Breakthrough Observations
Here are 5 factual observations that everyone has been avoiding, but that easily explain vaccine harm.
The first thing a scientist does is observe.
Observe neutrally, openly and in good faith.
I want to share with you five observations that triggered some serious interrogations for me, that are foundational to the Bolus Theory, and changed my perspective radically.
Was using an anti-tumor technology such a good idea?
Observation: mRNA vaccines were adapted from anti-tumor therapies that Moderna and BioNtech had off-the-shelf, as such they should trigger T-cell attacks.
Interrogation: Are cells penetrated by vaccine particles attacked by the immune system?
The answer is: Yes, all immune-sensitive cells that uptake mRNA particles will be attacked and destroyed by the immune system. Fragments of the protein produced by the contaminated cell will be presented to the immune system outside the cell (see graph above). It will be identified as non-self, and the cell will be destroyed.
This is why I was particularly concerned when I first learnt about the vaccine leaking into the vascular system where there’s considerably more opportunity for transfection than in the tissue simply because of movement, pressure and growing blood vessel constraints in the progressive restriction to the capillaries.
With tens of billions of particles, each dose has a considerable toxic potential. Imagine that circulating through your vascular system.
Less than 1,000 vaccine particles concentrated on 1 square millimeter can cause a significant enough leak for a stroke…That’s just 0.00001% of a Pfizer dose and 0.0000025% of a Moderna dose.
A 1 leak in a medium sized artery will kill you in less than 10 days because your body won’t be able to produce enough haemoglobine.
What doctor can guarantee when he/she injects you with vaccines that a tiny fraction of the dose won’t hit a specific spot where repair by circulating stem cells will be next to impossible given the blood flow pressure, and arterial dissection or a stroke will occur?
Analogy:Imagine occasionally a 3 seconds burst of electricity would come out of an electric plug, and electrocute whoever is around. Who would accept to live in house like that? Your electricity provider commits to controlling its electricity 100% of the time, and securing it 100% of the time.
Doctors inject a massive amount of (cyto-)toxic particles without knowing where they might end up, nor where they might concentrate and how often. A real shot in the dark.Conclusion:
Presumably the vaccine mechanism of action risk is also true for all vaccines that will penetrate a cell and activate a Tcell reaction:attenuated virus vaccines (MMR, Varicella)
pseudo-virus vaccine (AstraZeneca, Jenssen)
virus-like vaccines (HPV, Hep B)
If this vaccine immune-trigger is part of the mechanism of harm, these other vaccines should also have similar adverse events…and that could also explain past doubts on vaccines causing SIDS, ASD…and potentially more.
How can some be harmed and other not with the exact same product?
Observation: Some have been harmed by vaccines; many haven’t.
Interrogation: How can the exact same injected product engender such a different outcome?