation in the endothelium is crazy, even for people who don't seem to have Adverse Events.

Read this : https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712

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Oh undoubtedly, no surprise there with the insult of a highly inflammatory PEG followed by transfected cells spike protein production.

The way I see it, the first brute force assault on the body comes from the bolus, particularly where the injection is straight into a vein. That accounts for the major and more extreme early reactions and subsequent cardio vascular and endothelium damage.

The second assault comes from invasion of already compromised parts of the body (pre injection) via the inflammatory response. These injuries are the more unusual, dispersed and diverse seen in the mid term.

Just my opinion.

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On the Blood Brain BArrier, I just saw this.



I vaguely remember seeing this in 2021.

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“Bolus”: a rounded mass. I had to look it up.

On another point, a light bulb went off for me when you pointed out that if the damage is happening in one place, it’s happening in other places as well.

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Went off or on?

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Yes, I should have written “went on.”

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:-) Apologies often my english lacks some nuances.

Happy that point got across, it is one of the most important ones to understand pathologies. in my opinion. Thanks for your comments.

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It’s like an alarm that “goes off” when it makes noise. Counterintuitive English here :)

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It’s like a candle. Does it burn longer or shorter? Yes

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Thank you, Marc, for your critically important work here. Since I first heard Dr. Campbell raise the issue (2021?) about the lack of aspiration he was seeing in the vaccination campaign and the risks of intravascular injections and also in listening compassionately to the many vaccine injured people share their stories, I have kept it top of mind, and was glad when I found your excellent writings on the subject.

Unfortunately for me, even having all of this information, and having avoided the jab, I failed to ensure that my dentist aspirated the syringe before injecting Septocaine (articaine hydrochloride 4% with epinephrine 1:100,000) into my gum during a simple dental procedure in January. There is no doubt that the injection went right into my blood stream.

I had immediate pounding of the heart (pounding "out of my chest" feeling) and shaky arms and hands and a strong taste in my mouth (my gum didn't get numb). Knowing all I had read, I was very concerned at what had just happened. Five months since that day, I still have concerning cardiac symptoms and 24/7 tinnitus. I had hoped that the medical system would treat me differently because it wasn't from the covid jab. But I was mostly gaslit and there seemed to be a lot of medical blindness going on, as it is for the covid jab injured. At best, they said they didn't know why I reacted the way I did and they didn't know what to do for me.

I am a health conscious and healthy 52 year old female, and I am now on my own with a pounding, uncomfortable heart, abnormal ECG, had bradycardia for months, and still have 24/7 tinnitus (in the product info sheet under accidental intravascular injection it says that the resulting tinnitus is "central nervous system toxicity").

This has altered my life and I am concerned with the long term consequences. In past articles, you mentioned dental products. I have done a lot of research, but have not found other case studies where this has happened to others. I am looking for any more information and am hoping you can share what you have found particular to intravascular injection of dental numbing agents on the entire system of a person, with long term studies. I want to know what all of the ingredients or delivery agents are or whatever else is in this product, and have not found this info either. I was wondering whether I should see a toxicologist, but will they just be medically blind, too?

Marc, I emailed you a few days ago through Substack, perhaps if you can find that, you can send me some links or helpful info there or if you have questions for me. It would be much appreciated. Perhaps as you've been exploring this you've come across someone with a focus on studying dental mishaps like this. I have subscribed (paid) to your Substack to support your important work. Thank you, thank you. I also share this because I want others to be aware that it is not just vaccines we need to be cautious of. I'm already implementing nearly all of the good health advice you mentioned (need to add in fasting).

If anyone has any tips for having dental work done without numbing agents, please share. I will need to figure this one out going forward.

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Zen, hypnosis is used as a form of anesthesia by holistic dentists. Look it up. It can be expensive though. I do not have experience with it. If I need dental work in the future I have decided myself that I will use that approach. Otherwise if you use good dental cleaning (homemade toothpaste and mouthwash, flossing and oil pooling) you probably can re- mineralize and keep all your remaining teeth and avoid dentists altogether.

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I am not getting the Substack email, posssibly because I get so many. Will send u my private one. Just in case. Ok?

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Thank you, Marc.

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I am sorry to hear about you dental anaesthetic harm.

There have apparently auto-aspirating seringues which likely have reduced those numbers, but since aspiration is not 100% effective.

The data that I quote in my september article shows 4-11% can go IV.

If you have tinnitus, it likely means some light endothelial damage to your endothelium has occurred, and some degree of permeability has occured. Only fasting can help for that and non inflammation nutririon.

Would also make sure your immu e system is in shape.

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Thank you, Marc. Do you think that the type of fasting matters? I hear most about intermittent fasting. Perhaps it's not your area of expertise, but do you think water fasting one day a week would be similarly helpful?

Please do keep me in mind if you come across helpful links, case studies, etc regarding this specific type of intravascular dental injury. I'm reaching out where I can for more information since the medical system was just expensive and frustrating and of little to no help.

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Not sure why one would water fast.

I think a good 2-3 day fast with good hydration every month can be good, with intermittent fasting. 'imit thepolution and then a big clean.

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To clarify, by "one day water fast", I just meant abstaining from food, but still drinking water for one day. Just making the important note that hydration is important during a fast. Maybe that's a given when people talk about fasting.

When you say "2-3 day fast" do you mean not eating food for 2-3 days but still drinking water, or do you mean something else?

The goal of the fast in this context is to allow more effective cellular repair, including the repair of the endothelial lining. Taking a break to let the body rest and repair. Certainly eating a clean diet and avoiding further harm is extremely important.

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Yed, of course, drinking water is indispensable. Fatsing is not my area of expertise.

Just mechav

Nicalling fepriving the body of circulating elements would naturally avoid their deposit and the following inflammation.

Not a cure, more a discipline.

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My current routine is;


Time Restricted Eating (TRE)

3:00-6:00 pm eating window

21 hrs fasted state.

1,200 Max Calories

Calorie composition targets,

Protein-50%, Fat-30%, Carb-20%

Fri-Sun: 36-48 hr Fasting

Water, Tea + Electrolyte supplement.

Key Target, 10:00 pm Saturday night to 10:00 am Sunday morning. >30+ hrs on fasting into 8-10 hrs REM sleep for max circadian rhythm Autophagy effects.

Every other weekend or 2x / month for Fasting Autophagy.

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Thanks James. Very useful comment.

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I’m curious about the number of friends that have taken the shot and now a year later have severe back pain. Could this be connected to the injection? If so, why, and is there a remedy?

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This theory doesn't account for all the other injuries, fast growing cancers, auto immune like diseases, auto immune diseases. Just a list. 80K or so side effects.

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I think I may have a theory for this above.

"vasodilation and leakage of plasma associated with inflammation might explain why (in my experience of people who have secondary spike protein associated injuries from the circulating SP) the mid term syndromes occur."

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I am sorry about your friend. I have the same problem.

Read this article:https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/when-and-how-can-vaccine-particles

I really depends. Some is transient if it is light.

Body can repair up to a certain limit.

Some elements are livable, other will require operation stents, corrective surgery to avoid arterial rupture, endothelial permeability, I know no cure for, only contingency strategies based on my understanding of the Bolus Theory: keep the immune system in shape (Vitamin C& D, sleep, healthy lifestyle) plus regular fasting to give more time to the immune system to mop up the mess, avoid inflammatory food.

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Thanks so much!

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