A War on Humanity: How Neuronal Damage Shapes Our Society
We have physically damaged the brains of a large part of the population and modified the very nature of our humanity. Is neuronal harm behind some of the lunacy we have witnessed these past few years?
In memoriam of Elizabeth, my beloved ex-mother-in-law who suffered decades of psychiatric disorders…most likely from an ill-injected shot during childbirth.
I remember some years ago, before Covid, in the staircase of a Parisian building, a widowed woman was hopelessly struggling with her autistic teenage boy who was having a crisis. He was screaming to his mother and the world. Something raw, primal. There was a sense of deep despair in both voices. A mother tenderly trying to appease her child. Desperate. Tired. Helpless. A child whose brain and body had most likely been maimed by a vaccine and whose childhood had been ruined, expressing his anguish, his pain, and a feeling of deep injustice.
The brain is the center of who we are; it hosts our humanity.
Society today doesn’t grasp the reality, the gravity and the scale of what has happened to our world:
It’s not the human genome we have modified.
It’s the brains of billions of people.
Several articles show the heart is hit - however lightly - at each intramuscular Covid vaccine injection12. Given the root cause is a bolus of vaccine particles and given the size of the brain is six times that of the heart, the brain is more exposed than the heart. In other words, when every dose of Moderna vaccine injures sub-clinically 2.8-5.1% of the vaccinated’s heart, it most likely harms sub-clinically even more people in the brain. Repeat the process seventy times on every class-age, and you have a large part of the population with invisible neuronal damage, people changed from who they originally were.
A recent study of kids born between 1999 and 2002 in Florida3 showed stark differences in neurodevelopment disorders (NDD) between vaccinated and unvaccinated by the age of 9, with nearly a 7x difference in learning disorders between vaccinated and unvaccinated.
In line with the Bolus Theory, the more the children were vaccinated, the higher the percentage of autism was.
That’s twenty years old data…since then, the vaccine schedule has intensified some more.
A 2022 study4 showed that by 8 years of age, 23.9% of publicly insured children children received a diagnosis of 1 or more neuro-developmental disorders!
One in four children!
That’s by the age of 8 only, those are the detectable ones…and that’s pre-COVID.
In other words, what is the ratio by the age of 30? What is the ratio once we account for the COVID shots? Is it 50% of the population? More?
Where is the outcry?
Why isn’t this on the national news?
Where is the national security crisis?
Tinker with the brain’s sophisticated balance, and you will modify a person’s humanity. Our brain drives our empathy, our capacity to interact socially, our restraint, our perception of other human beings and their emotions...and more. It is the center of our emotions, of our perception of pain and pleasure, the locus of our joy and our sorrow…and it is the foundation of our cognition and our intelligence.
Tinker with the brains of a population, and you will unavoidably corrupt humanity and end up with a Frankensteinesque society.
Frankenstein isn’t necessarily evil. A Frankensteinesque society would be made up of new mis-assembled tribes, sometimes missing fundamental bricks of our humanity, or whose foundation has been twisted, whose apprehension of reality has been modified...and when I look at our world today, I see a lot of that in a variety of instances.
Whether you believe our humanity is a gift from God, an evolutionary process, or both (like I do), the slightest scratch or bump to our brain not only modifies the physiology of our brain, but it also necessarily breaks the sophisticated optimized system that makes us humans, that makes us who we are.
The same cause that breaks down blood-tissue barriers and drives degeneration and illness, harms the brain and corrupts our humanity, our relation to ourselves and to society.
I am not saying brain vaccine-injured aren’t human; no, they are very human. But some have been unfairly stripped of natural capabilities that are intimately human, which can change their rapport with the world, reality, society, family, and friends, even to themselves.
I am saying that some have been unjustly deprived of fundamental traits for which we have evolved to live harmoniously, which puts these individuals in an untenable place where some no longer can empathize, others don’t want to socialize, or possibly even want to have children…the list of possible domino effects is sadly infinite, and often invisible. The impact on society can only be chaos, pulling us away from our humanity.
Those of us fortunate enough to be untouched, who have healed - or simply have been hit elsewhere in the brain - are often bewildered, cautious, and sometimes hostile to our injured brothers and sisters. How could we understand what happened deep in the neuronal networks?
As President Trump reaffirms “Reason”, notably with the affirmation of two genders, I hope this article will help put an early perspective on the philosophical, ethical and practical implications of neuronal tinkering at a population level.
The neuronal harm done to a large share of the population, these past forty years, gives a perspective on the irrationalities we have witnessed this past decade: transgenderism, mass-shootings, addiction crisis, wide-spread depression... The woke movement was undoubtedly accompanied and fueled by evil people eager to make money on the despair of many vaccine-injured children and their families.
Multiple studies have highlighted the higher number of transgender dysphoria in autistic individuals567, suggesting that the hypothesis of mass-scale neuronal harm is true. As demonstrated in “The Needle’s Secret”, I have no doubt that autism is the outcome of vaccine injuries, and that vaccine injuries is multi-faceted, notably neurologically. Many can be harmed in the brain without also being autistic.
The incredible rise in autism, in bipolar disorders, in neurodegenerative disease, in endocrine disorders, the drop in IQ are all signs of a population-level damage of the brain with inevitable negative societal implications.
Brain injuries can be infinitely diverse, and the imbalances are likely expressed in multiple ways, directions and graduations: depression, hyperactivity, aggressiveness, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, antisocial disorders, changes in personality, eating disorders…
If one had to imagine the societal outcomes of playing a game of micro-lobotomy darts with our children, a picture of today’s society would emerge: broken, fragmented, irrational, lost, fearful, harmful, depressed, addicted…
Those who were neuronally harmed were unfairly stripped of one or several of God’s gifts to humanity, whether it’s the capacity to express love or emotions to others, the capacity to read emotions, the capacity self-assess…
Not only have we damaged humanity’s health on an unfathomable scale, but we have also changed the nature of today’s humanity with indiscriminate and diverse forms of vaccine-induced micro-lobotomies…
What do I mean by micro-lobotomies? The physical destruction of neurons or other elements of the brain via necrosis (mechanism of harm #6 - Bolus Theory) leading to the erasing of one or several neuronal functions as would a physical surgical lobotomy.
Here hindering our sense of social belonging. There hindering our empathy.
At a planet level, modifying the brains of a large percentage of the population, impacting, in one way or another, any one trait that makes us human. I can’t imagine this being a good thing, personally or collectively.
How can one contemplate having one’s personality, one’s ultimate intimacy - the way we think, perceive the world, perceive ourselves, and interact with our loved ones and the rest of the world - modified?
I have several times mentioned the dramatic story of one of my readers who goes by the tag name of Père Fouan on X. According to what he told me, his husband was a charming, warm-hearted man. Overnight, after a dose of COVID vaccine, his personality changed to that of a cold-hearted robot. This might be an extreme case, but it isn’t a rare case. Beyond this individual heart-breaking, life-changing experience, billions, either as a direct victim or an indirect victim, are touched: autism, bipolar disorders, dementia, mental disorders, depression… The massive scale of the injuries has changed our societal fabric and our humanity.
For the past four years, I have been trying to alert the world. I have reached out to the media, journalists, and many personalities. Almost no one answers. No news is so significant, but nobody cares. Frivolities are more important to them than the survival of our world…it’s unbelievable!
What I have uncovered - the bolus theory, the link between a design flaw in the intramuscular injection protocol, the toxicity of vaccines and modern-day diseases, the industrial-scale harm to our children and to humanity itself, the solution to instantly stop this catastrophe, the effective therapies mimicking natural repair, the potential to save tens of trillions of dollars - all are being ignored.
Everybody seems locked into their little chapel, ego, belief system… Not sure what else to do, frankly…
Yesterday, a mother who had called me for help a few months ago announced her son had died despite her attempts to help him.
Once again, I have failed.
This young man was the age of my second son, Romain. He didn’t need to die. He never needed a vaccine in the first place. Doctors could have saved him with the right protocol.
My heart hurts for this young man and his mother. And, today I am angry. I must admit.
He died because, collectively, nobody cares. Vaccine-injured can’t take it anymore.
The doctors told him his epilepsy crises were psychological; they didn’t care, but they knew full well the shots they pushed caused this.
The sold-out media who continue to ignore the Bolus Theory, don’t care either. Ego seems more important that death itself.
The so-called freedom fighters also are more focused on self-aggrandizement, back-stabbing, and going to events, than helping the truth come out. They don’t care either.
I have sacrificed my family, my wealth, and my future, because I have come to realize we are running to the abyss. This isn’t just about Covid. This isn’t just about illnesses. I now realize that we have corrupted the soul of humanity itself.
I don’t regret my engagement, because it was the right thing to do. But, in the face of such resistance, or should I say cowardice, I can only pray that those who say they want to save our children finally call me, or read “The Needle’s Secret”, and that all of you will stand up, and actively join me. The emergency is real. Watching comfortably from the couch on the sideline is not an option. This isn’t some bad movie. It concerns you and all the people you love.
President Trump’s election is a fantastic opportunity to change course. This fight is about the survival of the human race as we know it. Nothing less. It is worth fighting for. Help me help your loved ones. Join me.
Love Marc.
PS: On the personal side, the battle is also hard, I owe nearly 4-months of rent to my landlord. Any help is welcomed in whatever form to avoid eviction in the spring.
Feel free to order “The Needle’s Secret” . The reviews continue to be exceptional.
My identifier on PayPal is marc.girardot@icloud.com
“Assessment of Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2–vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients” by Nakahara et al. - Reference
“Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination” by Buergin et al. - Reference
"Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid" by Mawson & Jacob - Reference
“Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Publicly or Privately Insured Children in the United States” by Straub et al. - Reference
I witnessed rapid onset dementia with 2 of my closest. a friend and relative. Both dead now. Have seen big changes in others.
Bingo. It doesn’t seem to matter whether I am dealing with a casual meal laborer for the day, or a well credentialed professional, SOMETHING has changed in society, and I think you are spot on. When I saw your picture of the brain as dartboard, and thought of my own errant throws, and what that would look like superimposed on a brain…..it hit home. We in the West, and those exposed to Western medicine are massively brain damaged in myriad ways.
As much as I love people and human interaction, I absolutely dread what used to be routine contact with someone I don’t know, because I’m terrified of losing it when I am confronted with yet another blank face, especially when it is a well#meaning blank face, that has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what I am talking about, for instance, when I asked a hospital “account specialist” for the TOTAL amount owed, all the bills added together…..and had absolutely no fucking idea of what I meant. None.
I am resigned to trying to guide my daughter and grandson the best I can for the years I have left on this planet; the rest is in God’s hands. Sauve qui peut.
Thank you for all you do!