What Dave Connell said below. Evolution is a F'n myth. Wake up!!

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Wonderfully written, Marc! Great post as always!

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Sorry Javier I missed you kind comment. Hope you are well.

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Hi Marc, if you had said "inspired by Creation" I would have agreed with you :-) The natural world is just full of amazing techniques and devices that we can copy to our advantage.

You might like to read Darwin's Doubt or Signature in the Cell by Stephen Meyer.

I agree that variants arise from mutations and that conditions that favor one variant over another (natural selection) will lead to the predominance of that variant. However, creating a human being from random processes doesn't work. Even creating the first living cell from a primordial soup through random processes is so improbable that hundreds of billions of blind watchmakers working for billions of years would not suffice.

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Good points. Looking into bicycle helmets and why they fail to protect I realized something similar. Obviously, for humans, it made in evolution much more sense to make the head pain receptive, keep the hairs as short distance measure sensors and the eyes in the head as long range obstacle detectors and learn reflexes to avoid hitting the head when falling in the first place than to just grow the skull thicker and thicker. Bicycle helmets destroy or severely damage all these prevention strategies, so it is obvious they are counterproductive. And indeed I found a 3 fold increased risk of severe injury with helmets in the population data (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/250928480_Bicycle_Helmets_And_Accident_Risk_Of_Children_Cyclists_In_Germany - this publication did cost me my job at university btw).

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Thank you for keeping us on the track of logic and common sense. 🙏🤩

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Thank you for the kind words. I hope this can help people, but u fortunately I am reaching just a few kind readers. Wish I could spread my messages further to help more people.

Happy Easter!

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Excellent piece, Marc. In order to "first, do no harm", medicine needs most of all to gain a foundational respect for the evolutionary process that has produced us, in order that we can begin to question our currently unshakeable confidence that (all too human) physicians can always improve on nature. Did millions of years of evolution really do that bad a job?

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Wow, what a refreshing perspective on this insanity. I cried watching the TED talk and passed it on to friends. I have a saying: “Go nature!” It’s amazing how the natural world just continues on so gracefully, while we humans so often clown around. I’ve always wondered if we came from somewhere else, as we don’t quite fit here. For example, with concerns of future food shortages and famine, we will see wild animals surviving just fine! Thanks again for such an inspiring article.

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Just excellent. Marc, you have been a voice of sanity and reason for the last 2 years. Of course, the problem with evolution is that there's no money in it. That's why snake-oil salesmen thrive in times of superstition and panic.

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And it is all about the money. I would suggest that past generations had a greater understanding and respect for natural function, no doubt out of necessity, in ways which do not exist in younger generations. A great deal of common sense applied in the past. You cut yourself playing and mum said, wash it well with soap, antiseptic if there was any, put on a plaster and sent you back outside to play. Keep it clean and let the air get to the wound while you sleep.

Today, a cut would probably involve a painkiller for the 'trauma,' visit to the doctor, a Tetanus shot and a prescription for antibiotics and parents would not question it. Neither would the doctor who should know that Tetanus was a risk when people lived with animals and it is not even a great risk in the Third World and where it is most common is in babies - umbilical cord wounds.

We live in an age of ignorance and foolishness and that is a veritable compost for fear.

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Where are you based?

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Near Paris, Le Pecq 78

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Let's catch coffee next time you're in Paris

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Would be a pleasure. Let us know if you're planning any events/presentations in Paris, and I'll try to get there.

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Beautiful Ted talk, thanks for the great post.

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octagonal to the official narrative? I was thinking orthogonal:)

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I stand corrected. I was also thinking "Orthogonal". Corrected.

Have a beautiful weekend.

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We do not even have an understanding of the long-term consequences of real vaccines, let alone the genetic treatments called vaccines for Covid.

There is good evidence that, tracking the max-vax line which took off in the mid Seventies, Autism appeared in children and rates of Dementia and Alzheimer's in the aged skyrocketed.

And since it was discovered a couple of years ago, despite never being imagined, that the brain and immune system are physically connected via lymphatics, one can logically presume that what is done to the immune system is likely to affect the brain in some way, depending on the individual. I remember reading when this discovery was announced, that 'the textbooks would have to be rewritten.' But I have yet to find any vaccinology textbooks being rewritten, or the link being studied, despite the fact that vaccine theory and methodology were invented before this physical link between brain and immune system were known.

Of course vaccines may not be causing the problem, although given the use of Aluminium as an Adjuvant, and the fact Big P/Harma has just donated massive funds to Keele University where Professor Christ Exley had notched up three decades of research into Aluminium, and had begun to link harm done to vaccines, and whose research is now stopped, there are clearly potential factors.

There is one study which could categorically prove vaccination is innocent of all charges, and that is studying disease in fully, partially and non-vaccinated children. However, all involved with vaccines refuse to do this study because they say it is unethical. Despite the fact that one would guess there are millions of parents worldwide who would happily have their child receive No vaccines or fewer vaccines to participate in such a study.

The secrecy and censorship surrounding real vaccines and the Covid genetic treatments called vaccines is a total betrayal of the best of science and allopathic medicine.

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Someone did do a study along these lines, actually. A pediatrician did a retrospective analysis of his patients. But... "there were complaints about the study and its methodology. ... the standard tactic used against studies not in conformity with the mainstream narrative. As a result of the attacks, the study was forcibly retracted."



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Yes, I know that study. It was done online which was one complaint but it would not really matter given the state of science-medical publishing today I doubt it would ever see the light of day even if every box were ticked.

If you mean the paediatrician Paul Thomas, he was deregistered for his efforts which is a disgraceful outcome given his years of carefully managing and monitoring vaccine schedules for his patients.

But that is the parlous state of science-medical research in this age. Editors of two major medical journals, Richard Horton and Marcia Angel, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine said some years ago that there were major problems and the work of Professor John Ioannadis, one of the world's most respected scientist-physicians, until he presented data which challenged the running narrative on Covid, produced a paper in 2005 saying most published research was false. https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124

We live in an age when modern, or allopathic medicine has more power than ever before and meddles more in human lives and yet has never been more corrupt. It is simply not possible to trust Science, which is often Scientism, a 'religion' of science, or conventional medicine which is a virtual cult of the religion of modern science. All run by the Drug Lords, otherwise known as Big P/Harma.

There is an excellent book on the topic which came out in 2004 but which is now out of print - Modern Medicine: The New World Religion: How Beliefs Secretly Influence Medical Dogmas and Practices Paperback – April 1, 2004. by Olivier Clerc (Author),

No doubt the predisposition in medicine for snake oil, smoke and mirrors, has always existed because fear of disease and death must rank as the two most primal in the human brain, hardwired at the reptilian level to varying degrees.

It is the public which must become better aware and informed and call the science-medical systems to account. However, it would make a huge difference if more scientists and doctors would speak out and perhaps that is something which has begun to happen in the time of Covid. One can but hope.

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Thanks Marc, for your insight.

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I love it, thank you! This compliment coming from simple minded person may not be nearly adequate to express the pleasure I got from what you've presented. But if you knew how much that aligns with my way of thinking from the very beginning, you'd understand my gratitude. Great personal validation (by proxy?!) for me. Almost eight billion individual human beings served "one size fits all" panacea. What arrogant hubris. And what demage inflicted through the misguided trust in a compromised industry. Thank you Marc, inspiring thinking.

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Thank you for your kind words Marta.

Apologies, I should have reacted earlier to your kind comments.

a hug from Paris.

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Not at all Marc.

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Surely it is a dangerous form of scientific hubris to deem something which is not understood as 'useless?'

There was a time when tonsils and adenoids were considered useless and when antibiotics made surgery safer doctors figured they would make a lot of money cutting them out, which they did, in the millions. Only later was it found they were a part of immune function and their removal predisposed people to Severe Paralytic Polio. The two epidemics of SPP emerged in the decades following the turn of the 20th century which is when doctors began their cut and slash approach to these organs.

How about Junk DNA? Now there's a massive leap of hubris. The scientific system of enquiry when practised properly would never dismiss anything as useless. As if anything in Nature, whether one believes in evolutionary theory or not, would be useless.

And yes, our immune system is the best defence we have and any medical treatment either aids that system or sabotages it. Given how vaccines and the genetic treatments called vaccines for Covid are made, what they contain and what they are designed to do, it is a good bet that in times to come, vaccination will be seen as the greatest criminal act by science-medicine in human history.

We ignore and mock Nature at our peril.

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My mother made me get my adenoids out in the early 70's. Ever since then I have suffered with bad upper respiratory illnesses. I bet my health would have been much better if she didn't follow that craze and left me intact.

In the future, the kids that were forced by their parents to succumb to the clot shot craze will be saying the same thing. What would my health have been like without it?

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This is vital stuff! So many have forgotten the incredible presence of our highly evolved immune system. I particularly love your breakdown comparing our mucosal systems to vacuum filters—this is so spot on. It’s incredible how little faith people and scientists (not all) have in the incredibly nuanced and wisdom-filled workings of our bodies, functioning in balanced integration with everything around us. For me, it’s indicative of the blinders leveled by human hubris—the belief that brief instances of cleverness can be superior to millions of years of experience. This is such an important reminder of the need for humility and precaution.

Thank you again for a wonderful article!

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COVID-19 is man-made in many ways.

Four major crimes enabled the COVID-19 disaster: Dirty, regular vaccines turned a harmless virus into a killer; a lab modified virus was released; denial of treatments and killer COVID-19 vaccines


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