No one would ever accept permanent fever... So, why accept permanently high antibodies? It's a "Death Zone"!
High Antibodies Myth - Evolution has pruned out those with constant high levels of antibodies, isn't that a sign we should heed? - Covid Myth Buster
In very high altitude climbing, there is a zone called the “Death Zone”, a zone above which your survival is limited in time: you can stay there 16-20 hours maximum. Nobody in their right mind, climbing Mount Everest, would stay up on top long …
High altitudes have a strong appeal to many - an adventure to tell your grand-children, a transcendence of a lifetime, the quest of excellence … - but there’s a reason it’s called the Death Zone: If you stay too long, you die. There’s no getting away. Safety and life is down in the valley. The only option is down.
The same principle applies to our immune system. You can get out of balance, but not for too long. During an infection, a temporary disbalance is an acceptable trade-off to fight and oust the virus:
temporary invasion of T-cells to prune out every single infected cells,
and a huge count of antibodies to neutralise and evacuate the rest of the viral debris.
Once the infection is gone, a regiment of sentinels is left in the mucus to guard the entrance for the remainder of the epidemic, a few roaming sentinels with lifelong memory are set, and the rest wanes back down to bring peace and balance. It’s called homeostasis. The fever dissipates. T-cells self-destruct2 rapidly. And antibodies wane progressively.
Why is that? Why has Evolution selected the path of dissipated fever, suicidal T-cells and slowly reduced antibodies? Well there’s a safety-related answer, and it is quite obvious:
Too long a fever would end up breaking down all healthy cells, and so the remedy would be worse than the illness.
Perpetual specialised T-cells are also dangerous as they can start off-target attacks of healthy cells (as often occurs with immune checkpoint blockade treatments against cancer), and would be like leaving your home filled with a battalion of armed soldiers with their guns loaded and pin-less hand-grenades.
Finally, very high levels of antibodies with nowhere to go are also extremely dangerous. They can passively bind to receptors of healthy cells, and kickstart a cascade of autoimmune diseases. Land mining where you live.
So it makes perfect sense that antibodies wane. As stated in my June article comparing Natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity:
“Taking an evolutionary perspective, only those whose antibody and T-cells count waned post-infection survived. So, a dropping number of antibodies and T-cells is reassuring, even healthy.”
Many politicians and vaccine manufacturers adamantly propose repeated injections, boosters every 3 or 4 months, as if waning antibodies were a sign of lost immunity. In reality, they are scapegoating the natural drop in antibodies. It is a smokescreen to hide their failure and the ineffectiveness of these intramuscular vaccines. I won’t come back here as to why these vaccines can’t help the victims of COVID, nor why these intramuscular vaccines are ineffective (click on the urls if interested).
Today, I would like to underscore the absolute lunacy of delivering these products to an entire population every 3-4 months. It’s nothing short of criminal.
In my earnest opinion, repeated vaccine injections can only lead to one outcome: generalised illness and death. Permanently high antibodies are a “Death Zone” equivalent: a very high risk of accelerated auto-immune disorders development: Parkinson, Kawasaki, multiple sclerosis, demyelinating disorders…
Viruses often share genetic material with humans. A concept called molecular mimicry. In reaction to an infection, the immune system can occasionally develop an immune arsenal against its own cells expressing this shared material. As you can see from the table below, the SARS-COV-2 spike shares quite a few peptides with human cells.
Source: “Covid-19 and autoimmunity” by Michael Ehrenfeld et al, Autoimmunity Reviews, 2020
In the case of an infection, the risk is relatively limited as the bulk of antibodies ends up binding to viral material circulating in large numbers. However, in the case of repeated doses, it’s very different. After the second shot, it is likely that limited amounts of spike are produced as T-cells rapidly destroy production capacity. Thus, for most of us, large quantities of antibodies will inevitably be left idle circulating aimlessly, expanding exponentially (time x quantity) the risk of an accidental binding with catastrophic consequences. If some doctors are afraid of the possible consequences of viruses in the creation of auto-immune diseases, they should be terrified by the scale and the duration of this “Death Zone” generated by repeated injections.
Evolution has played the scenario before and it’s not good. Some ancestors didn’t benefit from waning antibodies, and everyone of them have disappeared from the planet… This should be telling to politicians who want to force these mandates as to the risk they are taking with the population and as to their responsibility.
To show this is not partisan, but factual. I am not an anti-vaxxer. I will quote an article that pre-dates this pandemic, and states: “As history teaches us, vaccines, instrumental as they are in modern medicine, are subject to possible flaws in the same manner that all man-made developments are.”.
Current vaccines have multiple flaws. One major flaw is not having corrected for the shared material with the human genome. Autologous peptides were a known risk that was avoidable. Protected vaccine manufacturers chose to ignore them. And Public Health authorities and politicians cannot continue to turn a blind eye without catastrophic consequences.
The vaccination “Death Zone” exists, and we need to urgently go back down in the valley, we need to stop vaccinating, stop boosting aimless antibodies and trust our immune systems.
Need to write a piece on the damage of Paracetamol, and its’ potential role in a wider and more lethal pandemic.
A phenomenon called anergisation
Another brilliant article Marc.
Aquí en Perú, vivo en Lima, ha comenzado obligación cuarta dosis , .Yo indignada. mís tíos ,my uncles de 80 dos de ellos, ya se lo pusieron. Sin el çarnet con 3 dosis No puedes entrar a un banco, a un Mall. .So did some friends. Local papers tv news promote 4 dosis. They say "4 wave began , we must.." I will try translate this artic. And share here..many people No idea of this.