Your position on vaxxing children or anyone for that matter with the adverse effects & death profile that is well documented with these "vaccines" makes no logical sense per say.
It feels like your experiencing emotional psychosis.
Don't get me wrong. The kids never needed these vaccines. It's a heresy.
But if parents want to do it, if one parent forces it onto the other parent..., my ethical obligation, my moral duty and my fatherly gut instinct obligate me to tell them how best to mitigate the harm. a hug.
Thank you Marc for your response…much of which I agree. But, if you agree that massive harm has occurred along with massive fraud and indifference without reliable efficacy or net benefits, why would you hedge against calling for a full-stop of these rollouts (with no ifs, ands or buts)?
See my other responses, and many articles were that's what I do.
But if parents proceed, it's their choice, a minute long injection could save a little girl the age of my 6 year old... And if I save one, I will be happy. I wish I could save all these kids... It's a very heavy burden to carry, not to have been able to stop this.
And, despite the overwhelming evidence of vaccine adverse events, you continue to suggest that injections continue, albeit with slower administration. It’s as if you’re trying to acquit big pharma by blaming the technicians or offering an adjustment to injection techniques, as opposed to calling for complete cessation of all Covid-19 injections
BTW I am not suggesting to continue to vaccinate. I have been one of the fiercest adversaries of the vaccines bc they are useless and dangerous. UT I can't force anyone to not take it. And if they do, notably vaccinate children, I would like that everyone try their best to save these kids!
So that's what I am trying to do save these kids that will eventually get vaccinated from damage. Think that's morally right. Don't you?
Absolutely! …and good on you for that. Perhaps each time you suggest that injections should be administered slowly, it’d be good to pair that suggestion (in the same sentence) that you highly oppose any of these injections. That way you can avoid implied consent. Except for this crack in the door, I applaud your discussions and hypotheses. Even so, I think it’s premature to toss out S-proteins as causing damage over months or years (at least for those who theoretically developed prolonged spike production)
Thanks for this. When I get the time, will try to amend my wording.
On the dpike: I am a firm believer in the power of the immune system... It does its job day-in day-out ignored by everyone, our unsang hero. If you believe in the immune system, then you know that healthy people will all rid themselves of the spike. I have no doubt. And the fact that healthy folks get hit by AEs also demonstrates it's not the spike or antigen related, unlike COVID.
I am not trying to acquit anybody. And what qi am finding doesn't acquit Big Pharma clinical trial manipulation, nor the FDA's criminal ignorance of SAEs...
But I use the scientific method, and am not religious about any of this. I observe and then try to understand.
I observe billions of people didn't have adverse effects. That means it's poisonous some times, and some time innocuous.
I observe that the p
Spike is hardly produced after jab2 (Ogata et al) as should be bc T and NK cells attack very quickly the spike factories, and that the little spike produced are trapped by circulating antibodies. So if we go to the Pharma and say the spike is the problem, we will loose, because we will not find any when there's the most AEs (jab2 and 3)!
My mechanism of harm is indeed the bolus, and vaccine manufacturers should/could have detected the problem and solved it and saved millions. They didn't on purpose. And they haven't for decades. What I am describing has been hurting people for decades...triggering Alzheimer, Parkinson, Autism, infertility, myocarditis, Type 1 Diabetes,....
Am for the truth to emerge so that people stop getting hurt, and for the guilty to be made accountable.
Thinking all people in pharmaceutical companies are monsters is a fallacy. Some are. Most aren't. We need to start from sound fair and true bases. My 2 cents. Thanks for taking the time to read this article.
A recent Stanford study was terminated at 60 days but was still showing the presence of spike proteins. It’s too bad that the study wasn’t able to continue until no s-proteins could be observed.
Because the rest would need to reinvent the whole of immunology. Entirely.
The facts are that I didn't need this study.
Antibodies are a platform that has been tested and proven again and again. They bind. Basic chemistry.
We know they do the job fine for the virus, they will do the job fine for the injection.
TCells is the same.
Once primed they will destroy all transfected cells very quickly. Again this has been tested and proven again and again.
So it's no surprise there's hardly any spike detectable at jab 2. They do their job if the person has an immune system that's functional.
If pseudoouridine were the viral magic bullet, Evolution would have found its way ie virise would have it. It hasn't. The immune cracks this stealth scam open in no time. There is no stealth.
So yes I pick the only reasonable study that doesn't talk crap and is relevant.
What does presence of Spike peptides 60 days later in a GC mean to your body? except that it helps your immune.
What is relevant is numbers. Thinking our bodies will be poisoned by a couple of peptides is unscientific. If they'd found concentrations like 150pg/mL. I would have had to agree, but the Stanford study is not showing any numerical data, just staining that can cross-react. It's a sham to state their technology stays long, which it doesn't.
Please explain to me why we don't see anyone on our side championing or setting up blood analysis databases on these easily verifiable vaccine induced injuries.
Blood Clots. d-Dimer, CRP
Immune System D3, D4, D8
Compromise health projections could be made with scientific confidence.
Then you would not have to continue to BEG for interaction & Media attention.
Actually, you would have to continue to beg for media attention. And they still wouldn't run the story. Mainstream media is a propaganda arm now. Explicitly
Not sure I am begging, but indeed it would be easier if the media would take that up.
There are many studies showing elevated D-dimers, thrombosis, etc... Go and check on Google scholar. Simply the media has been told not to report it I presume.
The MSM & your typical hospital/Clinic will not either champion or make the case. They refuse to run these useful tests. Period !!
Just yesterday, I went to a scheduled appointment with my MD doctor of 10 years.
Typed up my request as a talking point / blood work request. Handed it to her.
She looked at the list, said "we don't support these theories and I am not going to request them. Not even a Vit-D blood test.
I asked the Doctor if she still supported the vaccines and Booster program. She said Yes! Then said maybe you should find a new Doctor for you who's views are more aligned with yours".
Proceeded to cancel me as a patient.
I said " if your still supporting the Vax program, I am 100% canceling you". (She is fully Vaxxed)
She offered me a fist bump, then just turned and walked away.
My point and challenge to you and the other leaders, YOU have to step up and lead this truth crusade by creating these empirical data truths. Otherwise, why keeping writing your "truth articles" ??
It's time to step up and be accountable. The stakes are too high now with the adverse data and death proof we have.
I get your point. Will talk to Steve Kirsch, I know he was working on some research.
There are thousands of studies of vaccine AEs already. As long as the MSM and Big Tech cancel our voice, we can't do much more than now. If Elon Musk buys Twitter might change a bit of that... But still.
I am not a Dr, nor a biologist... I have stepped way up already and dedicated a tremendous amount of my personal time (more than 5,000 hours) to the community, all pro-bono. I don't have cash, nor time for what you are asking. Wish I had. But I also need to feed my family... Looking for a job right now. Doing my best frankly.
Thanks for your follow up Marc. Your a stand up guy. And we appreciate you and the others for your selflessness.
The same question was sent to the Big 5. Malone, McCullough Risch. Even hit up Vander Boosche by email.
Let's see if this causes a conference between you all.
All you need is an Accredited Independent Lab. It will be very easy to recruit candidates and the right Cohort's.
Good Statisical brains are out there.
Make some health projections results like "snake venum" or "contaminated water supply" or Space Aliens, means (X), you will get plenty of media coverage.
How about.... if you are fully vaxxed, in this cohort and your blood markers are (X), your probabilities of death in the next (X) months are (X%).
My best friend's (from 40+ years) mother is from MN.
Swedish immigrant country if I recall.
A beautiful story of an educated farm-girl from MN meeting an educated farm-boy from Auvergne in Pairs. All leading to a beautiful family, balanced and filled with love.
A pharmacist admits to 10% blood present on aspiration. Physicians nearly zero. In the US, al least, physicians are not administering the injections. Pharmacists, nurses, techs, et al are the shot givers. Just noting.
Regarding the Ogawa study, it would be interesting to look at a larger sample size. Given that the subject group was relatively small, I’m curious as to how their observations might map to other groups, especially differentiated by age, gender, and ethnicity.
I understand where you are coming from. Personally, that's enough proof for me.
If one believes in science and in immunology - like I do - the results will inevitably be the same. Why?
There is massive evidence that these vaccines are effective at transfecting and stimulating T-cell and Antibody responses (not saying they are effective at protecting people since they are reactive and not preemptive). Contrary to a real world infection, the reaction is likely the same with immunocompromised bc the dose injected is overwhelming, so it is bound to encounter dendritic cells quickly. It is possible that immunocompromised react with a weaker response (even though we know from the cytokine storms that their responses can be brutal), but we haven't seen the clinical data nor the pathologies to be age related. What is age related is the resilience to the damage caused is naturally different.
In other words, the immune does its work destroy transfected cell and bind Abs to spike proteins. As such the spike protein is likely produced in low quantity and is neutralised by Abs, and reprocessed by macrophages, to the extent they are not measurable after dose2...therefore they cannot be cause for all these AEs. They could after injection 1, but not after. The JAb2 effect therefore is not likely to be related to the Spike. It is however related to the same thing which is causing damage in Covid, endothelial cell destructions by T-cells following concentrated transfection.
It is one hypothesis I had on the board for some time: immunocomprimsed might produce more spike. It's hard to tell. There is no over-representation of immunocompromised in the data. It seems Elderly react very quickly and strongly when they die within a day or two. I would say it's not relevant. But that would need to be checked.
If the problem was incorrect delivery, myocarditis incidences would not be higher after the second dose - why would the second dose have a higher chance of being administered intravenously?
Also, there are other studies out there saying spike protein is produced for a long time post vaccination. I am pretty sure Malone discusses this.
Bruce Patterson's paper said it stays for 15 months from infection, then he confirmed it's the same for V in the interview with Dr Peter M.
Maybe like the German/Indonesian doctor said the immune system remembers the spikes & become more aggressive at attacking the cells the 2nd/3rd time etc?
Yes I know the study that Robert highlight. Not saying it's. It possible, saying how is that relevant: it' s it quantified, there's no spike per se, only debris of spike, even the mRNA is weird bc if it were in LNPs it likely wouldn't react, so it looks more like strings of mRNA. May be all of it was stored somehow... What's clear it's small quantities and not active. So to me it's irrelevant.
Possibly the second dose is higher bc the immune system is reacting faster, leaving less time for repair. If all the cells attacked simulateneously, then repair is much harder.
There's also a capacitor effect. You had a first pass, and the second pass adds up.
What Amyloidosis has to do with caved in Arteries?
Amyloidosis of what exactly? Spike? You think the immune system can't get rid of misfolded proteins? Abs are agnostic to the folding. some Abs will bind and macrophage will do the work.
Amyloidosis in AD takes decades, but it's in the brain away from the circulatory, away from B Cells. This is only within the circulatory.
Fibrin is found bc of damaged endothelial linings.
The s-protein is the core component™ around which the 'solution' is based.
Gene based tech is then purposed to induce cells to make s-protein, so as to then induce antibody response, as a novel means to 'immunize' according to the idea that antibodies confer specific immunity to specific diseases.
Inserting genetic material requires 'transfection' or the breaking into or hacking of the cell boundary by PEG coated payloads.
Notably reproducing the hijack and reproduction of coded results in a mechanism presumed to occur 'naturally' as infection.
As a sceptic of invested stakeholder narrative leveraging spun out of defence to biotech™, I expect the payloads are undisclosed nanoscale experimentation for the kind of 'applications' touted by the nano biotech industry and generally introduced into many pharma drugs and biological testing.
The Germ theory didn't pan out as expected & invested, so genetics came to its rescue. Genetic miracle cures didn't pan out expected profits either, it was kept on life support as cancer therapy where failure doesn't actually show up - any more than AZT for HIV 'test' diagnosis. Graphene is one among many facets and components of yet another huge investment drive, not just for profits but for utilising extended controls but remote and real-time monitoring
How much of any 'Sell' to investors is hyped up confidence trick supported by psyoperated Media (& WHO driven) lockstep?
So last but not least the nocebo.
Who amidst the covidan cult era can doubt the power of the mind? Those who manipulate minds dont!
Injected people are being programmed to believe they are time bombs set to go off. On top of all the contagion fears & social exclusion fears.
BTW T cells clear up dysfunctional cells. No need to 'attack' them. Pathological projections permeate a weaponised 'biology' that simply does its thing as best it can with what it has - regardless the self-destructive behaviours of an identity complex running as if in control of life.
Marc, don't believe to ANY, ANY, ANY studies coming from the U.S. universities... unless they are confirmed multiple times from unbiased foreign sources.
Please don’t read this as a personal challenge i like what you write but would point out the study you quote tested 13 health care workers - that doesn’t sound like large enough sample to make a population size extrapolation given the variables of injection of technique, genetics and physiology. This should have been built into the original trial - it’s scandalous (but hardly surprising) that it wasn’t.
I have a different opinion. This is sufficient to prove the point that Spikes are generally - as they should - being destroyed by the immune system.
Some are faster likely bc bc they were already immune to part of it, but all get rid of it, and quasi nonr is produced at the 2nd shot - as should be expected since Tcells have been primed.
This confirms the science. We know antibidies are present in the population. What needs testing is immunocompromised... I would suspect given the crazy numbers thta APCs are met quickly and thus there quasi no difference in response time, Tcell effectiveness is still a question mark for these folks.
But the clinical data doesn't suggest this is limited to immunocompromised.
Why is it that when people get immunosuppressed the only get Covid, and they get it twice or three times. It makes no sense. We are surrounded by thousands of bugs that our immune system keeps at bay.
If we find we are always sick with SC2, it means the test is BS...simple as that.
And we've known for 18 months that the test are all flawed...
OAS, if at all real, would be a problem once, not twice. Then your immune would get its act together and you'd have mucosal immunity.
This is very dubious.
I would add that HK death rate is strangely correlated with a new vaccination campaign.
So, yes, I disagree with pretty much everything, except if he was sarcastic, and I didn't get it ;-)
NSW had a very fascist stormtrooper period last year in the last few months of the Gladys Berejiklian government. People were basically forced to get jabbed. Around August to October a similar period to here in NZ. I guess the impacts of that jabbing period might be playing out. But it's not obvious here in NZ.
Regarding the immunosuppressed only getting COVID, I believe Igor was just pointing out that one thing. Others are pointing out increased incidences of all kinds of unwanted health outcomes including cancers.
I read a paper(s) on (I think animals) who first get the shot and then are exposed to COVID (I think it was Omicron) and they did not make antibodies like animals who were exposed sans shot. I read so much and have that saved’s been a while ago but I’m pretty sure that was the general finding. Given that it doesn’t seem outlandish to me that someone who got the injection will not develop an immune response when exposed to a variant.
This is not my field of expertise, I’m just hear because I’m curious and I want to learn so please don’t take my reply as argumentative.
Thank you. Just for clarification: Is your claim that free-floating spikes are not the root cause of adverse effects exclusively related to the jabs or also to COVID?
If free-floating spikes are not causing hypercoagulation with severe COVID, then what is?
My understanding is that the most important problems with severe COVID are hypercoagulation and endotheliitis, which lead to downstream problems such as breathing difficulties, because circulation is hampered and red blood cells can't exchange oxygen. Pneumonia is also an issue, but not the core issue. Am I wrong?
Your one of the best....
Your position on vaxxing children or anyone for that matter with the adverse effects & death profile that is well documented with these "vaccines" makes no logical sense per say.
It feels like your experiencing emotional psychosis.
This "Bolus" description lacks substance.
Love your work and work ethic.
Hi James,
i am sorry I never answered to your message.
Don't get me wrong. The kids never needed these vaccines. It's a heresy.
But if parents want to do it, if one parent forces it onto the other parent..., my ethical obligation, my moral duty and my fatherly gut instinct obligate me to tell them how best to mitigate the harm. a hug.
Thank you Marc for your response…much of which I agree. But, if you agree that massive harm has occurred along with massive fraud and indifference without reliable efficacy or net benefits, why would you hedge against calling for a full-stop of these rollouts (with no ifs, ands or buts)?
See my other responses, and many articles were that's what I do.
But if parents proceed, it's their choice, a minute long injection could save a little girl the age of my 6 year old... And if I save one, I will be happy. I wish I could save all these kids... It's a very heavy burden to carry, not to have been able to stop this.
And, despite the overwhelming evidence of vaccine adverse events, you continue to suggest that injections continue, albeit with slower administration. It’s as if you’re trying to acquit big pharma by blaming the technicians or offering an adjustment to injection techniques, as opposed to calling for complete cessation of all Covid-19 injections
BTW I am not suggesting to continue to vaccinate. I have been one of the fiercest adversaries of the vaccines bc they are useless and dangerous. UT I can't force anyone to not take it. And if they do, notably vaccinate children, I would like that everyone try their best to save these kids!
So that's what I am trying to do save these kids that will eventually get vaccinated from damage. Think that's morally right. Don't you?
Absolutely! …and good on you for that. Perhaps each time you suggest that injections should be administered slowly, it’d be good to pair that suggestion (in the same sentence) that you highly oppose any of these injections. That way you can avoid implied consent. Except for this crack in the door, I applaud your discussions and hypotheses. Even so, I think it’s premature to toss out S-proteins as causing damage over months or years (at least for those who theoretically developed prolonged spike production)
Thanks for this. When I get the time, will try to amend my wording.
On the dpike: I am a firm believer in the power of the immune system... It does its job day-in day-out ignored by everyone, our unsang hero. If you believe in the immune system, then you know that healthy people will all rid themselves of the spike. I have no doubt. And the fact that healthy folks get hit by AEs also demonstrates it's not the spike or antigen related, unlike COVID.
Kids die, healthy sport professionals...
Dear Tom,
I am not trying to acquit anybody. And what qi am finding doesn't acquit Big Pharma clinical trial manipulation, nor the FDA's criminal ignorance of SAEs...
But I use the scientific method, and am not religious about any of this. I observe and then try to understand.
I observe billions of people didn't have adverse effects. That means it's poisonous some times, and some time innocuous.
I observe that the p
Spike is hardly produced after jab2 (Ogata et al) as should be bc T and NK cells attack very quickly the spike factories, and that the little spike produced are trapped by circulating antibodies. So if we go to the Pharma and say the spike is the problem, we will loose, because we will not find any when there's the most AEs (jab2 and 3)!
My mechanism of harm is indeed the bolus, and vaccine manufacturers should/could have detected the problem and solved it and saved millions. They didn't on purpose. And they haven't for decades. What I am describing has been hurting people for decades...triggering Alzheimer, Parkinson, Autism, infertility, myocarditis, Type 1 Diabetes,....
Am for the truth to emerge so that people stop getting hurt, and for the guilty to be made accountable.
Thinking all people in pharmaceutical companies are monsters is a fallacy. Some are. Most aren't. We need to start from sound fair and true bases. My 2 cents. Thanks for taking the time to read this article.
A recent Stanford study was terminated at 60 days but was still showing the presence of spike proteins. It’s too bad that the study wasn’t able to continue until no s-proteins could be observed.
Thanks for your comment Tom. I am a aware of the study.
Here's my take on the Stanford study
1) they are only finding peptides of Spike protein, debris. Not the ful spike.
2)the teint they are using can cross-react so it could be something else.
3) it's. In the Lymph node where peptides can be used by the immune system according to some.
But it's not in the tissue or the blood.
4) it's not in any significant quantity. Actually a Harvard Med.Sch. Study found spike were hardly detectable after jab2.
5) the Stanford study is so biased to try and show the vaccines are still active long after the shot, it's pretty pathetic.
6)antibodies have been proven to be in very large num er. They do their job and bind to spike. Full stop.
Whoever state the contrary are simply going against the fundamentals of immunology. If antibodies don't bind anymore, we are pretty much screwed...
…but the bolis hypothesis can account for the longer term clotting and VAIDS?
I believe so.
NK and tqcell rampage on arterial endothelium would create thrombosis via permanent clotting going downstream given large arteries can't clog.
VAIDS is systemic immune system damage likely via blood-tissue barrier in the bone marrow, the Spleen or the Thymus.
One study is going to settle this question?
I added, but not on the other one... I need to. Many purposeful studies that aren't scientific
Lancet did a "study "... a deceptive one, that was finally retracted... after the damage was done. And used long after, as legitimate
one study enough in his opinion ... better put i will pick the study which fits my opinion. plenty of hired guns and mercenaries in this business ...
Tell me which study I should pick.
Because the rest would need to reinvent the whole of immunology. Entirely.
The facts are that I didn't need this study.
Antibodies are a platform that has been tested and proven again and again. They bind. Basic chemistry.
We know they do the job fine for the virus, they will do the job fine for the injection.
TCells is the same.
Once primed they will destroy all transfected cells very quickly. Again this has been tested and proven again and again.
So it's no surprise there's hardly any spike detectable at jab 2. They do their job if the person has an immune system that's functional.
If pseudoouridine were the viral magic bullet, Evolution would have found its way ie virise would have it. It hasn't. The immune cracks this stealth scam open in no time. There is no stealth.
So yes I pick the only reasonable study that doesn't talk crap and is relevant.
What does presence of Spike peptides 60 days later in a GC mean to your body? except that it helps your immune.
What is relevant is numbers. Thinking our bodies will be poisoned by a couple of peptides is unscientific. If they'd found concentrations like 150pg/mL. I would have had to agree, but the Stanford study is not showing any numerical data, just staining that can cross-react. It's a sham to state their technology stays long, which it doesn't.
Dear Sir.
Please explain to me why we don't see anyone on our side championing or setting up blood analysis databases on these easily verifiable vaccine induced injuries.
Blood Clots. d-Dimer, CRP
Immune System D3, D4, D8
Compromise health projections could be made with scientific confidence.
Then you would not have to continue to BEG for interaction & Media attention.
WHY ??
Actually, you would have to continue to beg for media attention. And they still wouldn't run the story. Mainstream media is a propaganda arm now. Explicitly
Please call me Marc :-)
Not sure I am begging, but indeed it would be easier if the media would take that up.
There are many studies showing elevated D-dimers, thrombosis, etc... Go and check on Google scholar. Simply the media has been told not to report it I presume.
Your making my case.
The MSM & your typical hospital/Clinic will not either champion or make the case. They refuse to run these useful tests. Period !!
Just yesterday, I went to a scheduled appointment with my MD doctor of 10 years.
Typed up my request as a talking point / blood work request. Handed it to her.
She looked at the list, said "we don't support these theories and I am not going to request them. Not even a Vit-D blood test.
I asked the Doctor if she still supported the vaccines and Booster program. She said Yes! Then said maybe you should find a new Doctor for you who's views are more aligned with yours".
Proceeded to cancel me as a patient.
I said " if your still supporting the Vax program, I am 100% canceling you". (She is fully Vaxxed)
She offered me a fist bump, then just turned and walked away.
My point and challenge to you and the other leaders, YOU have to step up and lead this truth crusade by creating these empirical data truths. Otherwise, why keeping writing your "truth articles" ??
It's time to step up and be accountable. The stakes are too high now with the adverse data and death proof we have.
Sorry to hear about your Dr. Where are you based?
What are you suffering of?
I get your point. Will talk to Steve Kirsch, I know he was working on some research.
There are thousands of studies of vaccine AEs already. As long as the MSM and Big Tech cancel our voice, we can't do much more than now. If Elon Musk buys Twitter might change a bit of that... But still.
I am not a Dr, nor a biologist... I have stepped way up already and dedicated a tremendous amount of my personal time (more than 5,000 hours) to the community, all pro-bono. I don't have cash, nor time for what you are asking. Wish I had. But I also need to feed my family... Looking for a job right now. Doing my best frankly.
If I can help you in any way I will. Best, Marc
Thanks for your follow up Marc. Your a stand up guy. And we appreciate you and the others for your selflessness.
The same question was sent to the Big 5. Malone, McCullough Risch. Even hit up Vander Boosche by email.
Let's see if this causes a conference between you all.
All you need is an Accredited Independent Lab. It will be very easy to recruit candidates and the right Cohort's.
Good Statisical brains are out there.
Make some health projections results like "snake venum" or "contaminated water supply" or Space Aliens, means (X), you will get plenty of media coverage.
How about.... if you are fully vaxxed, in this cohort and your blood markers are (X), your probabilities of death in the next (X) months are (X%).
Or, If your kids are vaxxed.......
Can you say "you have got my attention now" ?
Oh yeah. Based in MN.
Just a standard physical and prescription refill.
I am a Pureblood.
But I wanted to start a baseline for myself with the "new" killer variants on the way (Boosche)
My best friend's (from 40+ years) mother is from MN.
Swedish immigrant country if I recall.
A beautiful story of an educated farm-girl from MN meeting an educated farm-boy from Auvergne in Pairs. All leading to a beautiful family, balanced and filled with love.
A pharmacist admits to 10% blood present on aspiration. Physicians nearly zero. In the US, al least, physicians are not administering the injections. Pharmacists, nurses, techs, et al are the shot givers. Just noting.
Regarding the Ogawa study, it would be interesting to look at a larger sample size. Given that the subject group was relatively small, I’m curious as to how their observations might map to other groups, especially differentiated by age, gender, and ethnicity.
I understand where you are coming from. Personally, that's enough proof for me.
If one believes in science and in immunology - like I do - the results will inevitably be the same. Why?
There is massive evidence that these vaccines are effective at transfecting and stimulating T-cell and Antibody responses (not saying they are effective at protecting people since they are reactive and not preemptive). Contrary to a real world infection, the reaction is likely the same with immunocompromised bc the dose injected is overwhelming, so it is bound to encounter dendritic cells quickly. It is possible that immunocompromised react with a weaker response (even though we know from the cytokine storms that their responses can be brutal), but we haven't seen the clinical data nor the pathologies to be age related. What is age related is the resilience to the damage caused is naturally different.
In other words, the immune does its work destroy transfected cell and bind Abs to spike proteins. As such the spike protein is likely produced in low quantity and is neutralised by Abs, and reprocessed by macrophages, to the extent they are not measurable after dose2...therefore they cannot be cause for all these AEs. They could after injection 1, but not after. The JAb2 effect therefore is not likely to be related to the Spike. It is however related to the same thing which is causing damage in Covid, endothelial cell destructions by T-cells following concentrated transfection.
That makes sense. so more an autoimmune-like reaction to transfection, generally.
Do you think the elderly (75+ w/ immune senescence) might not do as well in terms of stopping the spike in a timely manner?
Thank you for taking the time to respond, by the way—I really appreciate it!
It is one hypothesis I had on the board for some time: immunocomprimsed might produce more spike. It's hard to tell. There is no over-representation of immunocompromised in the data. It seems Elderly react very quickly and strongly when they die within a day or two. I would say it's not relevant. But that would need to be checked.
This is brilliant! I love how you calculated the transfection potential of different routes of administration. Well done!
Does this have any bearing on it? For example, points 3 and 4. (are the half spikes detected when measuring spike level?)
If the problem was incorrect delivery, myocarditis incidences would not be higher after the second dose - why would the second dose have a higher chance of being administered intravenously?
Also, there are other studies out there saying spike protein is produced for a long time post vaccination. I am pretty sure Malone discusses this.
Bruce Patterson's paper said it stays for 15 months from infection, then he confirmed it's the same for V in the interview with Dr Peter M.
Maybe like the German/Indonesian doctor said the immune system remembers the spikes & become more aggressive at attacking the cells the 2nd/3rd time etc?
Yes I know the study that Robert highlight. Not saying it's. It possible, saying how is that relevant: it' s it quantified, there's no spike per se, only debris of spike, even the mRNA is weird bc if it were in LNPs it likely wouldn't react, so it looks more like strings of mRNA. May be all of it was stored somehow... What's clear it's small quantities and not active. So to me it's irrelevant.
cant blame you, you are picking to cite the study that fits your view. thats fine. i dont argue with science.
btw, novavaxx is pure spike so not sure how that disappears?
btw, why would they inject us with spike protein which is the worse toxin human ever produced??? yeah well...
Possibly the second dose is higher bc the immune system is reacting faster, leaving less time for repair. If all the cells attacked simulateneously, then repair is much harder.
There's also a capacitor effect. You had a first pass, and the second pass adds up.
Also some people didn't notice their myocarditis before the 2nd shot
it is amyloidosis marc ...awake up ... these are not vaccines.
What Amyloidosis has to do with caved in Arteries?
Amyloidosis of what exactly? Spike? You think the immune system can't get rid of misfolded proteins? Abs are agnostic to the folding. some Abs will bind and macrophage will do the work.
Amyloidosis in AD takes decades, but it's in the brain away from the circulatory, away from B Cells. This is only within the circulatory.
Fibrin is found bc of damaged endothelial linings.
the immune system is overwhelmed with trillions of spike proteins ... it cant.
Well that's not what the Harvard Med School study is showing. In 2-3 days max, the 1-2 trillion spikes are mopped up.
The s-protein is the core component™ around which the 'solution' is based.
Gene based tech is then purposed to induce cells to make s-protein, so as to then induce antibody response, as a novel means to 'immunize' according to the idea that antibodies confer specific immunity to specific diseases.
Inserting genetic material requires 'transfection' or the breaking into or hacking of the cell boundary by PEG coated payloads.
Notably reproducing the hijack and reproduction of coded results in a mechanism presumed to occur 'naturally' as infection.
As a sceptic of invested stakeholder narrative leveraging spun out of defence to biotech™, I expect the payloads are undisclosed nanoscale experimentation for the kind of 'applications' touted by the nano biotech industry and generally introduced into many pharma drugs and biological testing.
The Germ theory didn't pan out as expected & invested, so genetics came to its rescue. Genetic miracle cures didn't pan out expected profits either, it was kept on life support as cancer therapy where failure doesn't actually show up - any more than AZT for HIV 'test' diagnosis. Graphene is one among many facets and components of yet another huge investment drive, not just for profits but for utilising extended controls but remote and real-time monitoring
How much of any 'Sell' to investors is hyped up confidence trick supported by psyoperated Media (& WHO driven) lockstep?
So last but not least the nocebo.
Who amidst the covidan cult era can doubt the power of the mind? Those who manipulate minds dont!
Injected people are being programmed to believe they are time bombs set to go off. On top of all the contagion fears & social exclusion fears.
BTW T cells clear up dysfunctional cells. No need to 'attack' them. Pathological projections permeate a weaponised 'biology' that simply does its thing as best it can with what it has - regardless the self-destructive behaviours of an identity complex running as if in control of life.
Marc, don't believe to ANY, ANY, ANY studies coming from the U.S. universities... unless they are confirmed multiple times from unbiased foreign sources.
Not only US universities...
but some do great work despite the craze.
we just need to take everything with a mountain of salt
Hi Marc I wonder if you’ve seen this report?
Am unimpressed by this study which is way too biased toward the vaccine.
They are trying so hard to show persistence... But there's nothing in the blood but some trace in the GCs...
Please don’t read this as a personal challenge i like what you write but would point out the study you quote tested 13 health care workers - that doesn’t sound like large enough sample to make a population size extrapolation given the variables of injection of technique, genetics and physiology. This should have been built into the original trial - it’s scandalous (but hardly surprising) that it wasn’t.
Not taking it personally 😊.
I have a different opinion. This is sufficient to prove the point that Spikes are generally - as they should - being destroyed by the immune system.
Some are faster likely bc bc they were already immune to part of it, but all get rid of it, and quasi nonr is produced at the 2nd shot - as should be expected since Tcells have been primed.
This confirms the science. We know antibidies are present in the population. What needs testing is immunocompromised... I would suspect given the crazy numbers thta APCs are met quickly and thus there quasi no difference in response time, Tcell effectiveness is still a question mark for these folks.
But the clinical data doesn't suggest this is limited to immunocompromised.
I’d be curious on your thoughts about Igor’s latest piece. Do you disagree with any of this?
I am not sure whether Igor is serious here.
I suspect he is.
Why is it that when people get immunosuppressed the only get Covid, and they get it twice or three times. It makes no sense. We are surrounded by thousands of bugs that our immune system keeps at bay.
If we find we are always sick with SC2, it means the test is BS...simple as that.
And we've known for 18 months that the test are all flawed...
OAS, if at all real, would be a problem once, not twice. Then your immune would get its act together and you'd have mucosal immunity.
This is very dubious.
I would add that HK death rate is strangely correlated with a new vaccination campaign.
So, yes, I disagree with pretty much everything, except if he was sarcastic, and I didn't get it ;-)
NSW had a very fascist stormtrooper period last year in the last few months of the Gladys Berejiklian government. People were basically forced to get jabbed. Around August to October a similar period to here in NZ. I guess the impacts of that jabbing period might be playing out. But it's not obvious here in NZ.
The current NSW Premier seems a little more sane.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Regarding the immunosuppressed only getting COVID, I believe Igor was just pointing out that one thing. Others are pointing out increased incidences of all kinds of unwanted health outcomes including cancers.
I read a paper(s) on (I think animals) who first get the shot and then are exposed to COVID (I think it was Omicron) and they did not make antibodies like animals who were exposed sans shot. I read so much and have that saved’s been a while ago but I’m pretty sure that was the general finding. Given that it doesn’t seem outlandish to me that someone who got the injection will not develop an immune response when exposed to a variant.
This is not my field of expertise, I’m just hear because I’m curious and I want to learn so please don’t take my reply as argumentative.
Thank you. Just for clarification: Is your claim that free-floating spikes are not the root cause of adverse effects exclusively related to the jabs or also to COVID?
If free-floating spikes are not causing hypercoagulation with severe COVID, then what is?
My understanding is that the most important problems with severe COVID are hypercoagulation and endotheliitis, which lead to downstream problems such as breathing difficulties, because circulation is hampered and red blood cells can't exchange oxygen. Pneumonia is also an issue, but not the core issue. Am I wrong?
Yes, for both.
T-cells attacking endothelial cells that have been transfected or infected...same result