What If A Cure To Most Vaccine Injuries Was Already Widely Available And Affordable?
The Bolus Theory explains the dynamics of harm, notably many vaccine-bolus-induced illnesses fall in the vascular micro-perforation category which has shown to be curable. Merry Xmas!
Merry Christmas! Maybe Santa does exist! …
When I started writing “The Needle’s Secret” early May of this year, I felt a deep and sad frustration. Namely, I had deconstructed eleven mechanisms of harm that explain nearly all the vaccine-bolus1 injuries, but nonetheless I couldn’t propose a cure to any of the vaccine injured. Based on the knowledge I had assembled, I couldn’t yet responsibly propose avenues to investigate with their doctors.
When my sister asked what she should do about her newly diagnosed arteriosclerosis, I didn’t have an answer in part because that was never my purpose, but also because I didn’t want to suggest anything that could make it worse. It’s satisfactory intellectually to know what’s going on, and more importantly to be in a position to prevent future accidents, but it’s also very unfair for those who have been harmed.
What’s the use of knowing what happened, for the ones suffering? They just want a solution. And that’s what doctors are for, finding a solution. But how can Doctors cure someone when they don’t understand what actually happened to their patients?
Stroke victims want the specter of Alzheimer’s to go away. Myocarditis victims pray that they won’t be part of the people who depart overnight silently without ever saying “Goodbye, I love you.”. People suffering from so-called “auto-immune” diseases want the pain to go away, and their lives back. Obese patients want their body to stop being inflamed and to sort the nutrient it needs and not let everything in like healthy bodies do. Autistic children probably also want the pain to go away and all the other illnesses they suffer from to disappear. Endocrine disorders patients want their old self back…
What if a simple and safe solution existed…
Bolus Theory Update
Like any bolus, the vaccine-bolus is a random event. During that first cycle through the vascular system and the body. It can hit the endothelial walls anywhere.
As demonstrated in my article on Autism, anyone being hit by a vaccine-bolus would be inevitably hit in several areas, in several severities and in several modalities:
in several areas because it’s a chaotic process. Parts of the bolus can be scattered throughout the entire body. Some of the vaccine-bolus can hit in the lungs and then another part goes and hits the intestines. Another one will hit the heart capillaries, the brain and the kidney. Or multiple organs as
observed in the fatal case of a 14-year old Japanese girl2. Almost all scenarios are imaginable.
in multiple severities because the bolus goes from highly grouped and highly concentrated to totally diluted downstream. In the process, sub-groups with varying concentrations can be formed and sent in various directions, with varying degrees of concentrations. The higher concentrations will cause greater damage to the vascular system. The more concentrated hits and/or the longer exposure in the capillaries will create greater damage downstream by blocking blood flow. Imagine this as a ruined photo exposure where the aperture is too wide (concentration) or too long (bolus length). In any case, the picture is overexposed. same with a vaccine-bolus rampaging down one’s blood vessels.
in various modalities because as you can see from the map below, one can be harmed in 11 different ways.
Tied to severe endothelial damage:
(1) An overwhelming supply of coagulation factor leads to thrombosis and related issues,
(2) Severe endothelial damage in a very high blood flow area leads to aneurysms and their deleterious effects,
(3) Local lack of calcification inhibitors evidently leads to arteriosclerosis and other calcification events,
(4) Misallocated growth factor leads to angiomas and fistulas,
(5) Necrosis tied to clotting leads to organ and system dysfunctions (organ failures, hormone hypo-secretions, ulcers…),
(6) Vascular micro-perforation tied to disseminated damage leads to a huge number of modern-day illnesses (neurodegenerative disease, hormone hyper-secretion, neuropathies, auto-immune disorders…).
Tied to stem cell transfection:
(7) Senior stem cell contamination leading to aggressive cancers,
(8) Junior stem cell contamination leading to more indolent cancers,
(9) Stem cell division misalignment caused by contaminant leading to monosomy and trisomy disorders,
(10) Chromosome break-up caused by contaminant binding or interference leading to DNA deletions, translocations and duplications) ,
(11) DNA contamination leading to genome integrations and mutations.
Herein I won’t address cancer - (7) and (8) - which I have addressed already. Evidently, if the 30% increase in “Living with cancer” searches in Google Trends is confirmed in reality, then cancer will represent a large portion of the injured, nearly 1 in 10. Given the vaccination of young children and to pregnant that is cause for concern.
The genetic disorders (9),(10),(11) will mostly hit with cancer. Genetic tinkering causes unrepairable damage, at least for the time being. Here only gene therapy will eventually offer an answer.
The coagulation related issues (thrombosis and white clot syndrome) are typically transient and, typically managed via anticoagulant, and any thrombus resolved via surgery.
A very large number of people will end up with arterial plaque. I have already addressed that and the way it can be alleviated in the following article:
But the largest group of injured lies in the micro-perforation category. Why? Simply because we know the dynamic of the bolus goes from concentrated to disseminated. One will necessarily have more disseminated hits than concentrated ones. That’s basic probability. Moreover we know that the capillaries take up the largest endothelial surface. So the entire surface of all capillaries is immense includes the skin, the fat, the bones, the intestines….compared to the large arteries and veins.
Is Micro-Perforation a Validated Hypothesis? Yes, many studies prove vaccines can trigger vascular/capillary leakage.
There’s overwhelming evidence that in certain circumstances - logically small clusters of vaccine-bolus hits - holes are poked into the endothelium. Whether it is called vascular permeability or capillary leakage. Here’s a list of a few case reports and studies highlighting vascular permeability following COVID-19 vaccination
As of today, December 21st 2023, 2,679 reports on neurodegenerative diseases tied vascular leakage can be found in VAERS:
Dementia: 830
Multiple Sclerosis: 1,273
Parkinson’s disease: 321
Huntington’s disease: 9
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: 246
Neurodegenerative disease can take take decades to manifest themselves. This is very telling, all the more so since we know that the under-reporting in VAERS was massive. According to several whistle-blowers, and contrary to the Law, health institutions forbade employees to record adverse events in VAERS.
And indeed, harder to hide micro-perforation related illnesses such as myopericarditis have 27,206 reports in VAERS!
What does vascular permeability entail?
You are probably wondering what illnesses are triggered by vascular micro-perforation? But first, let me explain two basic principles in regards to vascular perforation, and notably the implications of making leaky a blood-X barrier.
One evident role of blood-tissue barriers is stopping elements from penetrating/crossing whatever the barrier is protecting [for example maternal milk, grey/white matter, blood from gut bacteria, heart cells from metabolic waste…]. Whatever is retained by the barrier is necessarily toxic to the protected organ or to the system… The tighter the barrier, the more sensitive the organ. So it’s not surprising that neurodegenerative diseases are all tied to blood-brain-barrier permeability. Alzheimer’s (AD), Parkinson’s (PD), Huntington’s (HD), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), as well as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), all have been associated with Brain-Blood Barrier (BBB) dysfunction, with capillary leakage, and with endothelial degeneration.345678
All neurodegenerative diseases - and most likely all other degenerative diseases - can be - or are likely - tied to a leaky endothelium. It would be reasonable to consider that generally speaking, degenerative disease might not be actually genetic, but physiologic i.e. tied to a leaky blood-tissue barrier letting in toxic elements that progressively damage and degrade the tissue the barrier was supposed to protect.
Evidently, when toxic elements trespass into the tissue, the immune system immune system would react, and create an inflammatory reaction.
In the brain, either the immune system has evolved to be less inflammatory, or the worst inflammation lead necessarily to death, selecting only the least inflammatory cases. But it’s quite obvious, that in the rest of the body, such intrusion would lead to acute inflammations (think neuropathies, think leaky guts…). In areas where regenerative stems are particularly active like the gut or the skin, that might not necessarily lead to tissue degeneration, but simply to chronic inflammation.Another important role played by the endothelial layer is regulating out elements produced by the organ [for example red blood cells, immune cells, hormones and enzymes…].
If a physical barrier no longer exists, it’s quite natural to deduce that an over-release of material will occur, whether it’s mature or not. Whatever the barrier used to contain and normally releases discretely based on specific needs detected in the blood stream, now passes through the barrier, continuously, unhindered in abnormal quantities. This challenges the idea that there’s actually hyper-secretion of hormones, the micro-perforation of the endothelium in an endocrine gland would logically trigger an over-release of hormones.
How does vascular permeability likely happen?
Well, it’s pretty simple. Holes are poked in the walls of one’s blood vessels and capillaries in an organ or in a system, and then aren’t repaired as they should.
Why are holes perforated into the vascular walls? I have multiple times explained that a bolus is a concentrated group of particles. As it circulates downstream through the vascular system, the bolus naturally fragments and the high initial concentration - which can have the endothelium layer destroyed over 120 times - decreases. During the first blood cycle after the direct injection into the blood, the dilution is far from perfect, and so small clusters of concentrated particles will hit the thin blood micro-vessel and capillary walls and transfect the cells. As per the vaccine mode of action, and as observed in all the autopsies, once detected by the immune system, recruited T-cells will come to destroy swathes of endothelial walls. Bringing about considerable damage and leaving open the barrier.
This damage is too important for normal neighboring cell substitution repair. Remote stem cells need to be called in to repair to be effective. In many cases, the repair seems to be uneven. Likely circulating stem cells were monopolized elsewhere upstream from these small holes, leaving these small holes open.
What illnesses are related to vascular micro-perforation?
I see at least 5 categories of micro-perforation related illnesses:
chronic/transient inflammatory diseases: Arthritis, Asthma, Bowel Inflammatory Disease, Bronchiectasis, Celiac Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Hepatitis, Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Fibrosis, Leaky Gut (Obesity), Myopericarditis, Peripheral Neuropathies, Psoriasis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Uveitis, Tinnitus…
Metabolic waste and other elements (albumine for Alzheimer, likely gluten for Celiac…) would cross the open barrier and trigger an immune reaction.
Interestingly fasting, by limiting metabolic waste, should theoretically be a benefit, and is indeed interesting to slow down many inflammatory disease, and also slows down neurodegenerative disease…degenerative diseases: Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Aphasia, Huntington’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Macular Degeneration, Mucoviscidosis, Muscular Dystrophies, Myasthenia Gravis, Optic Neuropathy, Osteoarthritis Disease, Parkinson’s, Spinal Muscular Atrophy…
If unwanted material trespasses in the tissue, it will inevitably bind with, interact or disrupt the local environment, for example aggregations of amyloïds in the grey matter when the immune system is no longer as effective (hence the fact that Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are age-related ) will progressively be deleterious and damage neurons.
The immune system always works to try to compensate and rid the environment of these intruders (hence the inflammation), but long-term the deleterious effect will inevitably be overwhelming, specially in area where regeneration isn’t permanent, especially as long as the blood-to-X barrier is not repaired.hyper secretion endocrine disorders: Acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome, Graves' disease, Hypercalcitoninemia, Hyperinsulinemia, Hyperparathyroidism, Hyperprolactinemia, Hyperthyroidism, Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Precocious Puberty, SIADH…
Here it’s pretty obvious that hormones produced by any endocrine gland that are normally stored and released on demand, will simply be systematically liberated into the blood stream, creating an over-supply of hormone (confused with over-production).
chronic infections via direct blood bacterial contamination
Simply the permeability either of the gut-blood barrier - or possibly in the mouth or nose - is such that bacteria would have access to the blood stream.T-cell mediated conditions: Female and Male sterility9, Retinitis10, Macular Degeneration11
Some areas of the body have very specific protein expression that are not common, and that can be perceived by the immune system as non-self, as a foreign protein requiring. Typically, the blood-tissue barrier is very tight there to avoid such attacks that is the case in the ovocytes, the testis and the retina.
Is it possible that one single treatment can solve all these illnesses? And if so, what is this universal cure?
Given that the root cause of all these illnesses is unique - a leak in the capillaries and the blood vessels - any solution to repair the endothelium, or more precisely to trigger stem cell reparation, should work naturally.
We know from micro-chimerism - the fetal stem cells repairing the pregnant mother’s BBB - that the body has the capacity to repair the endothelium if given enough time and enough stem cells for the repair. So yes, any treatment triggering safely endothelial stem cell replication should have the same potential, if followed during a sufficiently long period of time, to repair the hole and to bring back the tightness required.
The treatment is Oxygen therapy.
Hyper-oxygenation can be poisonous for stem cells. Consequently, stem cells trigger an evasion-by-replication strategy whereby they dilute the excess oxygen by rapidly dividing. The consequence is likely that these stem cells are released in the bloodstream and roam the circulatory system to find a space to repair, indiscriminately. So, it can take weeks to see some benefits, because it will fix all the damage, not just one specific one.
There’s likely multiple ways to bring excess oxygen to endothelial stem cells. The safest and most natural way - in my opinion - is by breathing pure oxygen intermittently, either hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT) in compressed chambers (1.7-2 atmospheres), or at natural atmospheric pressure (NBOT for Normobaric), during a significant amount of time.
Below you will find a table with a series of studies showing remarkable results in a number of conditions related to leaky endothelium: ALS, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy and Parkinson. As you can see, most positive results are after 40 hours for HBOT.
Both HBOT and NBOT have been used by doctors for decades. And HBOT is authorized by the FDA for 7 or 8 conditions.
Except if you can afford to buy your own pressurized chamber, HBOT is not very practical: In the US, there’s only 150 centers, so there’s under-capacity and you need to go there every day for 2 months.
Normobaric oxygen can be delivered at home by renting or buying an oxygen concentrator. And theoretically, 1-hour in the morning and 1-hour in the evening will likely deliver the same results. It’s safe and relatively inexpensive.
This is a very very big deal. Many of the illnesses cited above are incurable to this day. And most likely the pharmaceutical industry will fight this, as this is the promise of a world with much less drugs.
Evidently, this is not a silver bullet (but it’s pretty close :-)). People who have suffered from Alzheimer for years won’t recover their memories, some of the deleterious affect can’t be solved just with 2-month’s worth of oxygen therapy. Nevertheless, understanding the wide pathological scope of endothelial micro-perforation opens the way to curing many illnesses that were believed to be incurable for decades, and will alleviate the pain of billions of people’s and improve their lives probably more then they’d ever dreamed.
Can’t think of a better time to write this article and share it you. Merry Xmas!
Love, Marc.
Copyright: Marc Girardot
Feel free to support my work and my family.
A bolus is a high concentration of particle going down the vascular system. A vaccine-bolus is a concentrated swarm of vaccine particles that have the capacity to penetrated cells in a concentrated fashion.
“A case of fatal multi-organ inflammation following COVID-19 vaccination” by Nushida et al
“Neurovascular dysfunction and neurodegeneration in dementia and Alzheimer's disease” by Nelson et al
“Impaired vascular-mediated clearance of brain amyloid beta in Alzheimer's disease: the role, regulation and restoration of LRP1” by Ramanathan et al
“Vascular disease and vascular risk factors in relation to motor features and cognition in early Parkinson's disease” by Malek et al
“Microvascular Changes in Parkinson’s Disease- Focus on the Neurovascular Unit” by Paul et al
“Blood–brain barrier breakdown in Alzheimer disease and other neurodegenerative disorders” by Sweeney et al
“Modeling the Human Blood–Brain Barrier in Huntington Disease” by Vignone
idem 9
idem 9
Marc, I really am impressed with your thinking. Also depressed by the response you have gotten from the "Medical Freedom Movement."
We need to get the word out to people. There was a post by Jeff Childers today regarding the way both the anti vax and the pro-vax community now believe that it is the toxicity of the spike protein causing everybody's problems. It may be another circus that is diverting us from the truth, which you just might have found. You can find Jeff's post at:
You could post a comment more intelligent than the one I posted. He has a large following, and you could really amplify your message!
Merry Christmas!
Very nice preamble.