In his ground breaking book “On Intelligence”, Jeff Hawkins, the creator of the Palm Pilot, detailed out how intelligence works. To Hawkins, intelligence acts as a predictive mechanism of the brain based on a series of outside stimuli and on acquired hierarchically prioritised patterns, and a time-delayed expected outcome.
Even though I had to shelve my passion for the brain a few years back (hence the brain model on my shelf) along with my plan of bio-mimicking it for organisations, I remember reading an article that showed that the neocortex process can go astray, and that the brain has a bypass process whereby the higher hierarchy has a direct access to the first-level of neurones to sanity check the substance of the information it is getting from the 5 intermediate levels: an indispensable reality check developed during Evolution.
Interestingly, Toyota has a similar process. It is called Genchi Genbutsu - 現地現物 (real thing, real place): Go and verify for yourself on the ground the reality. When there is complexity, uncertainty and confusion, it is a sound survival advice to go probe on one’s own the reality of what one is being told.
If Evolution selected this off-track neuronal process, it necessarily means it’s a fundamental element of our personal survival, of our sanity and it could possibly also be a fundamental element of our collective survival.
Just like business leaders, citizens need to trust the society they are part of, the organisation they belong to. But we also need to have hacks to make sure we are not being fed BS and led to disaster. This article is intended to be one of those hacks.
As a human organisation, societies are the exponential expressions of the sum of their human components. And this is why the collective achievements of humanity are often overwhelming in beauty, in reach… but also sometimes in evilness.
When societies go sideways, because of endemic corruption, of decadent cultures, or of deviant ideologies, all individual human flaws can be added and exponentially expressed into cataclysmic events. The outcomes are horrific events like the Shoah, the Rwandan genocide or the Cultural Revolution.
Read the “Lucifer Effect” by Phil Zimbardo, the father of the Stanford Prison Experiment, if you want to better understand, how you and I can become monsters…and more importantly what we can do to avoid it.
All the elements of the evil recipe are united today to turn our world into Hell
On a global scale, what do we have today?
Lying1 and unethical2 authorities:
Leaders are supposed to be exemplar in ethics and in behaviour. If they slip, the whole world slips into chaos. What we have witnessed these past 2 years are repeated lies (masks, lethality, lockdowns, vaccines…), surreal made-up forecasts, constant statistical manipulations, evident obfuscations, fraudulent studies, psychological nudging, constitutional overreach, in-your-face corruption and collusion, shady vaccine contracts, violent punishment of opposition…
A majority of vaccine fanatics have been nudged and brainwashed by terrifying propaganda into regiments of potential executioners convinced to be on the right side of ethics, of order and of a sanitary pursuit: ostracising relatives in family reunions, snitching on neighbours, applauding banning, refusing basic treatment to unvaccinated, shamefully refusing life-critical operations to veterans, building quarantine camps… and
An ostracised community of COVID vaccine skeptics, either clairvoyant on the sanitary risks of these hastily developed inoculations, or simply grounded and intuitive in nature, horrified at the already apparent disaster, who have become the focus of all the hatred of the world: beyond being literally outcast in many countries, threatened with jail or camps, singled out on Google maps for participating to democratic rallyes…
Add in Social media, Big Tech partisanship, that makes for an extremely dangerous mix according to Dr. Zimbardo’s principles. And I think intuitively many of us are profoundly scared of what lies ahead if we don’t manage derailing this collective dystopia.
I still don’t understand how all our friends, family and neighbours can still be entrenched in terror, or still be in denial, when everything shows SARS-COV-2 kills 0.1% or less of the infected, even with no treatment.
Covid was almost certainly a man-made disease, made worse by family doctor interdictions, by paracetamol generalisation, by treatment privation and by untested and unapproved interventions that made things much worse.
Covidians are like drowning swimmers who in their panic hit and drown those who have come to help. They have started to become a threat to the lives and to the livelihoods of those that have seen through the false narrative and haven’t succumbed to the mass hysteria. We are seeing behaviours reminiscent of the worst of France occupation…
Vaccine fans need to awaken -“take the red pill” as my friend Steve Kirsch says - before we end up in a civil war, a modern-day war of sanitary religion:
Covidians viewing the vaccine as a quasi-God as a comforting answer to everything
A religious taxonomy: People have a blind faith in these vaccines. They believe in Science. Vaccination is a modern-day baptism. Photos on the social media of masked individuals are only signs of belonging and virtue signalling.
Injecting children who have absolutely no need for it, in a sacrificial lunacy reminiscent of the worst days of the Incan Empire
Even Pope Francis - in my opinion - shamefully falling for this new Golden Calf heresy
The worse atrocities were committed in the name of religion. Men with the conviction of moral high-grounds have shown to commit the most monstrous crimes throughout history. We are already seeing the most peaceful of countries, Canada, fall into tyrannical violence against protesters.
This in itself should open the eyes of many, the disproportionality of it all…
More successful than H1N1, Covid was the same reckless privatisation of public health by a few private interest. The cost of this entirely made-up crisis is dramatic, notably for the younger generations
Cascade of Signs Points to Vaccine Toxicity
If one doesn’t want to believe the scientific evidence, the clinical facts, the epidemiological logic that point to the toxicity of the current vaccines… Here are a pot-pourris of facts, events and charts: Pick and choose one to open up your eyes.
Anyone earnest, and who has the best of his/her family at heart, should realise the fraud and the danger …
German Insurance Company Announces Alarming Vaccine Adverse Effect numbers …
Yesterday Welt reported: BKK company announced insurance claims data in Germany are sending alarming signals.
Insurers in the US Have Also Seen Drastic Rise in Non-Covid Mortality

German Authorities Finally Decided to Use the Aspiration Technique
A few days ago, the German authorities finally decided - after more than a year - to reinstate the decades-old injection technique I described in my previous article: “What Could Go Wrong?”.
This event is not anecdotal, especially when one knows the Danish Public Health authorities undertook that in March last year. This highlights two fundamental facts about this world vaccination campaign:
These vaccines are toxic: in concentrated fashion - direct intravenous injection - they are more toxic and kill faster, but the cytotoxic effect of the nanoparticles remains the same.
Authorities cannot be trusted as either by pure panic or by evil corruption, they have been very slow to pick up the extremely disquieting signals that many of us had seen over a year ago.
Something real must have triggered this change in policy…
Pfizer Balks after India FDA Declines Emergency Use Approval
There’s no smoke without fire…

New York Times Finally Reports the CDC Has Been Hiding Data
Is the House of Cards finally falling? For those who have been following it should come as no surprise, but for those who have entrusted their lives and that of their loved ones
“When the C.D.C. published the first significant data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65 two weeks ago, it left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group least likely to benefit from extra shots, because the first two doses already left them well-protected.”
Evidently Wall Street has Started to Investigate…

What we have known for some time now:
Remote Islanders Started Dying of Covid When Vaccination Started …
Anyone who has ever been to Seychelles can understand that viruses cannot survive the combination of scorching sun and salty air, and that the simultaneity of the rising deaths from Covid in May 2021 with the start of the vaccination campaign was highly suspicious.
… Same Thing for Asians who were Protected by Sterilising Immunity so far
As proven by serologies in January 2021, India was already largely immune in May 2021. In Yokohama, Japan, tests on pre-Covid saliva showed pre-existing sterilising immunity against SARC-COV-2 (at least 47% contained neutralising IgA antibodies)
But if they were already immune, Asians certainly didn’t die of Covid in 2021 in large numbers, else they would have also died in 2020 and it would have been visible.
Again the precise synchronicity is not necessarily causal, but it is a clear signal to be confirmed.
If you want Causal Analysis Check Out My Good Friend Jessica Rose’s Video
Click on her funky picture for the link.
Let Jessica run you through all the Bradford Hill criteria that demonstrate these vaccines are dangerous.
Recent Isreal Survey of Post-Booster Adverse Effects is Mind-Boggling
My friend Galileo shared recently a translation of the interview of 2,049 boosted individuals.
The results are flabbergasting:
4.5% had neurological adverse effects
0.5% had Bell’s Palsy (that’s 1 out of 200!)
0.5% had visual issues
0.7% had Herpes appearance (simplex or zooster) indicative of partial immune deficiency
The part that scares me the most is the people who were not able to answer to the phone call … Why are the elderly not over-represented in this survey ?(see above) They should because elderly have shown to be more sensitive …
Who, in their right mind, would want a child to produce spike where it’s not supposed to?
We have known for months now, and the vaccine manufacturers have known for over a year, that the viral vector and the lipid nanoparticles leak into the body in large quantities with catastrophic consequences.

The mechanism of action of these vaccine is hacking healthy cells to have them produce pathogenic material. The immune system will attack those cells: See the hands and feet of this poor child…as he’d been burnt. Now imagine concentrated in the heart, the brain, the bone marrow… Is that a risk worth taking for a virus that isn’t dangerous to kids.
NHS is Looking for Multiple Vaccine Damage Payment Clercs…
Our intelligence doesn’t require Randomised Controlled Trials to know what’s good for our loved ones.
Our survival instincts are found on numerous indicators that make up a clear picture from uncertainty: this is the essence of Human intelligence.
I could have continued listing hundreds of indicators. I hope this will help you face and embrace the tough reality that these vaccines are poisonous. In some circumstances (lower dose, damaged LNPs, slow leakage…), they can seem innocuous, but the combination of a cytotoxic mechanism of action and massive leak to the blood stream make it particularly dangerous, and has had already disastrous consequences to our collective health.
Thankfully the human body is extremely resilient and heals remarkably.
Ready for the Red Pill yet?
I apologise to my readers for a messier and more graphic article than usual. Gathering evidence in the field is often messy, but it’s a fundamental process of our survival.
We need to stop these particular vaccine technologies immediately. It’s never good to dust things under the carpet, it always comes back to haunt you. Collectively, we need to make sure this never happens again.
I sincerely hope as many of our friends, relatives and neighbours will open their heart and their eyes on this collective lunacy. Our arms are open. We love you all, care for you…
For more on vaccine effectiveness: “Can a shot in the deltoid stimulate mucus in the airways? ...” and “The Broken Vaccine Promise”
For more on vaccine safety: “What happens to those billions of NanoParticles you've become host to?“ “What could go wrong?” and “No one would ever accept permanent fever... So, why accept permanently high antibodies? It's a "Death Zone"!”
“The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects” New York Times, February 2022
“Why is the government relying on nudge theory to fight coronavirus?” The Guardian, March 2020
A commenter on another substack said that, trying to convert a covidian was like playing chess with a pigeon, you move, he knocks your piece down, craps all over the board, then struts around like he won.
Given that the above scenario is so often true, still, will not stop me from trying.
Thank you for this article with excellent resources in one place. I have already forwarded and will continue.
Will these Covidien’s ever really come back to normal?? They are willing to sacrifice their children, their family and friends, everything for this new demonic “religion”…
I so much wish we could take down the main stream media and big tech censorship… Without them, none of this false/dangerous misinformation would be out there poisoning their minds… and it is a poison!
I have a huge question… Why in the world have so many of the doctors and medical professionals all over this world gone along with this?! The 12-year-old boy with blisters all over him and his doctor still trying to get the mother to give him the second shot?? They should all be shot up with 1000 boosters🔥🔥🔥 what happened to do no harm??!
This registered nurse is FED UP!!!