Marc's bolus mechanism for vaccine harm should be extensively researched in national and university laboratories. It should be seriously considered as a potential systematic public health risk.
Denmark introduced aspiration for Covid vaccinations in March 2021, and Sweden always used aspiration according to Marc Girardot.
Could you please pass this information on to Tracy Beth Hoeg since the Bolus Theory would explain why Sweden and Denmark did not have any extra excess deaths correlating with Covid vaccine rollouts.
I have made very little conjectures overall. It's mostly applied science, basic probability, physics, and immunology.
My biggest conjecture is "cancer happens when stem cells try to dilute contamination" (as happens with ROS), on the vascular side, it's mostly reverse-engineering from the wounds using known scientific principles/laws, often even calculable. The only conjecture on the vascular side is that when there's too much blood flow pressure where the endothelium is stripped, erosion occurs, and aneurysms form.
Marc, your theory is so keenly and observationally insightful and your reference to the Semmelweiss phenomenon is, sadly, equally apropos. When normalcy bias is set firmly (and institutionally) in place with *many* vested interests cementing it in place at that it becomes next to impossible to override that level of intentional inertia. I follow Steve K pretty closely but somehow had not intersected with your work until this morning, thanks to a link to this article having been shared by Revolver. OMG, it all makes so much sense :o Thank you, will be sharing with many I promise!
It's been and still is a lonely arduous battle (notably I am completely broke because 10,000 hours of pro-bono work for the community is like committing a financial seppuku), though the theory is slowly gaining momentum. Do share. And feel free to ask questions, if things aren't clear.
Sorry to hear this ... the thing is ... there is no turning the Titanic... the forces behind this run the world... and what they want... they get...
It may not seem like it ... but we actually do not want a global population living like the folks in Sparta.... that would be a disaster for the global economy (too many elderly people not contributing)...
A useful analogy is that of indigenous people in the far north... back in the day when ships didn't deliver Raviolo and Doritos... resources were short... so the elderly did what was necessary.... they walked out into the cold... lay down... and ended their lives... ensuring that there were enough resources to feed to new generation
It's like that... only far more sophisticated.
Not only is there no way to stop this --- stopping it would be a bad thing.
The take-away is use this knowledge to keep yourself healthy. Screw everyone else... they won't listen -- and they will hurl insults at you calling you an anti-vaxxer.
Let them shoot all the vaccines they want... and let them stampede down to the KFC and McDonalds to fill up with sugar-laced garbage.
Marc, I am finishing “The Needle’s Secret” this morning (read most of it yesterday). I’ve had one epiphany after another! I’ve read and researched for over 3 years - but always knew there was a missing piece to the puzzle; BOLUS was the missing piece! I am forever grateful.
FYI: Practicing Autophagy has been my game changer! On three occasions, issues have arisen post-jab, for which there was no remedy. Each time, an extended fast worked miraculously! Trying to get HBOT, but in Tennessee, it’s $750 per hour!!!! Still, I’m pursuing alternatives.
As I said several times, you don't necessarily need HBOT, NBOT (at 1 atmosphere) works just as well, it just takes 2 times more time, but much less time in the car or pressurizing the chamber (no pressurization with NBOT). You can easily get an oxygen concentrator. It's even possible to get a rental with a prescription. Dr Syed Haider, mygotodoc, apparently does prescription on those grounds:
Great resource! Thank you! Locally, I can’t even get a prescription for an oxygen concentrator - it’s insane. The self-pay cost is only $100 monthly - very affordable. I’m perfectly okay with reading or watching a movie daily while taking in O2. Regardless of the extended time, I feel like my life is worth it. 😂 lol
Again, after hundreds and hundreds of hours of research - you provided the missing piece!
Hi Marc, My son is considering joining the Australia Army for a GAP year. He has just completed High School and has deferred his study for at least a year - he is not sure what he wants to commit to study wise. The ADF requires members to be up to date with vaccinations. Do you have any suggestions on how he might mitigate the risk if he chooses to go ahead with his application? E.g. Via a drip, aspiration, spread out over a few weeks.....
My advice is to tell your son to change his career plan. :-)
He can mitigate the risk by:
- not joining a corp that does that to its staff.
The military have known these harm since the Gulf war, and they still don't care...
They will redo the vaccines later, and do that improperly, so he'll be at risk later.
- postpone until the scandal emerges and the military stops the lunacy.
- there is no way to stop anything from happening using today's injection method.
You could mimic bodybuilders, but they still get harmed: greater dilution, aspiration, very slow injection (over 3-4 minutes) isn't enough.
- diluting the vaccines in a large saline bag is a good idea, but I doubt a doctor will accept. A slow drop-by-drop, pre-diluted 2-liter saline bag could work. Say he has 4 vaccines typically injected in 0.5ml, that would be the equivalent of 2ml pre-diluted into 2000ml. So that's a 1000-fold dilution, then diluted 1700-fold. So an IV delivery via a saline bag with a flow of 200ml per hour would take 10 hours. That would most likely be safest, if done properly.
I just looked up how to aspirate a needle and Ai it clearly states that the reason to do it is to make sure it’s not injected into the bloodstream or adverse side effects can occur! This theory explains so much; thank you.
When I went through nursing school (24 years ago), were taught to aspirate. I never poked anyone with a needle since then except for administering insulin to diabetics. I don't know if the general protocol has changed, but I was shocked to hear that nurses were taught to not aspirate when administering the Covid-19 vaccine. I don't know if that is true, however, or simply a rumor.
Thank you Cynthia. I hope you'll read the book. It's a great way to support me, but also to become empowered in front of the medical establishment, and help people around you.
My take on this ... is that vaccines primary purpose is to ensure that not too many people live too long.
Consider what would happen if the average lifespan was 100.
To put it bluntly ... there would be huge numbers of useless eaters ... needing to be fed ... and cared for...
Imagine the burden on pensions... they would implode. Keep in mind that when the concept of pensions was put into play ... the average age of death was at least a decade lower than it is now...
Essentially all of this dead wood would eventually collapse the global economy.
Therefore The Men Who Run the World has their minions come up with a strategy to ensure few lived till 100.
I would also argue that adding sugar to just about every processed food in existence (I have a habit of checking labels... the worst incidence of this was a shaker of salt and cayenne pepper... sugar was the 3rd ingredient!) has been mandated to also destroy the long term life prospects of the herd.
Sugar is without a doubt a slow motion poison... and it sets in motion a wide range of serious health issues.
It is (for me at least) hard to imagine that The Men Who Run the World have not purposely put this plan in motion --- they could easily stop it by issuing an edict and disseminating it via cnnbbc convincing the herd to embrace healthy living ... and taxing the shit out of sugar... and stopping these useless dangerous vaccines.
The same PR Team convinced 6B to shoot the Rat Juice... they generally do what they are told.
Big Picture -- The Men Who Run the World are not idiots -- what they are doing is necessary... and they will not stop .... so instead of moaning about it ... there are things one can do on a personal level (if you want to live to 100).... no processed foods... no sugar... exercise... (that's what I do)... and of course no vaccines.
Unfortunately ... unless you are nearly 100 now you won't be living to 100 no matter what you do ...
1. Health system have records of your covid injections... in NZ this apparently happened I asked a Vaxxer what the process was for getting a shot - you need PHOTO ID... they then check to see when you had your last shot.. if the time frame is too short... no Rat Juice for you.
2. The PR Team (and Ministry of Truth) want the herd of morons to believe the Rat Juice is completely safe. What better way to convince them than by claiming someone injected 200+ shots... and is completely fine.
I need you all to back me. The work is done. It's robust. But i am alone and broke after fighting 4 years... 1000x more people need go read my articles to understand what harmed them and what they can do to get cured.
Thanks Mark--very thorough! The entire vaccine industry is built upon lies all the way down to the bottom. The love of power, and money is a root of many evils.
Hi! In your opinion, could oxygen therapy theoretically help repair heart damage from the covid shots? Thank you for all the wonderful work you do!!! I'm going to leave a comments on some blogs about your work.
Yes, the repair of fetal stem cell of pregnant mother's hearts suggests that oxygen therapy stimulation of stem cell can repair the heart.
However, I believe it should be done very progressively to avoid risks of arrhythmia. One has to wonder why does the heart has so few stem cells. And that's likely related to asynchronicity of too many new myocytes could trigger a heart attack. So progressivity and caution with the heart.
Mmh, I don't know. Have you read (or seen) 'The Color from Outer Space' by H P Lovecraft? This global terror of Big Pharma and their mRNA death clot shots is very reminiscent of an all-pervasive mind virus planted on us to change us and make us do whatever the government wants us to. We have no say about our food and pills and substances that they feed us with. And when we develop symptoms, they simple give us more drugs and pain killers and gene therapies. I am so tired of this, but it looks like there never was any evolution with man. There was creation, and there there was wipeout. Cheers. T
It's actually quite simple ... and logical.... we have 8 Billion people on the planet ... if too many of them live to 100... the burden on the global economy represented by these unproductive geezers... would collapse civilization.
The folks who run the show made a decision ... they don't want to see civilization collapse... so they created vaccines... to ensure most people are dead before the burden grows too large
It's for the greater good.
Alas there is a personal solution to this --- no vaccines - and eliminate sugar and all processed food from your diet.
Too hard? Well then... nobody should complain... cuz 'they' aren't gonna do it for you
If we were meant to take nutrients into our bodies bypassing our lungs/digestive systems directly into our blood streams then we would have been created with a hole in our skin. Our bodies are perfect. Injections are just a quick, effective delivery method to deploy toxins, causing harm and ultimately death.
Epoch Times is forward thinking on many issues, including health. Tucker has a huge audience, but he trails Epoch Times coverage. Tucker seems to get some of his ideas for interviews from them.
Marc's bolus mechanism for vaccine harm should be extensively researched in national and university laboratories. It should be seriously considered as a potential systematic public health risk.
That won't happen. Because it's a feature not a bug of the health care system ... they do not want too many people living to 100
Hi Denis
Denmark introduced aspiration for Covid vaccinations in March 2021, and Sweden always used aspiration according to Marc Girardot.
Could you please pass this information on to Tracy Beth Hoeg since the Bolus Theory would explain why Sweden and Denmark did not have any extra excess deaths correlating with Covid vaccine rollouts.
Thank you, Denis.
I have made very little conjectures overall. It's mostly applied science, basic probability, physics, and immunology.
My biggest conjecture is "cancer happens when stem cells try to dilute contamination" (as happens with ROS), on the vascular side, it's mostly reverse-engineering from the wounds using known scientific principles/laws, often even calculable. The only conjecture on the vascular side is that when there's too much blood flow pressure where the endothelium is stripped, erosion occurs, and aneurysms form.
Marc, your theory is so keenly and observationally insightful and your reference to the Semmelweiss phenomenon is, sadly, equally apropos. When normalcy bias is set firmly (and institutionally) in place with *many* vested interests cementing it in place at that it becomes next to impossible to override that level of intentional inertia. I follow Steve K pretty closely but somehow had not intersected with your work until this morning, thanks to a link to this article having been shared by Revolver. OMG, it all makes so much sense :o Thank you, will be sharing with many I promise!
Thank you for your comment.
It's been and still is a lonely arduous battle (notably I am completely broke because 10,000 hours of pro-bono work for the community is like committing a financial seppuku), though the theory is slowly gaining momentum. Do share. And feel free to ask questions, if things aren't clear.
Sorry to hear this ... the thing is ... there is no turning the Titanic... the forces behind this run the world... and what they want... they get...
It may not seem like it ... but we actually do not want a global population living like the folks in Sparta.... that would be a disaster for the global economy (too many elderly people not contributing)...
A useful analogy is that of indigenous people in the far north... back in the day when ships didn't deliver Raviolo and Doritos... resources were short... so the elderly did what was necessary.... they walked out into the cold... lay down... and ended their lives... ensuring that there were enough resources to feed to new generation
It's like that... only far more sophisticated.
Not only is there no way to stop this --- stopping it would be a bad thing.
The take-away is use this knowledge to keep yourself healthy. Screw everyone else... they won't listen -- and they will hurl insults at you calling you an anti-vaxxer.
Let them shoot all the vaccines they want... and let them stampede down to the KFC and McDonalds to fill up with sugar-laced garbage.
Who cares.
Marc, I am finishing “The Needle’s Secret” this morning (read most of it yesterday). I’ve had one epiphany after another! I’ve read and researched for over 3 years - but always knew there was a missing piece to the puzzle; BOLUS was the missing piece! I am forever grateful.
FYI: Practicing Autophagy has been my game changer! On three occasions, issues have arisen post-jab, for which there was no remedy. Each time, an extended fast worked miraculously! Trying to get HBOT, but in Tennessee, it’s $750 per hour!!!! Still, I’m pursuing alternatives.
God Bless You for Providing Help & Hope,
Thank you, David.
As I said several times, you don't necessarily need HBOT, NBOT (at 1 atmosphere) works just as well, it just takes 2 times more time, but much less time in the car or pressurizing the chamber (no pressurization with NBOT). You can easily get an oxygen concentrator. It's even possible to get a rental with a prescription. Dr Syed Haider, mygotodoc, apparently does prescription on those grounds:
Great resource! Thank you! Locally, I can’t even get a prescription for an oxygen concentrator - it’s insane. The self-pay cost is only $100 monthly - very affordable. I’m perfectly okay with reading or watching a movie daily while taking in O2. Regardless of the extended time, I feel like my life is worth it. 😂 lol
Again, after hundreds and hundreds of hours of research - you provided the missing piece!
With A Grateful Heart,
Hi Marc, My son is considering joining the Australia Army for a GAP year. He has just completed High School and has deferred his study for at least a year - he is not sure what he wants to commit to study wise. The ADF requires members to be up to date with vaccinations. Do you have any suggestions on how he might mitigate the risk if he chooses to go ahead with his application? E.g. Via a drip, aspiration, spread out over a few weeks.....
Hi Adrian,
My advice is to tell your son to change his career plan. :-)
He can mitigate the risk by:
- not joining a corp that does that to its staff.
The military have known these harm since the Gulf war, and they still don't care...
They will redo the vaccines later, and do that improperly, so he'll be at risk later.
- postpone until the scandal emerges and the military stops the lunacy.
- there is no way to stop anything from happening using today's injection method.
You could mimic bodybuilders, but they still get harmed: greater dilution, aspiration, very slow injection (over 3-4 minutes) isn't enough.
- diluting the vaccines in a large saline bag is a good idea, but I doubt a doctor will accept. A slow drop-by-drop, pre-diluted 2-liter saline bag could work. Say he has 4 vaccines typically injected in 0.5ml, that would be the equivalent of 2ml pre-diluted into 2000ml. So that's a 1000-fold dilution, then diluted 1700-fold. So an IV delivery via a saline bag with a flow of 200ml per hour would take 10 hours. That would most likely be safest, if done properly.
Thanks Marc, Similar to what I was thinking. I got my son to read your reply. He will have to decide.
I just looked up how to aspirate a needle and Ai it clearly states that the reason to do it is to make sure it’s not injected into the bloodstream or adverse side effects can occur! This theory explains so much; thank you.
When I went through nursing school (24 years ago), were taught to aspirate. I never poked anyone with a needle since then except for administering insulin to diabetics. I don't know if the general protocol has changed, but I was shocked to hear that nurses were taught to not aspirate when administering the Covid-19 vaccine. I don't know if that is true, however, or simply a rumor.
Thank you Cynthia. I hope you'll read the book. It's a great way to support me, but also to become empowered in front of the medical establishment, and help people around you.
All the best,
This is beyond amazing work but my concern is that this will simply give rise to the new "patch" vaccine.
I hope you enjoy the book, and will share the John Campbell video:
Great interview!
Thank you.
Hi Beverly,
Thank you for your comment.
I understand your point which is a fair one.
My position here is that, first and foremost, harm needs to be stopped.
Vaccine efficacy or not, vaccine justified or not, are important, I agree, but it will take time to stop them.
Meanwhile, kids will be harmed. Realpolitik here is key: fight the battles you can win fast.
Moreover, this proves public health cannot be trusted, and will weaken their mandates which is also important. You can't mandate when trust is broken.
My take on this ... is that vaccines primary purpose is to ensure that not too many people live too long.
Consider what would happen if the average lifespan was 100.
To put it bluntly ... there would be huge numbers of useless eaters ... needing to be fed ... and cared for...
Imagine the burden on pensions... they would implode. Keep in mind that when the concept of pensions was put into play ... the average age of death was at least a decade lower than it is now...
Essentially all of this dead wood would eventually collapse the global economy.
Therefore The Men Who Run the World has their minions come up with a strategy to ensure few lived till 100.
I would also argue that adding sugar to just about every processed food in existence (I have a habit of checking labels... the worst incidence of this was a shaker of salt and cayenne pepper... sugar was the 3rd ingredient!) has been mandated to also destroy the long term life prospects of the herd.
Sugar is without a doubt a slow motion poison... and it sets in motion a wide range of serious health issues.
Two outstanding books
It is (for me at least) hard to imagine that The Men Who Run the World have not purposely put this plan in motion --- they could easily stop it by issuing an edict and disseminating it via cnnbbc convincing the herd to embrace healthy living ... and taxing the shit out of sugar... and stopping these useless dangerous vaccines.
The same PR Team convinced 6B to shoot the Rat Juice... they generally do what they are told.
Big Picture -- The Men Who Run the World are not idiots -- what they are doing is necessary... and they will not stop .... so instead of moaning about it ... there are things one can do on a personal level (if you want to live to 100).... no processed foods... no sugar... exercise... (that's what I do)... and of course no vaccines.
Unfortunately ... unless you are nearly 100 now you won't be living to 100 no matter what you do ...
Because ...
This another reason for my respect for the Amish.
Is the book going to be available on Kindle? Or paperback only?
Hi Jackie,
The book is finally available on Kindle.
Please share.
Someone's lying. 😂
I do not believe he actually did that.
A couple of reasons...
1. Health system have records of your covid injections... in NZ this apparently happened I asked a Vaxxer what the process was for getting a shot - you need PHOTO ID... they then check to see when you had your last shot.. if the time frame is too short... no Rat Juice for you.
2. The PR Team (and Ministry of Truth) want the herd of morons to believe the Rat Juice is completely safe. What better way to convince them than by claiming someone injected 200+ shots... and is completely fine.
That's for sure...212 shots that's 2.12 trillion nanoparticles rampaging down his vascular system, doubt he'd still be alive.
This defnitely should be what our Public Health Authorities should be looking into, along with our medical researchers.
Sounds logical. Couldn't someone take this up?
I need you all to back me. The work is done. It's robust. But i am alone and broke after fighting 4 years... 1000x more people need go read my articles to understand what harmed them and what they can do to get cured.
Thanks Mark--very thorough! The entire vaccine industry is built upon lies all the way down to the bottom. The love of power, and money is a root of many evils.
Hi! In your opinion, could oxygen therapy theoretically help repair heart damage from the covid shots? Thank you for all the wonderful work you do!!! I'm going to leave a comments on some blogs about your work.
Yes, the repair of fetal stem cell of pregnant mother's hearts suggests that oxygen therapy stimulation of stem cell can repair the heart.
However, I believe it should be done very progressively to avoid risks of arrhythmia. One has to wonder why does the heart has so few stem cells. And that's likely related to asynchronicity of too many new myocytes could trigger a heart attack. So progressivity and caution with the heart.
Thank you!! Posted about you on Jessica Rose's substack and Pierre Kory's.
Jessica is a friend and has briefly mentioned me before.
Wow! She seems like someone who would be a good friend and a great mind to share ideas with.
Mmh, I don't know. Have you read (or seen) 'The Color from Outer Space' by H P Lovecraft? This global terror of Big Pharma and their mRNA death clot shots is very reminiscent of an all-pervasive mind virus planted on us to change us and make us do whatever the government wants us to. We have no say about our food and pills and substances that they feed us with. And when we develop symptoms, they simple give us more drugs and pain killers and gene therapies. I am so tired of this, but it looks like there never was any evolution with man. There was creation, and there there was wipeout. Cheers. T
It's actually quite simple ... and logical.... we have 8 Billion people on the planet ... if too many of them live to 100... the burden on the global economy represented by these unproductive geezers... would collapse civilization.
The folks who run the show made a decision ... they don't want to see civilization collapse... so they created vaccines... to ensure most people are dead before the burden grows too large
It's for the greater good.
Alas there is a personal solution to this --- no vaccines - and eliminate sugar and all processed food from your diet.
Too hard? Well then... nobody should complain... cuz 'they' aren't gonna do it for you
If we were meant to take nutrients into our bodies bypassing our lungs/digestive systems directly into our blood streams then we would have been created with a hole in our skin. Our bodies are perfect. Injections are just a quick, effective delivery method to deploy toxins, causing harm and ultimately death.
Marc, try to get on Epoch Times American Thought Leaders with Jan Jelielek. Kevin McKernan mentioned you at 8+ minutes in this interview he did with Jan:
Epoch Times is forward thinking on many issues, including health. Tucker has a huge audience, but he trails Epoch Times coverage. Tucker seems to get some of his ideas for interviews from them.
Thanks. I know. Jan contacted me last September and I have been waiting every since.
Jan promised in December he'd come back to me... I know he's very busy. My readers need to help me scale the message.