Accidental IV injection is real: Ever heard of "Tren Cough"? Bodybuilders regularly suffer this adverse event after steroid injections
"Tren Cough" is the proof that injecting in the muscle without aspirating carries significant risk of hitting a blood vessel with devastating consequences: a 5% chance!
For almost a year, I have been adamantly stating vaccine injuries are tied to accidental intravenous injections. “Tren cough” is the evidence I have been looking for. It proves that accidental intravenous injection are a significant reality, a reality that isn’t minute contrary to what the medical community thinks. This widely-known evidence ascertains further the Bolus theory that I have developed throughout my articles these past few months.
A big thanks to Eric for reaching out, and making me aware of “Tren cough”.
The more I age, the more I look forward to open debates and diversity of perspectives. It sounds like an overused narrative, but there’s nothing better than a good old fashion discussion to connect the dots. Here’s my story:
Last Wednesday, I had scheduled a Zoom call with one of my readers, Eric, who wanted me to write a piece on Autophagy. As often in a friendly open conversation we ended somewhere else altogether. Eric is a fitness entrepreneur in New York, a former bodybuilder and actor. Evidently, he comes with a rich and diverse experience I have no idea about … The Internet can’t really solve that gap. Only a human interaction can.