A Novel Perspective on a Not So Novel Virus (II)
Virus Novelty Myth - Mucosal cross-immunity is a fundamental tenet of our urbanised civilisation that has been largely ignored by modern epidemiology.
This is Part II of an article published in August 2021.
This part explains how cross-Immunity impacts our lives by providing a protective shield that most epidemiologists to this day have ignored: Mucosal immunity is granted by the high incidence induced by high population density. It was very visible in the fatality rates across the globe prior to vaccination beyond the 1,000 inhabitants/sq.km. threshold, the fatality rate dropped to almost zero around 4,000 inhabitants/sq.km..
In my discussions with Nobel Prize winner, Pr. Michael Levitt in the fall of 2020 - a truly wonderful man - we both realised lived density had to play a part. Pr.Raoult had stated that no correlation with population density had been found. That made no sense to me. I struggled with that inconsistency and also with the fact that most adults had to have had cross-immunity from past corona-virus.
Why did they still have symptoms then? Further investigation into mucosal immunity, its preemptive nature and the fact it wanes quickly made me understand that only high density area have constantly circulating virus that keep stimulating the population’s mucus to guarantee that type of protection.
For the record, that recognition inevitably meant that intramuscular vaccine could never be effective, since it was creating a reactive second line immunity we all already had. The recent nomination of one of the world’s leading experts in the field of mucosal immunity on the White House Vaccine task Force (Pr. Akiko Iwasaki of Yale) further demonstrates my point…
(Part I) …